Accounting Assignment

Accounting Assignment Words: 739

Students should be able to: Understand basic managerial and cost accounting concepts such as cost- volume-profit, budgeting product costing and cost behaviors. Explain and utilize cost behaviors and cost systems in a decision-making context. Prepare, use and evaluate budgetary data. Generate and use cost information when making pricing and resource allocation decisions. Explain cost allocation and its importance in decision-making. Evaluate capital expenditure decisions using discounted cash flow.

Outcome Assessment: Evaluation of the students understanding of managerial accounting will armorial involve homework, workshops using the case study, examinations, and classroom participation. Homework will be used to evaluate computer skills and communications. Team work will be evaluated with use of the case study. Discussion of homework will be used to evaluate oral communication skills, and projects will be used to evaluate ability to solve unstructured problems. Attendance: Attendance and participation in class are key components of learning and understanding managerial accounting material.

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Rather than taking attendance, quizzes will be given at random both to reward those who attend lass and to help students to evaluate their understanding of the concepts. Classroom Assignments: During each lecture session students will have an opportunity to work short exercises from the book that relate to the subject matter. Students are expected to bring the text book to class and participate in these sessions. This prepares the students to complete the assigned homework for the chapter. Homework and Assignments: Homework assignments are listed on the attached pages.

Students must complete all homework assignments in Excel. Handwritten work will not be accepted. Some homework problems have Excel templates available at www. Meme. Com/brewer. It is okay to use these templates. Homework is due on the day it is discussed in class. NO homework will be accepted via email unless the student has an excused absence. Homework solutions will be posted on Blackboard after class discussion. Note: Instructor reserves the right to change homework assignments during the semester. Undergraduate Learning Assistants: Undergraduate learning assistants are assigned to each section of this course.

These people are available for tutoring and individual help. They are also very involved in the Friday lab sessions. Students should seek these people out and obtain help whenever they need it. Your LULAS will be introduced on the first day of class. Friday Lab Sessions: Nine Fridays during the semester are dedicated to lab sessions. The Lass will also be available to help students during these sessions. These sessions will be used to complete the High Mountain Coffee Company case study. The lab will be held in Room 1301 of the COBS Building from 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM.

Students may come at any time during the Friday session. However, attendance is required. Each lab takes approximately one hour to complete. Each task must be completed and graded before the student can leave the lab that day. Late lab tasks will not be accepted. If a student absolutely cannot be in the lab on a given day, they must contact their ALA in advance and complete the task in advance. Otherwise a zero grade will be assigned. Quizzes: Twelve quizzes will be given at random during the semester. Each quiz is worth 10 points and the lowest two grades will be dropped.

The quizzes have two purposes: 1) they are a way to encourage attendance, and 2) they give he student an opportunity to test their knowledge prior to taking an examination. Examinations: There will be three examinations. There will not be a comprehensive final examination. Each student should bring an 81/2 by 11 inch ruled Blue Book to each examination session. These can be purchased at the IBIS bookstore for a nominal amount. Students cannot use cell phones or any electronic device for calculators during the examination periods. No advance or make-up examinations will be given.

Communication: All lecture slides will be posted on Blackboard. Each student should print and bring a copy to the respective lecture. Each student should consult Blackboard and student email daily for notices. Cheating: Business students are preparing to accept professional responsibilities after graduation. Avery important part of that professional responsibility is honesty and trustworthiness. In order to develop these traits you should make it a priority to identify ethical dilemmas and resolve them ethically. For many students, the decision to cheat in their classes is their first professional ethical situation.

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Accounting Assignment. (2019, Feb 18). Retrieved February 23, 2025, from