Academic Misconduct Assignment

Academic Misconduct Assignment Words: 1367

Sometimes during high school there are many things that’s teenagers get involved in. One of those is time management. Plagiarism is one way us teenagers can get our homework done faster. Since the Internet plagiarism has been increasing overtime. We really need to think about the consequences for that. According, to Griffith university (Australia) there are many different kinds of plagiarism. Presenting a submitting another students paper as one’s own. Paraphrasing an author’s words without proper acknowledgment. Quoting directly from a source (book, journal, and article) so as to imply that the words are one’s own.

Also, plagiarism is a fact of life that is in academic writing; sometimes it occurs when a person is lazy and not willing to engage him/her in research and study. According to Indiana University, academic misconduct is defined as any activity that tends to undermine the integrity Of the institution. Academic misconduct includes: Cheating Fabrication Plagiarism Interference Violation of Course Rules Facilitating Academic Dishonesty As the comes to mind to think of academic misconduct or plagiarism is the dead that a person has used words or sentences from someone else’s work, and not given the person credit.

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Plagiarism explained includes, plagiarism, collusion, and cheating. Plagiarism- involves the use of another person’s work without full and clear referencing and acknowledgment. Collusion- is a specific of cheating, that occurs when or more students fail to abide by directions from the examiner regarding the permitted level of collaboration on an assessment. Cheating- involves presenting another student’s work as your own. According to the University of Waterloo it states that “Copying and Pasting is never appropriate. ” choose this because I did that many of times in grammar school and never sited my sources.

But now I know that you always have to show proof of where you got your information from. Below are examples of the more common violations. It is not intended to be an exhaustive list of what NOT to do, as it is impossible to summarize all examples of academic misconduct: Forgetting to use quotation marks for verbatim quotes Forgetting to reference the source of information (including quotations, paraphrasing, research, etc. ) Using someone else’s words, whether a hearse, sentence, paragraph, or more, without proper acknowledgment Posting work you do not own (i . E. Freighted info) on a web site Resubmitting an essay or assignment (in whole or in part) for another course (or a repeated course) without explicit permission from the proof(s) Failing to acknowledge help from a peer (excessive collaboration) Sharing or discussing data, answers, or assignment info with others before it is graded Communicating with others during a test or exam Splitting up questions among members of your study group Encouraging there not to submit their work Copying work from others, or allowing your work to be copied Copying or sharing, in whole or in part, from any source (verbal, text or web) without properly acknowledging it in your work Doing work for others or having someone do work for you (for free or a fee) Obtaining a medical note (Verification of Illness form) without having a serious medical issue Having unauthorized aids (i. E. Cheat sheets, programmable calculators, etc. During an assignment, test, or exam Cheating in any form (meaning anything that exults in you is not doing the work on your own). According to the University of Judicial Affairs Section 2, C its states: The Costs of Academic Dishonesty Others may decide to cheat. If so, don’t assume that it is tolerated. Students can be suspended or expelled permanently from the College or University for academic misconduct. A failing grade in a course is a common sanction. In addition, scholastic dishonesty leads to the creation of a disciplinary record, which may impact your future employment and education opportunities. In short, it is simply not worth the risks. Academic misconduct also has consequences that extend beyond the individual.

In the marketplace where graduates compete for jobs, the value of a university of Cincinnati degree is largely related to the reputation of the University. Incidents of scholastic dishonesty reflect poorly on the institution’s integrity and lessen the worth of the education attained by all university students. This means that any student breaks this code, has many risks in the future of his/her employment or the workplace. In Buffalo State directory of policy statements there are isolations for academic misconduct: All students at the college are expected to display honesty and integrity in completing course requirements and following college academic regulations. Academic misconduct” refers to any form of plagiarism or cheating on examinations or assignments, and is inconsistent with the aims and goals of the State University College at Buffalo. Instances of academic misconduct include, but are not limited to: Prior acquisition or possession of an examination and submission of false data. Submission of the work of another individual without proper acknowledgement. Performance of work in a course for another individual while registered in the same course. Failing to demonstrate academic integrity by not upholding the individual’s basic share of responsibility for collaborative course work and/or assignments.

In the university of Sioux Falls it says that: Dishonesty, Destruction or Theft of Academic Resources, Obstructing Access, or Other Acts that interfere with another person’s work Definition: Seeking to gain an unfair advantage by lying, stealing, restricting access to facilities and data, destroying or damaging resources, corrupting the research environment, or theme’s interfering with someone else’s work; preventing or attempting to prevent another person from utilizing authorized assistance and resources. Examples: stealing, destroying, disabling equipment necessary for academic research or instruction stealing, destroying, damaging, or corrupting the products of academic work (e. G. Tests, projects, lab reports, research papers, data files) deleting or tampering with another person’s data or content in a project, test, or assignment attempting to diminish another person’s performance by reading disturbances or distractions during a presentation or assignment seeking special consideration by arranging/feigning loss of academic work through theft, tampering, damage, or destruction Obstructing another person’s work by “losing” data, concealing evidence, hiding information or materials, lying, or creating any ruse that would prevent one person/group from obtaining equal access to resources that other people/groups can use freely. Also, using improper use of computers or sources; Improper Use of Computers Definition: Using computers to obtain or distribute improper/illegal ammunitions; degrading, compromising, or tampering with computer files, equipment, and systems; circumventing systems that are protected; using computers to cheat. Downloading or transmitting libelous material, obscene or offensive messages, or threats using computers to harass, intimidate, or make trouble for another person hacking, circumventing protection codes, obtaining/using another person’s password without permission, invading protected files deleting, changing, or introducing erroneous information into grade records, confidential files, or another user’s files (whether retorted or not) constructing viruses or knowingly introducing viruses into a system; attempting to halt the system or to compromise its performance stealing software or copying programs and data without written permission cheating obtaining/using unauthorized material, supplying/communicating unauthorized information to another user using a stand-in respondent or substitute participant in an online course From my point of view, from where I sited my sources there are most from Universities of the United States. Each of them has many similar and different ways of handling academic conduct of a college student. Also, there are some ways that you can avoid plagiarism.

Here is an example of one: Paraphrasing or rewriting Gigabit (2003: 75), here are some ways to avoid plagiarism: Make a list Of the writers and viewpoints discovered in one’s research and use this list to double-check the presentation of material in one’s paper. Keep the following three categories distinct in one’s notes: personal ideas, personal summaries of others’ materials, and exact wording that is copied. Identify the sources of all material borrowed – exact Roding, paraphrases, ideas, arguments, and facts. Check with the instructor when uncertain about one’s use of sources. Knowledge-production is a key element of university teaching and learning. Academics – either students or teachers – are expected to conduct their work in an ethical and honest manner.

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Academic Misconduct Assignment. (2019, Dec 19). Retrieved March 11, 2025, from