Personal Ethics Assignment

Personal Ethics Assignment Words: 295

Based on the scientific management theory, what are some of the routines in health care that seem to be inefficient? What examples of participative decision making exist in your workplace? Provide your rationale. Frederick Taylor (1856-1915) was the founder of the scientific management theory during the time of the Industrial Revolution. The management theory developed to organize and teach work process in a scientific manner increased productivity and profit.

Taylor believed that using a scientific teeth for each element or task of an individual’s work would increase productivity. A worker’s job could be measured with scientific accuracy by using time and motion studies and the expertise of experienced workers (managers). A scientific system was established to hire, train, and promote workers based on their competence and abilities and match them to the most appropriate job. Productivity would be improved through scientific selection and progressive development of the worker.

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The relationship been the managers and workers needed to be cooperative and interdependent. The manager was to plan, prepare and supervise. The workers were to do the work. Financial incentives were used as a reward and workers were reimbursed according to their level of production (Marquis & Huston, 2009). Some of the routines in health care that are inefficient based on the scientific management theory is the lack of visibility and communication between management and the staff nurses who are the frontline caregivers.

The lack of functional equipment and resources that is necessary to provide quality patient care. Nursing staff turnover due to poor and ineffective management. Shared Leadership and Unit Based Councils are examples of participative decision making in my organization that empower the nurses to participate on the issues that involve their nursing practice.

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