Ethics: Morality and People Assignment

Ethics: Morality and People Assignment Words: 2710

This was a very interesting project because I have never really concerned myself with my ethical beliefs or position. I Just did what I thought was best without really thinking about it in this manner. I am glad that I had this class. It was very enlightening. My beliefs and obligations to society is very simple, treat people the way you want to be treated. I am a firm believer of the Golden Rule. You will receive respect in the long run. I value the relationships that I have with others.

I view this respective as one in which I don’t really care what other people think of me personally, but I do try to establish myself as a fair individual. I never ever set out to do anyone harm although sometimes it has happened. This has nothing to do with whether you like the person or not. People tend to put emotions into what is right and wrong and sometimes you must separate this from logic. The street term for this is “keeping it real! ” Emotions are very tricky when it comes to one’s self. I believe that emotions are a lot like the short fuse of the devil’s advocate.

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What I mean is you can know in yourself what is logical but because of the situation and maybe the way it was presented sets that short fuse and allows the devil’s advocate to question what has Just happened in a negative way. So emotions have to be contained for the better good of the situation and possibly all around safety of those individuals involved. As a sole basis for making moral decisions, these FEELINGS are too unreliable and individualistic. Having self-control over your emotions is the best route. Society runs off of rules. RELATIVISM is the opposite of absolutism.

People ho hold this point of view believe that there are no absolutes in morality, but rather that morality is relative to particular cultures, groups, or even individuals, and further that everyone must decide upon his or her own values and ethics because there are no absolutes. My ethical path is somewhat on this track. Different cultures treat people in different ways. I believe you should treat people the way that you would like to be treated. When you treat people in a good way you will receive the same, but not all the time, because some people’s morals are different than others.

It sakes me feel good when I can assist someone and know that regardless of what happens later, I did something that I would have wanted someone to do for me. We as people tend to be very selfish and only concerned with us and ours, no one else. For the most part society is made up of mostly good people and they try to project that, but there are always bad apples in any bunch. So you have to deal with that part of society as well, but in a totally different light. A street saying is you “Feed them with a long handle spoon! ” In other words, you don’t let them in or let them get too close to you.

Things change and I truly believe that society changes as the sign of even the elderly carry cell phones and tablets. Information is almost instantaneously and everyone knows everything about everyone. I believe that we are a world that will not destroy itself. I want to help in whatever way I may. The time for everyone to start treating everyone with respect and good nature is now. I believe that is the only way for society to continue to prosper before the eternal lights go out. My beliefs and obligations to individuals fall along the same lines as society.

I want to always help those in need. This is whether I personally know them or not. I feel good when I can assist someone and know that regardless of what happens later, I did something that I would have wanted someone to do for me. We as people tend to be very selfish and only concerned with us and ours, no one else. People want to know they have some sort of worth to someone other than themselves. While I was a member of the United States Army, I and my fellow soldiers always wanted to hear that we did a Job when we were on missions. A lot of times we did not get any recognition.

So when I became a sergeant and I became a squad leader that is what I always did. I would let my fellow squad members know that there are no absolute where they will get recognition for doing their Job but doing a Job at the best they can do. I average Job would not be recognized. Some of the weaker members thought this was punishment but I tried to explain to them that if you don’t push yourself. How can you ever know what you are able to do? They thought that by being the weaker links I was punishing them and they went to company commander about it. I explained my position to the company commander.

He agreed with me, but it made me make adjustments to my program. I decided to give daily “AT A BOY. I would write letters of excellence to those who demonstrated levels far and beyond the call of duty. I counseled them and put the letter in their personnel file. That was a way to morally reward those who excelled. I give to different types of charities, sponsor different people and groups in all different types of events. I would not say that my moral code addresses self-interest because I do my best to look out for others even when it’s at the expense of me. This does not mean I neglect myself.

I Just try to help people when I can. With that being said, I feel people have a certain level of self- elf that they must demonstrate or I will be reluctant to assist them in the future. I’m not compelled to Just take care of an abele body person, only to assist them if needed. There are people in society whose sole purpose is to take advantage of other peoples kindness. I believe if you are not as consistent with helping an individual they will more likely not take advantage of you, not saying they won’t try but your inconsistency may keep them from succeeding.

This approach will help guard you and force them to either help themselves or seek assistance from some other sources. In the long run I feel happy with this ethical moral code. I also look at it in another way. The down and out person who holds up a sign asking for money for food, I would rather stop by McDonald’s myself and get them a meal opposed to the money. Now you have actually took care of his main need without giving him money for which he might use for something other than what’s needed.

A future situation involving me using my ethical system in the means of me rewarding or punishing someone would be when my youngest daughter graduates from college. She has already finished two years. It is very hard on her to work fulfillment as well as things easier on her by assisting with the maintenance of her vehicle. I will allow her to have her car put on my car insurance. I will continue with words of encouragement, because that’s what my wife does now for me, she continues to encourage me to stay motivated and to finish this educational Journey that I am on.

I will say it again, everyone likes to be encouraged and feel like they are doing something that matters to themselves and others. I will continue to support and encourage all those who may need it because that is what I would want someone to do for me. ABSOLUTISM, the absolute moral truths to which we must adhere and which particular situations, people, or places do not affect. I believe there are no absolutes and that things can be changed by situations, people, and places. My personal ethics says this by the way of me being enrolled in school now.

I know by attending school I am placing myself in a better position to obtain a competitive career Job. I also know that a better education isn’t a guarantee that I will get a better Job. Again there are NO absolutes. One of my classmates in this class talked about how an elderly couple was stranded on the highway and that people were assign them up not offering any assistance, but he turned around and went to assist them at which time others stopped to assist as well. That’s the good thing that I’m talking about. I feel we are obligated to help one another regardless of whether we know them or not.

I love it when the news programs report about a Good Samaritan story. This kind of story make you feel good, and encourage you to want to help as well. I don’t watch the news much because of what they are reporting because it’s mostly bad. I love the look and feel of Social Morality. I feel that we should do what Mr… Rodney King said” why can’t we all Just get along? At the time he said that people made a lot of Jokes about it, but wow was he spot on! Can you imagine if we could all Just get along? Man the world would be so awesome that people would even need to look forward to heaven because it would be Just as great here right now!

I did have mixed beliefs and obligations to myself, but that was a little earlier in my life. Now that I am older and I am straighter on my beliefs for myself. It is the same as I have been saying throughout this project; I have to keep it real with myself. I use reasoning in my personal moral code by keeping everything in my life real. No situation is looked at subjectively. I feel this is why a lot of people close to me do not come to me with a problem and want to hear what THEY want to hear. They know I will always tell them how it really is from a subjective point of view.

I don’t sugar coat anything because I don’t think that is being true to the other person or yourself as an advice giver. I don’t really care what people think of me personally but I try to establish myself as a fair individual. I never ever set out to do anyone harm although sometimes it has happened. I generally always treat people the way that I want to be treated. When you give respect you will normally receive it in return. This has nothing to do with whether you like the person or not. I am very cool with this because you cannot please everyone. Sometimes people Just want you to say what they want to hear.

I was never like that but I now realize that there are some situations that truly call for you to comfort someone even when you know they are as wrong as two left shoes. I have greatly matured in this area. Plenty of people act in the way that Any Rand’s Rational Ethical Egoism states about self-interest. I people’s interest more than myself. It makes me feel great when I can help someone ND not feel that I cheated myself in some form or fashion. DETERMINISM is on the same road as freedom. Everything in the universe has a cause. I will use my cause of going to school as determinism to make a change in my life through education.

I strongly feel that you can change things in the world by presenting opportunities. I will not or, do I believe that these actions will guarantee you a positive change but it will give you a better chance to experience something different and maybe positive as well. Emotions are very tricky when it comes to one’s self. I believe that emotions are a lot like the short fuse of the devil’s advocate. What I mean is you can know in yourself what is logical but because of the situation and maybe the way it is presented sets that short fuse and allows the devil’s advocate to question what has just happened in a negative way.

So emotions have to be contained for the better good of the situation and possibly all around safety of those involved. As a sole basis for making moral decisions, these FEELINGS are too unreliable and individualistic. Having self-control over your emotions is the best route. My obligation to myself is very important and should be important to all human beings. If you do not hold ourselves accountable to yourself how can you have the drive to experience everything that life has for you. By holding yourself accountable you set the stage for possible opportunities in life.

I mean great opportunities! Sometimes in life you can help someone by helping yourself. My personal moral code with act verses rule is really quite easy. I believe that your freedom is as much as you can allow. I think that a person can stretch the rules to the Max and then stay in the realm of the rules. Sometimes in order to maximize life you have to walk the fine line of a rule to help the situation. I’m not saying break the rules but there is a level of stretch that can be achieved without being in violation. I like the legal term, “LOOP HOLE”.

This is a form of stretching the rules and I think that education is a means for stretching. Knowledge is POWER. In life I believe there are loop holes that people miss because of knowledge and not looking for all opportunities in life and following up on those opportunities. My personal moral code addresses consequentiality and non- consequentiality in the way of rules are rules and there can be consequences if those rules are broken. I have and probably will again break some sort of rule but he difference with me, I know what the penalty will be and I’m will to accept that based on the risk.

This is not the best way to go but I’m true to myself and this is the way I prefer to do things sometimes. I do want to help but I will not turn down something that is offered. I would offer my blood to my friends for free. I believe that if you are true friends, no money can take the place of your level of wanting to help. With that being said, if my friend would insist on me taking the money, I would not cause a scene. I would accept his offer to keep down any additional emotional stress of the situation. If I was the person who needed the blood transfusion I think I would offer to pay as well.

I’m assuming that I can afford it. If they would accept my offering without telling me no, but they will do it for free; I would not be upset, because I was prepared to pay. If they refuse the offering and Just say no, I want to do it for you, then I would be Just as happy. Money Just isn’t always the answer! You have to stay on track with your life and what direction you are going. You need to someone along the way then that’s an extra “AT A BOY for you. This is the part of my morality that has brought me in full circle.

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Ethics: Morality and People Assignment. (2019, Aug 26). Retrieved February 23, 2025, from