It provides various products and services to the energy industry for the exploration, development, and production of oil and natural gas worldwide. The common elements of Code of Ethics in above three corporations are all carefully drafted and discuss the issues related to the code with employee representatives— highest professional standards that focused on employee honesty and responsibilities. For example, quote from Microsoft Corporation’s Code of Ethics, ” integrity and honesty; passion for customers, partners and technology (Microsoft Corporation’s Code of Ethics) Boeing Company ‘s Ethical
Business Conduct, “responsibility for the company’s commitment to integrity rests with each employee (Boeing Company’s Code of Ethics )”; Hallucination Company ‘s Code of Ethics Sates, “Company employees and agents are expected to observe high standards of business and personal ethics In the discharge of their assigned duties and responsibilities(Hallucination Company’s Code of Ethics). ” The differences in the above three corporations are depending on their unique characteristics. Microsoft Corporation’s commitments to the employee are those such as workplace safety, confidentiality of employee records and employee privacy.
Boeing Company focuses on employee obligations such as Intellectual property safeguards. Hallucination Company Is specific In disciplinary measures such as ” which may be Invoked at the discretion of the Executive Committee, Include, but are not limited to, counseling, oral or written reprimands, warnings, probation or suspension without pay, demotions, reductions In salary, termination of employment and restitution. ” From my point of view, the Codes of Microsoft and Hallucination Company are In a clear and specific format , for Instance, the allocations of responsibility, the porting system, monitoring and auditing etc.
However, Boeing Company’s Code of Ethics Is rather general and brief which contains no administrative details, such as disciplinary measures ; It simply states “violations of the company standards of conduct are cause for appropriate corrective action Including discipline. ” My suggestion to Boeing Company Is that their code should be more specific and detailed. Corporation Code of Ethics By honeying standards of business and personal ethics in the discharge of their assigned duties Boeing Company focuses on employee obligations such as intellectual property safeguards.
Hallucination Company is specific in disciplinary measures such as ” which may be invoked at the discretion of the Executive Committee, include, but are not without pay, demotions, reductions in salary, termination of employment and are in a clear and specific format , for instance, the allocations of responsibility, the Ethics is rather general and brief which contains no administrative details, such as disciplinary measures ; it simply states “violations of the company standards of conduct are cause for appropriate corrective action including discipline. ” My suggestion to Boeing Company is that their code should be more specific and