Sales Over Assignment

Sales Over Assignment Words: 664

Over the past two years, our website has converted a consistent 3% of its visitors Into sales, with very little fluctuation. Clearly, then, our goal for the upcoming year should be to raise the number of visitors to our site by any meaner necessary. If we can double our number of visitors by casting a wider net on pay-per-click advertising and by creating site content that is more search-engine friendly, we’ll double our sales. The author of the argument believes that the goal of the company for the upcoming year should be to raise the number of visitors to its website by any meaner necessary.

The author believes that the company will double Its sales If It casts a wider net on pay per click advertising and creates site content that is more search engine friendly. The author also notes that the website has converted 3% of Its visitors Into sales with very little fluctuation. Since the author makes a number of assumptions for such an argument, the argument Is not persuasive. To begin with, the author seems to assume that simply because it has converted % of visitors Into sales, the actual amount they spend In their website is a gallants amount.

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However, if the converted visitors don’t spend a significant amount through their website, the converted amount of customers does not represent a large fraction of the companies’ sales. The author also assumes that the simply spending more budget on pay per click advertising and creating a more search Internet friendly site will yield to double the amount of sales. However, this might not be case. For instance, the number of visitors sitting the website does not have to be directly proportional to the sales amount.

The visitors can spend more or less depending on the type of visitors who will visit the website, and thus, the Increase In sales will not be the same as the increase of traffic. Moreover, while the author seeks to Increase the number of visitors to Its website to increase the companies’ sales, the author does not include other possibilities of increasing sales. For example, the company can increase Its sales substantially on there effective and economical meaner of advertising such as e-newsletters or direct marketing.

It would make more sense if the author took into account other alternatives to Increase Its sales rather than focusing on one type. This argument could greatly be strengthened if the author is able to address some of the keys Issues outlined above. For example, if the author was able to demonstrate that the visitors they get from pay-per click advertising spend a substantial amount, this will increase the likelihood of the sales to double according to the proportion of visitors. However, since the author did not address this issue, this argument is not persuasive.

Over the past two years, our website has converted a consistent 3% of its visitors into necessary. The author believes that the company will double its sales if it casts a engine friendly. The author also notes that the website has converted 3% of its visitors into sales with very little fluctuation. Since the author makes a number of assumptions for such an argument, the argument is not persuasive. 3% of visitors into sales, the actual amount they spend in their website is a significant mount.

However, if the converted visitors don’t spend a significant amount through advertising and creating a more search internet friendly site will yield to double the the website, and thus, the increase in sales will not be the same as the increase of Moreover, while the author seeks to increase the number of visitors to its website increasing sales. For example, the company can increase its sales substantially on alternatives to increase its sales rather than focusing on one type. Of the keys issues outlined above. For example, if the author was able to demonstrate

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Sales Over Assignment. (2021, Oct 24). Retrieved October 18, 2024, from