Human Resource Management for Korean Shop Assignment

Human Resource Management for Korean Shop Assignment Words: 2460

Training and development 5. Performance evaluation and control 6. Compensation 7. Performance motivation strategies 3. Personnel All of this analysis will be helpful for the restaurant, it has almost every information about human resource management and provide a way to manage so that Mr..

Tong can make the decisions clearly. Table of content Executive summary 1 Introduction 3 SOOT analysis 3 Job analysis for positions 4 Personnel Planning, Recruitment, Selection Pan 5 The processes of Recruitment and Selection 6 Performance evaluation and control 6 Compensation 8 Performance motivation strategies 9 Conclusion 9 Introduction With the popularity of Korean TV shows, Korean food is more and more popular in China, It has broad market, so Mr.. Tong plan to open a Korean Restaurant in Hangmen Road, Shanghai.

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The restaurant will regard Korean TV shows as its theme and provide any food that we can see on the TV shows. What is more, the interior decoration of restaurant will be the same as the scene in TV shows, it create an environment that brings people into scene. The market target of this restaurant should be young people who are enjoying Korean culture, especially young couples. They are interested in Korean culture, so they have consuming desires. The products of this restaurant should include famous Korean food that includes chime, bambina, roast meat and so on.

Its price position belongs to mass consumption. The average price should be about 50 that can be accepted by most people. SOOT analysis Strengths The strengths of the Korean restaurant is that there aren’t many competitors in this realm of Korean cuisine. The new and exciting dining options will offer a healthy, organic, and distinctively unique alternative to the many unhealthy fast-food options currently available in the quick-set-vice marketplace. There is an increased desire for a variety in dining options, and Asian-theme foods have become a mainstream trend over the past few years.

With the globalization of food and beverage culture, Korean cuisine is something fairly new to the American palette and should prove to be fairly successful with the traditional and interesting new dining option. Also Korean cuisine is known for a balance of distinct flavors such as savory, sweet, spicy, salty, and sour, without the use of heavy sauces or oils. The foods are naturally fermented or cooked in a manner to retain as much of the natural nutrients as possible. Weaknesses There are limited sources of competition in terms of Korean quick service restaurants to gauge the potential for success.

There are the more established competitors of Asian quick service restaurants such as Panda Express offering Chinese quick service food and Hosanna offering Japanese kick service food. These major competitors have been in business for decades upon decades and have proven themselves in the realm of quick service restaurant chains in the United States and Asia as well as internationally. It will take quite some time to promote Korean cuisine as a competitor against these giant quick service restaurant chains.

Korean Style is only a sole proprietorship until it can prove to be successful in order to expand and organize franchise operations, which may take years to initiate. Opportunities Korean food such as Barbecue and Chime becoming ever more popular. Restaurant industry contain uses to grow as the need for families to delivery meals is rising due to the nature of their family roles and the changing traditional family roles. Also more and more people have enough expendable income for quick service food rather than casual or fine dining due to the economic climate of the past few years.

The healthy and organic dining alternative of Korean cuisine should also excite the adventurous food enthusiast. Something different often times are a draw to many persons and Korean cuisine is one such food that is new and exciting. The reads Korean Style is the fact there is a major food conglomerate has been creating a similar concept in locations throughout Shanghai even in China. The one of company name is POMPANO, they have owned food suppliers in Korean, which has unlimited resources and even manufactures their own food products and has major distribution capabilities.

The company has 29 stores in shanghai has a very high visibility and have a certain customer segments. This company will be a major threat. Job analysis for positions Financial Department It is responsible for calculating financial accounting, income and outcome, impressive records, supervises and reports all activities, current accounts of company. Accepts inspection of tax bureau and provides data in time. Has responsible for company’s annual budget, Monthly fund use plans, compares plans with reality, analyses and concludes them.

HER Admit Department It has responsible for works in propaganda, back office affairs, administration, etc. , makes sure all policy carry out well so that makes every activity and arrangement work in order. The department also summarize important files Reports, coordinate every work about reception and back office affairs. Give Lully play to role of organizing and coordinating in order to maximize the performance. It is also recruiting, selecting and training people, decide salary and reward policy, performance review policy and other policy that can motivate employees and improve their performance, encourage creativity.

Marketing Department Marketing department has responsible for investigating customers’ feeling and need, they have many ways to collecting these kinds of information. Questionnaires are the most common way, they provide questionnaires for customers and expect feedback from them so that they can do report and and to manager upward in order to make new decisions. Procurement Department Procurement Department is important department of a restaurant, it has responsible for purchasing checking and recording.

The price and quantity of materials will influence management efficiency and gross profit. Service department Service department has responsible for all things that about service, that contents reception, entertain, providing food and drink. Clean the environment, satisfied any reasonable requirements that customers ask. Cooks that have professional skills and creativity are the core of a restaurant. Personnel Planning Recruitment, Selection Pan Recruitment of Korean Restaurant and selection are critical processes for their organizations.

In recent years, there has been growing evidence that the formation of a positive psychological contract with employees provides the basis for a positive outcome in terms of organizational commitment and motivation. Also they are Recruitment and selections are vital tools in the formation of the expectations that form such a contract. With emphasis on a two-way flow of communication; employees select an organ animation that offers them better working conditions and incentives for long-term career.

The processes of Recruitment and Selection Interview: in one experiment researchers listed duties either as simple task statements (record phone messages and other routine information) or as ability statements (Ability to record phone message and other routine information). Respondents were much more likely to include the ability- based versions of the statements. Questionnaires: Important to decide how structured questionnaire should be and what questions to include. Typical job analysis questionnaire might have several open- ended questions as well as structured questions

Observation: Useful when jobs consist mainly of observable physical activity. Not appropriate when the job entails a lot of measurable mental activity. Participant Diary/ longs: For every activity the employee engages in, he or she records the activity, along with the time in a long. Performance evaluation and control personnel records Employees must complete personnel form before reporting for duty, provide correct personal information and photograph. Any changes during employment should be reported as soon as possible to the Ministry of Personnel.

Staff card Employees are required to take staff card when they are working. Any loss, should be reported immediately apply for replacement procedures, staff card shall be returned when employee was leaving. Work responsibilities Employees must loyalty, hard work, obey their superiors, respect to others and eager to help others, dedication to take their work responsibilities. Service attitude Be polite to all the customer, always smile, response to customer kindly, cannot dispute with the customer. In the event of an accident, you should immediately notify superiors processing.

Appearance Keep clean and tidy appearance, nails should be trimmed regularly. Male employees are not allowed to have a beard and long hair; female employees must put her hair into a kerchief when they are working. Behavior Employees may not have abusive language, smoking diet, spitting and talking or doing something not relate to their job. Also employee cannot have illegal behavior like: gambling, theft, drug abuse, alcoholism, graft, embezzlement, fighting, vandalism of public property such as equipment. Who contravenes will be fired or send to police.

Gleaning If employee pick up something belongs to customer, regardless of size, poor or expensive, staff should be immediately handed over to the competent stagnation in order to prepare for the owner to reclaim any time. Definitely not intended to keep greed or appropriation, once discovered will be disciplined. Carrying things out When employees go out, they cannot with any goods except they have permits, if they do, they will regard as criminals. Fire prevention Employees must pay attention to fire safety.

When fire accidents happen, employees should keep clam, shut down the electric devices and gas valve and help customers escape. Compensation Employee performance evaluation form Job deliberativeness I 1 Enthusiasm sometimes high sometimes low, the sack of entrepreneurial spirit (3 points) 2. Work with passion, but not lasting (4 points) 3. Initiative, enthusiasm, high motivation (5 points)l Responsibility 1. Be indifferent to sales situation of the shop (O points) 2. Care relate to personal interests (2 points) 3. The tasks allocated down passive completed (4 points) 4.

Active participation in the work shop, a common destiny with the restaurant (5 points) I Moral character I (Score average point from all employees, totally 5 points) I Efficiency,Quality of work 1. Completed ahead of schedule, quality standards (5 points) 2. Finish on time, quality standards (4 points) 3. Delayed completion, quality in general (3 points) 4. Not complete, quality is poor (O points) I Attendances 1. Absent (-2 2. )Late, leave early (-1) 3. Work on time (O points) I Care shop facilities I Damage or loss (-2 points) 2. Irregular, not clean (-1 points) 3. Neat and clean (1 point) 4.

Creative Decoration (2 points) I Monthly and quarterly evaluation work is completed within the first week during the evaluation, Evaluation Form will unified payment by the Ministry Of Personnel. The year-end evaluation is complete within last week of December r the first week in Jan of following year. Evaluation forms completed by the employees themselves independently, it should be handed over within the stipulated period. Evaluation form is done by the administrative personnel department and all staff. Each participant completed a rating scale. Evaluation classified by the superiors, colleagues, subordinates and self.

Calculate the average score first, and then according to the above mentioned different levels of staff ratio to calculate the final score. Evaluation results is link to bonuses and incentive systems. If employee dissatisfied with the evaluation exult, they can complaint to the Ministry of Personnel within 7 days. Overdue is regarded as agree. (Incentive system reward employees based on their assessment score to implement once every six months. ) Performance motivation strategies 1 . Allow the employees to help you devise a system to cut down on ticket times and improve the atmosphere in the dining room, for example.

They may be more receptive to new processes if you implement their suggestions. 2. Praise the waiters who have “upsilon” the most, chefs who added a delectable twist to a menu item or the line cooks that have been particularly lawful. Sometimes public recognition and appreciation during morning meetings or in group emails is enough to thank employees for a job well done and encourage them to continue. 3. Hold one-on-one meetings with your employees to discover the ways they’d like you to reward them for excellent performance.

A raise will motivate some workers, while other staff members will appreciate small gifts or occasional contests for upsetting or positive customer comments. 4. Keep the lines of communication open with your employees. If you maintain a respectful but relaxed relationship with everyone from the executive chef to the hostess to the busboys, they’ll be motivated to do their best to please you. 5. Host regular dinners or outside events where front of the house and back of the house employees can interact and get to know each other better.

The effort will result in a more unified, content team. Conclusion The department and HER have to change in many ways. The rate of change is likely to increase quickly and public and political expectations of service levels will continue to rise. We need to be able to continue to attract talented people who will be committed, involved in their work, will achieve high levels of reference and deliver excellent value for money. This strategy examines the issues that are central for HER to continue to support the department’s success and set a new direction.

The Government’s modernization and reform document Fit for purpose encourages the NICE to improve its systems, skills and abilities to provide relevant and appropriate public services. The three main themes of the reform agenda are shown in the strategic aims in this HER strategy. Good leadership is essential for effective change, and this is one of the main themes of this strategy. We are committed to improving our leadership at all bevels, and to becoming an organization where leaders lead by personal example and inspire others.

We need to involve staff to change and improve our business and service delivery. We have high-quality, professional and motivated staff who are committed to achieving business targets despite facing significant change. Our success will come from the way our people can anticipate, adapt and respond to change. We know that employees who are fully involved with the organization are more motivated, more productive and deliver greater benefits. When we put this strategy in place we will involve all our staff and communicate well with hem.

Through the senior management forum and various organizational development events, staff will have the opportunity to be involved in decision making and to express their opinions knowing management will listen to them and value their contributions. We will respond confidently to the challenges of the ‘Fit for Purpose’ reform agenda, and we look forward to working in partnership with all our people and our stakeholders to allow us to deliver our business objectives effectively. Like our previous HER strategy, we will review this strategy every year to make sure it is still relevant and to show its progress.

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Human Resource Management for Korean Shop Assignment. (2021, Oct 21). Retrieved March 10, 2025, from