Human Resource Management Assignment

Human Resource Management Assignment Words: 1733

This experiment consisted, in a first stage, in studying how the workers from that factory would react when manipulating various variables, such as increasing the illumination in the org place, being given scheduled work breaks and shorter working weeks. The results from this first stage were very positive, since production and productivity increased during the experiment period (Mayo, 1933). On a second phase, Mayo spent considerable time interviewing the workers in order to realism why when the physical and environmental condition were improved, an increase in productivity was noticeable.

Turned out that the main factor was not the physical changes, but the social and human factors, because during the period of experiment, the employees felt a genuine care room the company. It was then born the Human Relations School, that believed that management is a people-oriented business, and to insure high levels of productivity and morale, the organization must provide a good working environment, offer fringe benefits, social benefits and appear to show genuine concern for workers at work and away from work (Mayo, 1933).

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And with this “revolution in management”, almost every organization developed a Human Resources Management Department. This section of an organization focuses in ensuring that the company’s goals are achieved the cost effective and efficient way, by the human resources available to the organization (Buddha ; Aware, 2007). “Successful organizations will be those that are able to quickly turn strategy into action; to manage processes intelligently and efficiently; to maximize employee contribution and commitment; and to create the conditions for seamless change. (Lurch, 1998) part II – HARM Functions In this stage of the essay we will be presented with the nine functions of a Human Resources manager in an organization, and we will see how some functions can influence the strategies of other functions. The first one is Industrial Relations systems and processes, according to Dunlop(1958), this is “the process by which human beings and organizations interact at the workplace, and more broadly in society as a whole to establish the terms and conditions of employment” (Dunlop, 1958).

In order to succeed in this field, the Human Resources Manager must have a wide understanding of the labor relationship, the laws that cover any work related relations, and all the dynamics, contradictions and tensions of the employment relationship (Inkers, et al. , 201 1). The Industrial Relations scenario, must be taken into inconsideration, when designing jobs for the employees, when creating remuneration strategies and most importantly, when resolving conflicts within the company.

A good management of this relationship can prevent a strike (avoiding extra costs for the company) and improve the morale of the employees, creating a better work environment for everybody. The second function is Job Design strategies and processes; this is the process of gathering several elements required to form a job. While doing so, the Human Resources Manager must always bear in mind both the organization’s ND the worker’s requirements, as well as considerations of health and safety procedures. Harley, s. D. ). The success fifths task will influence the attraction and retention of employees, being so, the Human Resources Manager, while designing a job must also take into consideration not only the organizational objectives but also the human capabilities and limitations, the quality of work life and the environment (Inkers, et al. , 201 1 Also a correct job-design will permit effectiveness in the company and subsequently cost reductions with unnecessary labor.

Another function is the attraction and retention trainees and processes; this function contains two main processes, the first, the attraction process, refers to the “idea that people’s preference’s for particular organizations are based upon an implicit estimate of the congruence between their own personal characteristics and the attributes of potential work organizations ” (Schneider, et al. , 1986). Which means, someone will consider a job attractive (or not), based on the analysis of both the organization’s goals and culture, as well as the employee??s own personality and needs (Schneider, et al. 1986). The second process of this unction is the retention process. It’s the company’s goal, to keep current motivated workers on their staff line, in order to increase productivity and reduce hiring costs. Its the Human Resources Managers job to build and maintain good retention ratios in the organization, in order to do so, a retention strategy must be designed. The employer must try to meet the career and personal needs of the employees.

This function is usually connected with the remuneration strategies, so that the Human Resources Manager must find a balance between a motivating pay-rate for the employee ND low costs in wages for the employer (Garcia, s. D. ). Every worker in an organization is going to require training in a certain stage of his “job-life” within a company. This training can be applied to a new worker who still lacks the skills to help the organization or to a staff member that wishes to acquire new skills.

That’s when the fourth function of the Human Resources Manager comes in to action (Inkers, et al. , 2011). Learning education and development strategies aim to help the organization improve the productivity by having more skilled and motivated employees, so when designing a earning and development program, the HER manager must take into consideration the job design and description and also all the health and safety procedures.

Performance management strategies and processes IS another of the HER functions, and it’s the Harm’s job to review all the employee’s performances throughout a determined period (usually a year), and evaluating their performance based on some pre-designed criteria (Anon. , s. D. ). This will have an affect not only on the remuneration process but also might help the company understand flaws in their methods (I. E. F an employee is having trouble performing a task, the HARM might figure out that it’s not the employee’s fault, but instead realism that the procedure for that task is faulty.

He might be able to re-design that job, not only improving productivity but also ensuring the Health and Safety procedures). Effective performance management requires: Identifying and controlling system influences on performance; developing an action plan an empowering works to reach solutions; directing communication at performance rather than at the performer (Gomez-Mejia, et al. , 1986). This is probably the most known Harm’s function, remuneration strategies and processes it’s the financial part of the reward practices.

This practice serves as a porpoise to attract, retain, develop and motivate employees (Inkers, et al. , 2011 The remuneration budget must be approved by the company’s manager, since it has to be according to the business plan stipulated in the beginning Of the year. It’s the factors for all the organization, as well as all the rules applied to those factors (I. E. Each employee gets a pay raise every two years). Once again this function ill affect the performance of every employee on the organization, but also the design of every job/position (Anon. , s. D. ).

According to the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1 970, the HARM is responsible for the following activities: “Encourage employers and employees to reduce workplace hazards and to implement new or improve existing safety and health programs; provide for research in occupational safety and health to develop innovative ways of dealing with occupational safety and health problems; establish separate, but dependent, responsibilities and rights for the employers and employees for the achievement of better safety and health conditions; maintain a reporting and record-keeping system to monitor job-related injuries and illness; establish training programs to increase the number competence of occupational safety and health personnel; develop mandatory job safety and health standards and enforce them effectively; provide for the development analysis evaluation and approval of state occupational safety and health problems” (Loosened, 2005). The above mentioned act, must be taken into consideration any time any department decides to make any physical our procedure changes.

A more safe work environment will create a more motivating atmosphere, subsequently increasing productivity and reducing any accident related costs. Work related conflicts are very common in any type of organization; usually they are born from different opinions or points Of view. Although most commonly seen as negative, sometimes good outcomes can be provided after a dispute is settled (Inkers, teal. , 2011). It’s the HARM function to be able to identify those conflicts and try to resolve the issue bringing up from that a positive outcome for the organization. If successful, the HARM might be able to not only improve professional but also personal work relations, which will lead to a better work environment (Anon. , s. . ). One of the challenges an HARM must face, is to try to justify the HER departments costs. Since the Human Resources department doesn’t generate profit itself, the HARM must provide a way to evaluate the success of his department through the use of Evaluation Strategies and Processes (Inkers, et al. , 201 1). One of the ways to do so, is using Kaplan and North’s Balanced Score Card. This document allows the managers to monitor the accomplishment (or not) of the tasks settled at the beginning of the year. It’s divided into 4 perspectives: Financial, Internal Business, Costumer Perspective; and Learning and Growth (Inkers, et al. , 201 1).

In the BBS, the manager with the help of the HARM, establishes the goals for that period (one year, three years), for the four perspectives, and designs the measures to achieves those goals, so that the BBS can be presented to the stakeholders. The HER department must provide a plan for the Internal and Learning perspectives in order to help the organization achieve its final goal. As already mentioned through this essay, all this functions have to meet the company’s/organization’s goals. It’s the Harm’s job to make sure that the organization’s human resources reach the maximum productivity, at the minimum costs. The administration is expecting that the HARM helps the organization deliver high levels of Performance, Productivity and Flexibility while being Effectiveness Cost effectiveness to reach the final outcome of the organization: Profitability (Inkers, et al. , 201 1).

As seen, some examples of that are: the attraction and retention process, must keep the workers motives enough so that they will have high performances, and at the same time, must be cost-controlled, so it doesn’t exceed the budget; the job-design must guarantee task effectiveness and cost reduction.

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