Contemporary issues in human resource management Assignment

Contemporary issues in human resource management Assignment Words: 1468

The main cause of skill gaps cited by employers within the asset skills footprint is basically that employees who are new to their job roles have only slightly completed their training and are therefore lacking the proper job specific skills required to perform their role to a great high standard. Also according to asset skills gap analysis employer toolkit, February 201 3, skills gap can occur at an individual, departmental or organizational level at any time because staffs lacks certain skills important vital skills due to changes in the working environment, e. . , new practices, policies. Etc. Skills gap can have significant problems and disadvantages for organizations as they will be unable to reach their required potential productivity and total financial profit margin. The two major documents that will be used in analyzing this particular issue are, Taylor 201 1 (peer-reviewed document) and a survey based evidence report; ELK commission’s employer skills SUNY 2013.

Taylor 201 1 document uses the concept of ‘tight labor market to give a proper understanding and reasoning behind the issue of skills gap, in which he further states that the tightening of labor many labor markets will be one f the most significant trends in HARM over the next 20 years. The view used in analyzing this issue takes a social constructivist world view which underpins the interpretative research approach, which basically examines the meanings and experiences of different people in different situations or cultural contexts in order to fully understand and explain the different realities of human situations relating to skills gap.

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The type of data collected in this particular document is qualitative data which is based on meanings which are expressed through words and language. Taylor 201 1 also uses a deductive approach to reasoning and theory development, where theories are developed and refined through a process of testing established generalizations. There is plenty of literature indicating potential causes of skills gap. According to Taylor 2011, skills shortages/skills gaps and tight labor markets will increasingly require organizations to think more strategically and creatively about the way that they recruit and retain their people.

Importantly, from the perspective and view of organizations, it looks like as if many labor markets will tighten rather than loosen as the coming cascades unfold; meaning that a good proportion of skills that employers seek will be less available which has been the case in recent years. Taylor 201 1 also goes on to highlight that for human resources mangers, this basically means that more of their work will need to be focused on contending for staff with other organizations.

The document (Taylor 2011) goes in further to explain that the issue of skills shortages will be most critical and vital, in a case relating to organizations that are seeking for more highly qualified or specialist people. Also in relation to the Taylor 2011, he highlights that due to he type of UK economy or economical changes in today’s world, there is a growth in the demand for people to undertake managerial and professional roles. These particular roles by nature require a knowledge base that can only be gained through extensive study and relevant experience in the field.

According to the labor force survey statistics, over the years there has being a reduction in demand for people to fill unskilled and relatively low-skilled roles and an increase in demand for people/employees to with higher skills. Taylor 2011 also highlights the research commissioned by the Litchi omitted and carried out by Cambridge and Warwick universities (bean et al 2005) which concludes that the future of the UK economy will continue to see the development of knowledge-intensive industries and growth of smaller business units in the service sector.

So therefore, the ability of people who are available for work might not be able to meet the requirements that employers are likely to have for skills. The litchi review of skills commissioned by the government (which is highlighted in the Taylor 2011 document) stressed the likelihood of issues relating to skills gap that would occur in the true towards the year 2020, stating that there would be a continuation of established trend away from lower-skilled and towards higher-skilled work.

The conclusions reached by the review were that, technological change would increase demand for higher-level of skills rather than reducing it, secondly there Will be a 50 percent increase in the share of occupations classed as highly skilled, skills that were once seen as being high level will increasingly be regarded as basic in nature, 45 percent of jobs are likely to require a degree- level education by 2020, a significant growing proportion will require a post radiate qualification.

Taylor 2011 used the method of gathering information and relevant facts from different researchers/ theorists and interpreting their ideas and views into his own wordings. The second piece of document used which is a survey based article, UK commission’s employer skills survey 2013: UK results. The 2013 survey explores and looks at the skills challenges that employers face both within their existing workforces and in terms of bringing in new skilled labor, relationship between skills challenges etc. In relation to the methodological approach relating to this particular piece

Of document, the document involved a core survey Of SKI employers. The survey was conducted by telephone. The survey was also carried out at an established level, establishment meaning, the employer, the workplace and the business unit. According to this document, economic growth and recovery may be constrained by skill shortages as the labor market responds to employer requirements, demand for skills is met through successful recruitment, three in ten vacancies are reported to be hard to fill and shortages in suitably skilled , qualified workers are the main reason for this case.

In general and overall, such skill shortage vacancies represents more than one in five of all vacancies( 22 percent), up from one in six in 2011( 16 percent). Also according to the I-J commission’s employer skills survey 2013, the picture of skills shortages across the UK varies by country as dose the change in available skills since 2011. According to this particular document, the largest shortfall is reported in Scotland where a quarter of all vacancies are hand to fill because of shortage in available skills, up from 15 percent in 201 1 .

In relation to England, skill shortages have nearly doubled since 2009, increasing from 63, 1 00 to 124,800. Also according to the document (UK commission’s employer skills survey 2013: UK results), skills shortages vary by occupation or job role and pockets of shortages remain largely changed since 201 1. The document highlights that skilled trade roles remain the most common occupation where skill shortages are likely to be encountered when employers recruit for these roles.

According to this particular document, managerial roles were the next most challenged by shortages in available skills in the year 2011; since then, the major challenge has now shifted awards professionals and other service staff and machine operatives. The ‘LIKE employer’s skills survey 201 3: UK results’ also states there have being an increased difficulty in finding appropriate oral and written communication, literacy and innumeracy skills.

Both documents form an informative deep research and analysis of the Issue which gives a wider meaning and understanding of the issue/topic at hand. In relation to the second piece of document (UK commission’s employer skills survey 2013: UK results) which is based on surveys, questioners, stats and figures (quantitative), can be reliable ND valid because the questionnaire is very structured, it is easily replicable, and so therefore it is possible to compare the results with surveys that have been previously undertaken relating to the issue of skill gap.

The researchers who are interested in the results are not physically close to the employers who answer the questions via the telephone, so therefore it allows for anonymity, enabling employers to answer in a honest way. In turn as a result of both of these relevant factors and points (structure and detachment) data produced in this way can be analyses to identify relationships between efferent variables( different types of employers and deferent levels of work or type of job roles and positions).

Ideally, from another point of view, because the survey was conducted in the workplace or work environment, the employers might feel pressured and this might affect the truthfulness Of the answer, sometimes. Also it might be possible that questions in the survey could or might be interpreted differently by people/employers with different backgrounds (cultural and organizational). Finally in relation to UK commission’s employer skills survey 2013: UK results, the researcher is more involved making it possible to ask for meanings and interpretations and to ask why the employer or each employer feels the way they do about the issue of skills gap.

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