Answer Sheet Human Resource Management Assignment

Answer Sheet Human Resource Management  Assignment Words: 1889

Practically speaking, there may not be enough high level positions to make upward mobility a reality for a large number of employees. Hence, career- planning efforts need to pinpoint and highlight those areas that offer psychological success instead vertical growth. Career planning is no an even or end in itself, but continuous process of developing human resources for achieving optimum results. It must, however, be noted that individual and organizational careers are not separate and distinct.

A person who is no able to translate his career plan into action within the organization may probably quite the job, if he has a choice. Organizations, therefore, should help employees in career planning so that both can satisfy each other needs. 2. List of Various Features of HARM NAS: the following are the features of HARM 1. Pervasive force: HARM is pervasive in nature. It is present in all enterprises. It permeates all levels of management in an organization. 2. Action Oriented: HARM focuses attention on action, rather than on record keeping, written procedures or rules.

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The problems of employees at work are solved through rational policies. 3. Individually oriented: it tries to help employees develop their potential fully. It encourages them to given their best to the organization. It motivates employees through a systematic process of recruitment, selection, training and development coupled with fair wage policies. 4. People oriented: HARM is all about people at work, both as individuals and groups. It tries to put people on assigned jobs in order to produce good results.

The resultant gains are used to reward people and motivated them toward further improvements in productivity. 5. Future-oriented: Effective HARM helps an organization meet its goals in the future by providing for competent and well motivated employees. 3. How can you explain the concept of performance Appraisal NAS: Performance appraisal is a method of evaluating the behavior of employees in the work spot, normally including both the quantitative and qualitative aspects of job performance.

It is a systematic and objective way of evaluating both work-related behavior and potential of employees. It is a process that involves determining and communicating to an employees how he or she is performing the job and ideally, establishing a plan Of improvement. Performance appraisal could be taken either for evaluating the performance of employees or for developing them. The evolution is of two types; telling the employee where he stands and using the data for personnel decisions concerning pay, promotions, etc. The developmental objectives focus on finding individual and organizational strengths and weaknesses developing healthy superior-subordinate relations; and offering appropriate counseling/ coaching to the employee with a view to develop his potential in future Appraisal Of employees serves several useful purposes; a) Compensation decision: b) Promotion decisions c) Training and development programs d) Feedback e) Personal Development 4. Differentiate between on-the-Job and off-the-job Training NAS ON-THE-JOB OFF-THE JOB Training involves imparting training in the real work environment I. E. T believes in learning by doing Training involves imparting training outside the real work environment I. E. The principle of learning by acquiring knowledge is adopted. Training the training and performance goes simultaneously so production is not hindered at the time of training Training methods first training is imparted and then the real performance follows and therefore does not add anything to actual production during training Training aims at developing the best practices for a specific job and getting the job done; while Training methods aim at learning basic facts and skills and is more general in nature.

Training is usually imparted by experienced workers and first line supervisors at the workplace; Training is imparted usually by the academicians and professionals at any place other than the real workplace Training methods are suitable when the trainees are limited in numbers and the job is not hazardous in nature; Training methods can be utilized to train any numbers of employees and for jobs that involve risks Training methods are simple and less-expensive because they utilize the actual workplace and rim’s supervisors for imparting training; Training methods are quite expensive as they need a complete different set-up.

Training here is imparted in an artificial set-up and outside experts are hired for the purpose Training methods include job rotation and apprenticeship training Training methods include classroom lectures and simulation exercises. Training is generally imparted in case of manufacturing firms for production- related jobs; Training is mostly imparted for managerial and non-production related jobs Section B: Ceaseless Classes – I 1 . What is wrong with the recruitment policy of the company? NAS: The Company has notification for recruitment of Electronic Engineer. It is a International company , reputed and largest company in the country.

Normally number of employees I. E 150 candidates are applied for the post because it is reputed institute and industries by offering high salaries, perks etc. , if limited seats are available the company filled the through the reputed recruitment agency. All the candidates are interestingly applied. 2. Why did Mr.. Shading’s resignation surprised the General Manager NAS: The superiors started riding rough-shod over Mr.. Shadier. He was overloaded with multifarious jobs. His freedom in deciding and executing was cut down. He was ill treated on a number of occasions before his subordinates.

His colleagues also started assigning their responsibilities to Mr.. Shadier. Consequently there we imbalances in his family life and organizational life. Be he seemed to be calm and contented. Management felt that Mr.. Shadier had the potential to bear with many more organizational responsibilities. Classes – II 1. Discuss that technological breakthrough has brought radical changes in HARM NAS: Section C : Applied Theory 1 . Several Types of interviews are commonly used depending on the nature & importance of the position to be filled within and organization. Explain the different type Of Interviews?

NAS: Several Type of Interviews are commonly used depending on the nature and importance of the position to be filled within an organization . A) Non-Directive Interview: in a non-directive interview the recruiter ask questions as they come to mind. There is no specific format to be followed. The questions can take any direction. The interviewer ask broad, open-ended questions such as tell me more about what you did on your last job’- and allows the applicant to talk freely with a minimum of interruption. Difficulties tit a non-directive interview include keeping it job related and obtaining comparable data on various applications. ) Directive or Structured interview: in the directive interview, the recruiter Uses a predetermined set Of questions that are clearly job related. Since every applicant is asked the same basic questions, comparison among applicant can be made more easily. Structured questions improve the reliability of the interview process, eliminate biases and errors and ay even enhance the ability of the company to withstand legal challenge. On the negative side, the whole process is somewhat mechanical, restricts the redeem of interviewers and may even convey disinterest to applicants who are used to more flexible interviews.

Also, designing a structured interview may take a good amount of time and energy. C) Situational Interview: one variation of the structured interview is known as the situational interview. In this approach the applicant is confronted with a hypothetical incident and asked how he or she would respond to it. The applicant’s response is then evaluated relative to pre-established benchmark standards. D) Behavioral Interview: The behavioral interview focuses on actual work incidents (as against hypothetical situations in the situational interview) in the applicant’s past.

The applicant is supposed to reveal what he or she did in a given situations, for example, how he disciplined an employee who was smoking inside the factory premises. E) Stress Interview: In stress interview, the interviewer attempts to find how applicants would respond to aggressive, embarrassing, rude and insulting questions. The whole exercise is meant to see whether the applicant can cope with highly stress-producing, anxious and demanding situations while at work, in a calm and composed manner. Such an approach may backfire also, cause the typical applicant is already some what anxious in any interview.

So, the applicant that the firm wants to hire might even turn down the job offer under such trying conditions. F) Penal Interview: In a typical panel interview, the applicant meets with three to fiver interviewers who take turns asking questions. After the interview, the interviewers pool their observations to arrive at a consensus about the suitability of the applicant. The panel members can ask new and incisive questions based on their expertise and experience and elicit deeper and more meaningful responses from candidates. Such an interview could also limit the impact of the personal biases of any individual interviewer.

On the negative side, as an applicant, a panel interview may make you feel more stressed than usual. 2. How would you explain Organizational Change and Development? NAS: Organizational Change: Organizational change denotes the adoption Of new idea or behavior by an organization. Organization’s desire change in order to remain competitive, in order to remain in harmony with the ever-changing environment. Organization’s also want to achieve internal stability because of the predictability and certainty it provides. As such, Organization’s sit on the horns of a dilemma with reference to change.

Change can be seen in a variety of ways. 1. Evolutionary change: some changes are evolutionary in nature and do not greatly violate the traditions and status quo expectations. Since, they do not constitute significant departures from the past practices, they are unlikely to provoke resistance. One limitation of such changes is that they are very slow and organization may fall behind the requirements. 2. Revolutionary Change: Changes, sometimes may be cataclysmic. The revolutionary changes result in overturning the status quo arrangements, cause violations, rejections or suppression of old expectations.

The revolutionary churning generally pose strong resistance and sometimes only an exercise of power can order the implementation of such changes. 3. Planned change: Anew and scientific way of viewing change is ” the planned alteration in the existing organizational system ” planned organizational change, is the intentional attempt by an organization to influence the status quo itself. Planned changes are made by the organization with the purpose of achieving something that otherwise might be unattainable, or accomplished with great difficulty.

Through planned changes organization’s reach new frontiers and progress more rapidly toward a given set of goals and objectives. Development: Organizational development refers to a collection of planned change efforts based on democratic values that aim at improving employee well-being and organizational effectiveness. According to Backhand , ODD can be defined as an organizations-wide change effort that is (1 ) planned, (2) managed from top, (3) aimed at improving organizational effectiveness and (4) initiated through a change agent who is well – versed in the behavioral sciences. According to W.

French, the typical ODD program tries to achieve the following objectives; 1. Deepen the sense of organizational purpose (or vision) and align individuals with that purpose. 2. Strengthen interpersonal trust, communication, co- operation, and support. 3. Encourage problem-solving rather than problem- avoiding approach to organizational problems. 4. Develop a satisfying work experience capable Of building enthusiasm 5. Supplement formal authority with authority based on personal knowledge and skill 6. Increase personal responsibility for planning and implementing 7. Encourage personal willingness to change.

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