Values in Style Assignment

Values in Style Assignment Words: 1598

In Style One’s beliefs and values do not only influence their views on life, but It has the power to impact nearly every decision we make. Our beliefs guide us in life by helping us to distinguish the difference between right and wrong. It is the foundation of our identity. The way we carry ourselves and the impression left behind all stem from the values we cherish. Even when meeting someone for the first time, we start looking for those small details which expose our true character.

It starts with analyzing each other’s clothing, hair, shoes, make-up, accessories, and even scent, before ever getting to know them. We begin to formulate an idea of who they are. It is a natural Instinct to make notions about strangers because the level of trust is not yet established. Why do you think first Impressions are so Important? How many times are your assumptions actually true? It can be astounding how accurate our perceptions of others turn out to be. For these many reasons, I pay close attention to the way I represent myself to others.

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My strong beliefs In being open-minded, natural, and respectful are accurately reflected In my personal style on a daily basis. My style has always been all over the map, to me, it is all about keeping an open- mind. Some days I dress formal while other days I can be found in the most laid-back attire. The possibilities are endless when you have such a mindset. Whether it is a new trend, color, pattern or accessory, it Is Important to not limit yourself to a certain look. After all, our appearance is one of the ways in which we are judged.

I value being open-minded because I feel as if it is the foundation to discovery. Without exploring our options and taking advantage of the immense amount of opportunities available, we can never truly understand or unlock life’s mysteries. Taking those types f risks Insure galling the most reward. Beveling In such an Idea has Influenced my personal style. When I go shopping or get dressed for the day I enjoy not having a specific image to uphold. I want people to make the correct assumptions about my personality when looking at me and my style has made It possible.

My style reflects my open-minded spirit. Many times people feel the need to reflect the style of their culture, which has nothing to do with our own personal beliefs, and is thus limited to one look. I remember in middle school when skinny Jeans had Just come out and many of y friends were hesitant to try them, I could not understand why, I thought they were cute and would complement my tiny frame. The next time I went shopping I bought a pair and the following day I wore them to school not thinking anything of it, they were Just Jeans. However, I received a completely different reaction.

My friends asked “why are you dressed Like a white girl? ” At this point I was beyond confused and replied “What do you mean? They fired back, “Your SKINNY JEANS”, “what’s up with that? ” Honestly, I had no idea how to even respond. “That doesn’t mean I’m white! ” was my only come back. Why were they criticizing me over a pair of Jeans? I realized they were not comfortable enough to make such a statement because they did not share the same values as me. My resilient view of being open-minded was evident, and is what differed between us.

If they had been more receptive to other 1 OFF but the fact they even noticed a change up in my style reflects my strong values in being open-minded. The reason I dress the way I do is because I do not care what others will say, it is about me finding what works best for me. Before owning a pain of skinny Jeans I could only wonder how they would fit, but once I took the risk of trying new look, I discovered a new love which is exactly why I value such a mind-set. My style not only reflects individuality, it reflects a sense of naturalism in which I find Just as important. The key to honesty in any style is being natural.

Many of us have forgotten such simplicity. In today’s society the idea of leaving the house without make-up is horrifying for most girls. Some would even choose to be late in order to finish getting ready. To me, such a lifestyle is despicable. I have never been the girl with a MAC collection or even a real make-up bag. My idea of make-up is mascara and lipstick. Putting on foundation, eye shadow, false lashes, eyeliner, blush, and bronzer Just seems phony in my opinion. Wearing all of these products dramatically alter our facial features, giving a false impression of what we actually look like.

Being flawed is natural and beautiful respectively. I was taught at an early age the importance of natural beauty. Even as a child I knew it was normal to not have perfect skin, hair, teeth, nails, or proportion. I am thankful my mom took the time to talk to me about the struggles many girls face when it comes to their body image, because the media’s striation of misleading information can be extremely harmful to one’s self-esteem. If more of us were taught to embrace our imperfections we would all feel more comfortable in our own skin.

In the African American community it is a common practice to change the texture of one’s hair through perms or to disguise it completely with a weave. There has always been a certain curiosity about a black girl’s hair. Many young black women grow up feeling ashamed of their naturally course and curly due to the amount harsh criticism and speculation they have received. They would rather put their hair wrought heat and chemical damage which can have permanent effects, than to wear it naturally. The thought of fearing my true self is saddening.

Throughout my 21 years of life I have never once premed my hair or experimented with weaves, wigs, or extensions. There are those days when I am fed up with my hair, but everyone has those moments. Some days I do straighten my hair but most days I wear it up in a curly ponytail or bun. My values in staying natural have stopped me from participating in such extreme practices. I feel more comfortable being myself and staying natural than trying to be someone else. When I leave my house in the ironing I am not worried about how people will perceive me based on my appearance, I focus more on being respectful to myself.

I have noticed the ways in which our society has replaced the values of respect with sexuality. In past generations the idea of self-expression did not include miniskirts and cropped tops. These days young girls find revealing clothes more appealing than age appropriate apparel. The gap between age appropriate and adult attire have become less and less apparent. The clothes being made for young girls are tighter, more suggestive, and absolutely unsuitable for their age group. When I as little I wore dresses which covered my knees and my Jeans were not as tight as revealing my assets.

I want people to take me seriously when they look at me. I do not want wandering eyes incapable of hearing what I have to say due to a low cut top. My style has definitely been influenced by my irrepressible value of respect. Some have even compared my taste in clothes to a grandma’s. It was the end of my eighth grade year and my entire class was getting ready for our 8th grade formal dance. I was excited to get dressed up with my best friend for a night of dancing. We had Just met our first year of middle school and were ready to ND it together. My mom took me shopping for my dress.

We had found a flattering black halter top dress with sequins. Now we Just needed to find the perfect set of heels. I remember walking into the store and heading straight for the low black ones with ruffles. My mom sounded perplexed as she asked “those are the ones you like? ” By her choice of words it was not hard to tell she did not agree with my pick. She said, “Those are grandma shoes! ” “These are the shoes I want” I proudly announced. With a slight smirk she took the shoes up to the counter and purchased them for me. I was not hurt by her opinion at all, I was eager to wear them to the dance.

Sure they looked a little homely, but I thought they were more appropriate for my dress and age. I do not appreciate getting looks by older men so therefore I dress appropriately for my age. I believe dressing respectful is the easiest way to be taken seriously. Opinions have never persuaded me into dressing to others standards; my beliefs are what guide me in my choices. My personal style is rather unconventional for someone my age. Valuing an open- minded, natural, and respectful mind-set has had the biggest impact on my personal Tyler.

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Values in Style Assignment. (2018, Sep 30). Retrieved March 26, 2025, from