Jane Eyre Extended Metaphor Assignment

Jane Eyre Extended Metaphor Assignment Words: 258

Symbols:Determination Love of/for someone= Jane love Mr… Rochester. Jane has love for Adele, Helen, Ms. Temple, and Mrs… Fairfax. Light and Darkness= Light resembles Jane. Darkness resembles Mr… Rochester Social Class-Jane is a governess. Mr… Rochester is a wealth business man External Conflict: Solidarity John: Jane is harshly abused by her own cousin, John for simply reading a book that belonged to him. He torments Jane in her own home. Mrs…

Reed: Jane is also unjustly punished and sent to a haunted room by Mrs… Reed for responding to John’s violence. Her biased aunt only worsens the damage that her cousins inflict on her. Elwood: Even after she escapes her horrible relatives at Gathered, Jane is faced with even harsher living conditions at Elwood- Jane must live in the freezing cold, eating only tiny burnt portions of porridge, and with the fear of being humiliated by Mr… Brochures. Internal Conflict: Acceptance Mr…

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Rochester: Mr.., Rochester is having trouble expressing his feelings towards Jane Jane: Jane is also having trouble accepting the fact that she loves Mr… Rochester Jane:she feels the need to be accepted by everyone Stool incident Jane is a caged bird yearning for freedom. She is being sold from person to person but she is never truly free. And in the end she may just die alone, cold, and deprived of love. But a key was found; He saves the bird from her sorrows lifting her spirits, accepts her, and shields her from harm.

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Jane Eyre Extended Metaphor Assignment. (2019, Jun 26). Retrieved October 18, 2024, from https://anyassignment.com/literature/jane-eyre-extended-metaphor-assignment-45373/