Criminal Justice Core Paper Assignment

Criminal Justice Core Paper Assignment Words: 646

Some of (but not all) of the core components of the police is to protect the rights and redeems of the people while enforcing the law, making arrests, and maintaining public order. The courts have the job of determining the innocent from the guilty, while protecting the rights and the freedoms of anyone facing conviction by the justice system. The courts are where the trials are held. The courts are the final say in the sentences imposed on the guilty. The courts make sure the laws are upheld. The final component is corrections.

Corrections can come in place as prisons and jails, as well as ways to rehabilitate offenders. Corrections are who imposes the sentences carried UT by the offenders, while making sure they are kept in a humane, safe, secure environment. Corrections make sure that the public is protected from criminals by keeping them off the streets assuring that the criminals do not offend again while incarcerated. The Criminal Justice System is made up of five stages, investigation and arrest, pretrial activities, trial, sentencing, and corrections.

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Investigation is when a crime may have been committed, and an officer (detective or police) looks for evidence at the crime scene, or requests a warrant to collect more evidence in hope of either getting the approval for the arrest or for help with conviction after the arrest. The arrest is when a criminal (who is innocent until proven guilty) is booked into a precinct, after already having their rights read, and recorded into detention by a booking officer, law enforcement, correctional administration etc.

Pretrial Criminal Justice Core And Process 3 activities include first appearance, preliminary hearing, information and indictment, and arraignment. Like mentioned above the first appearance usually includes the rights being read to the offender, the offender will be deified of their formal charges, and the accused will usually (though not always) have the opportunity at a bail. The preliminary hearing is when all the evidence is taken into account and the judge decided whether there is probable cause and enough evidence to bring forth a conviction.

As stated in CGI Interactive on the University of Phoenix website, “In some states, the prosecutor may seek to continue a case against the accused by filing an “information” document with the court. The grand jury is usually always the one who has the final say after reviewing the evidence from the prosecutor. An arraignment is when the accused goes before the court and makes a plea of guilty, not guilty, or no contest. The offender is only given so many appearances to come up with a plea that the court can agree upon as well, before the case is taken to trial.

A trial is a criminal proceeding where the offender has his or her day/s in court to either state their side in front of a jury or not. All the facts of the case will be heard, and the offender is able to hire an attorney to defend them and their rights in a court of law. The CGI Interactive on the LOOK website says, “In a criminal proceeding, the trial involves an examination in court of all issues of fact, and discussion of relevant laws relating to the case for the purpose of convicting or acquitting the accused. After an offender admits to or is found guilty he or she will be given a sentence usually of fines, rehabilitation (ex. Drug programs, incarceration, or probation. Parole is a sentence imposed with incarceration that follows, giving closer supervision of the offender with a higher threat level or incarceration should the offender violate any of their imposed release restrictions. Corrections is where the prisoner will Justice Core And Process Criminal 4 serve his sentence if he is sent to be incarcerated.

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