The Greatest Inventor/Designer of the Industrial Revolution Assignment

The Greatest Inventor/Designer of the Industrial Revolution Assignment Words: 1341

This led to Aright being nicknamed “The Father of the Factory System”. In 1 733 the invention of the flying shuttle sped up weaving hugely. This meant that the spinners weren’t quick enough so Aright employed John Kay, a clockmaker from Harrington, and some other craftsmen to create a spinning frame. This mechanical spinning frame was powered by water from nearby canals so It became known as the water frame. Rightist’s water frame created thick strong thread very quickly. This drove families who traditionally lived In the country ND made cotton to move to the city to work In Rightists factories.

This led to the growth of many towns Into large cities which had a big Impact on how people lived their lives. The book, The Changing Face of Britain describes Aright as a “great entrepreneurВ?? who “began industry’ in the UK. This is very favorable of Aright and suggests that he made a big impact on the lives of everyone in the I-J at the time. This meets one of the criterion for being the greatest inventor; he made an impact on peoples everyday lives. The source also says how Aright became “very ICC” which shows that he was successful in his field; this is another of the criterion.

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A Richard Aright biography also supports Aright. It describes him as a “clever businessman” who had “thousands of spindles spinning thread at once”. This shows the huge extent of his success in the industry. The source also says that he “began the factory age” which show that he made a huge Impact that affected the history of Industry; this meets yet another criterion. Unfortunately, Aright Is not very well known so he doesn’t meet the semi-criterion of being a household name. However, a number of other inventors and designers could also be significant, such as Sambaed Kingdom Brunet, Henry Bessemer, and Michael Faraday.

Sambaed Kingdom Brunet, also known as The Master Engineer, was famous for designing many amazing structures such as the first tunnel under the Thames, the Clifton Suspension Bridge, the Great Western Railway, and many great ships such as the Great Western, the Great Britain, and the Great Eastern. He is also famous for inventing the suspension bridge, a bridge above the ground supported by cables. A professor from the university of Berkeley, America, wrote that Brunet “took engineering to the next level”. This means that he went above and beyond anything anyone had ever done before.

That therefore meets the criterion for being the best In their field. The professor then went on to describe how Brunet was an “Inspirational” character who “gave everyone hope”. This means that he had a big impact on the country at the time because the for having a big impact. In the school textbook Britain 1750-1900, it is said that Brunet “helped make Britain industrial”. This implies that Brunet met the criterion of hanging the course of history. He helped pull the I-J out of the dark ages and into the industrial future.

Because of the huge impact he had, Brunet has become so famous that he also meets the criterion of being a household name. This means that Brunet meets all the criteria set out for being the best inventor and exceeds what is met by Aright. Whilst Brunet helped pull Britain into the industrial revolution, there would have been no revolution had it not been for a 19th C knight from Worcestershire called Sir Henry Bessemer. During the early stages of the industrial evolution things were moving very slowly. The machines found in factories and mines were made of iron which was brittle and rusted easily.

This meant that steel, a stronger and less corrosive alternative to iron was in high demand, but the process for converting iron to steel was slow and expensive. Bessemer changed all of this. He created a process where pig iron was poured into a vat, and then air was blasted through it which got rid of excess carbon. This process could convert 25 tones of molten iron to steel in Just 20 minutes. The quick, cheap process soon became known s the Bessemer Converter. On a lesser note, Bessemer also invented a machine for stamp perforations, fabricating fake velvet, and even steel cannons which didn’t backfire.

The book Victorian Britain says that Bessemer steel was “quick, cheap and strong” which meant it could be used to “relay railways” and “build bigger ships. ” The fact that he improved the railways implies that he made an impact on the lives of those who lived in trading towns because he brought them a new way to make money. The same applies to the bigger ships, although instead of helping trading owns he helped the colonies. This means that he meets the criterion of having a big impact on the lives of others at the time.

He also meets the criterion of changing the course of history because he challenged the millennia old tradition of using iron. The GEESE source book Work out Social and Economic History descries Bessemer as “very clever” but give very little other information. Unfortunately Bessemer is no so famous that he has become a household name but he is the best in his field, converting iron to steel, as others were doing it the ineffective old fashioned way. Michael Faraday as what can only be described as an absolute genius. Known as the “Electricity King”, he was one of the firs men in history to work out how to efficiently generate electricity.

Faraday discovery was so substantial that his principles are still used in power plants to this day. Whilst Faraday discovery of how to generate electricity was of great use during the industrial revolution where factory owners were always on the lookout for good sustainable power, it was also an important advancement in the scientific world. Faraday discovery then led to him inventing and theorizing about, Friday’s law of induction, Electrochemically, the Faraday wheel, the Faraday Effect, Faraday constant, the laws of electrolysis, Faraday paradox, the Faraday rotator, the Faraday wave, and the Faraday cage.

The book Life in Victorian Britain describes Faraday as a “pure” and “devoted scientist” which is high praise considering that at the time there were many scientists making many amazing breakthrough. So for Faraday to be viewed like that nearly 150 years after he died, he must have been extremely highly respected at the time. Faraday is also described as “the father of impact on us in our modern times. This means that he meets the criterion for changing the course of history and, for us in the modern day, for affecting our daily lives.

He did this by inventing the means for us to access electricity in our homes. One of Faraday biggest supporters is not a scientific Journal or a study paper but the Bank of England. We know that he is respected extremely highly by that institution because they chose to put Faraday face on the EYE note, the second highest denomination of English currency. This proves that he was the best in his field, science, because out of the many prominent figures England has produces over overall centuries, he was chosen as the best and put on the one of the best notes they could offer.

This meets the criteria for being best in their field and, because his face is seen and his name is read whenever someone pulls EYE out of their wallet, he also meets the criterion for being a household name. This means that Faraday meets all the criteria set out for being the best inventor and exceeds what is met by Aright. In conclusion, I disagree with the statement that Sir Richard Aright was the greatest inventor of the Industrial Revolution. I have created a table to show why n accordance with the criteria.

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