Frq-French and Indian War Assignment

Frq-French and Indian War Assignment Words: 436

As a result of the French and Indian War, the British found themselves in debt and blamed the colonists for their poverty which ultimately affected the economical relationship between the British and the colonists. The British implemented the Townsend Acts which taxed lead, glass, paint, and tea. The British enforced the stamp Act which put a tax on every printed legal document. After the stamp Act was put into action, the colonists protested by beating up tax collectors and boycotting all British goods until the Stamp Act was finally repealed.

Each of the taxes directly affected the economical relationship between the British and the colonists because the colonists were forced to pay unfair taxes that they did not approve of. Although many acts were implemented that affected the economical relationship, many of the acts affected the political relationship. The Boston Tea Party was held when a monopoly on tea was given to the British East India Company. As a result, the British enforced the Coercive Acts (Boston Port Act) which affected the colonists most rustically because it closed down the harbors which shut down the livelihood of the colonists.

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John Adams then called the 1 SST Continental Congress and he promoted a total boycott of all British goods and the Declaration of Rights which was sent to the King. The Coercive Acts were the final draw and the Revolution began shortly after when British troops were sent into Lexington. Each of these acts affected the political relationship between the British and the colonists because the unjust laws and acts f the British led to the colonists’ determination to break away and abide by their own political views.

Many factors caused by the French and Indian War later lead to the American Revolution. Ironically, the struggle of the revolution pushed the colonies towards France and led to the independence of the United States, once the Declaration of Independence was brought about. Economic and political Issues began between France and America after the French and Indian war. They were later at peace with ACH other due to the assistance they gave one another.

FRR-French and Indian War By librarianship AP US History opened 3 September 5, 2013 its North American colonies. From the time period of 1763-1765, many occurrences Stamp Act which put a tax on every printed legal document. After the Stamp Act was colonists. John Adams then called the 1st Continental Congress and he promoted a Independence was brought about. Economic and political issues began between France and America after the French and Indian War.

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