Francis Bacon and the Scientific Method Assignment

Francis Bacon and the Scientific Method Assignment Words: 339

Francis Bacon was a man of many a trade. He was an English attorney, philosopher, essayist, historian, statesman, intellectual reformer, and a champion of modern science. Bacon was born in London and was youngest of five sons. He was homeschooled in his early years as a result of poor health which beleaguered him his whole life. Later on, Bacon received tuition from John Walsall to go to Oxford, graduated, and later entered Trinity college of London. Bacon was always against Aristotelian philosophy and didn’t usually agree with traditional belief.

It was that mentality which would lead him to become one of the great thinkers of all time. I found that Francis Bacon’s ability to prevail over bad health and succeed to become one of the worlds most recognized philosophers is worth pages in History books all over the wolrd. Bacon aided to some of the greatest, most useful scientific advances of all time that affect people today. Although Bacon’s contributions were majorly philosophical, he helped change the direction of scientific advances.

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He shifted the idea of using deductive syllogism, as proposed by Aristotle, to inductive reasoning from fact, axiom, to theorem. The scientific and philosophical contributions that Francis Bacon gave impact the world today. Bacon and Rene Descartes both are Francis Bacon- (22 January 1561 ??? 9 April 1626) to commend for he scientific method. The scientific method, in that time, was a new way to reach a conclusion about anything. It is a five step method: (1) The inquiry, (2) initial hypothesis, (3) Action of investigation, (4) Results, and (5) Conclusion.

The scientific method, however, doesn’t only aid the processes of scientific experiments. It also refers to the way one should acquire knowledge, or investigate phenomena, or to correct and refine previous unproven knowledge. In science classes across the nation, the scientific method is used for experimentation. The scientific method’s purpose is also ingrained in the minds of thinkers all over the world. It is what separates the traditional thinking of yesterday with the new proactive, innovative thinking and reasoning of today.

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