Benjamin franklin Assignment

Benjamin franklin Assignment Words: 563

Franklin Stove, Mapping the Gulf Stream. Bifocals are eyeglasses with an upper and lower half, the upper for distance, and the lower for reading. Bifocals are commonly prescribed to people with presbyters, a condition that Franklin suffered. Franklin wrote, in August 1784 to his friend George , that he was “happy in the invention of double spectacles, which serving for distant objects as well as near ones, make my eyes as useful to me as ever they were.

Before Franklin started his scientific experimentation, it was thought that electricity consisted of two opposing forces. Franklin showed that electricity consisted of a “common element” which he named “electric fire. ” Further, electricity was “fluid” like a liquid. It passed from one body to another ?? however it was never destroyed. In a letter to Peter , Franklin wrote that the “fire only circulates. Hence have arisen some new items among us.

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We say B (and other Bodies alike circumstanced) are positively; A negatively; Or rather B is plus and A minus These terms we may use till philosophers give us better. ” Once Franklin had an understanding of the behavior of electricity, he set about to protect houses from the destructive forces of lightning. A lightning rod, simply, Is a rod attached to the top of a building, connected to the ground through a wire. The electric charge from lightning strikes the rod and the charge Is conducted harmlessly Into the ground. This protects houses from burning down and people from electrocution.

In colonial America, homes were warmed by a fireplace. The Franklin stove, Invented In 1742, Is a metal-lined fireplace that stands In the middle of a room. It has rear baffles for improved airflow. It provides more heat and less smoke than an open fireplace and uses less wood. This cast-Iron furnace would radiate heat from the middle of the room In all directions, and the Iron walls even absorbed heat, providing warmth to the room long after the fire went out. Franklin made eight voyages across the Atlantic Ocean (or, as It was known then, the Western Ocean) between the Colonies and Europe.

He wondered why Journeys eastward were faster than return trips. HIS curiosity led him to be the first to map the Gulf Stream. The Gulf Stream, along with the North Atlantic Drift, Is the ocean current that originates In the Gulf of Mexico, exits through the Strait of Florida, and follows the eastern coastlines of the United States and Newfoundland before crossing the Atlantic Ocean. Benjamin Franklin By fro beats the destructive forces of lightning. A lightning rod, simply, is a rod attached to the top lightning strikes the rod and the charge is conducted harmlessly into the ground.

America, homes were warmed by a fireplace. The Franklin stove, invented in 1742, is a metal-lined fireplace that stands in the middle of a room. It has rear baffles for uses less wood. This cast-iron furnace would radiate heat from the middle of the room in all directions, and the iron walls even absorbed heat, providing warmth to Ocean (or, as it was known then, the Western Ocean) between the Colonies and Europe. He wondered why Journeys eastward were faster than return trips. His the North Atlantic Drift, is the ocean current that originates in the Gulf of Mexico,

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