Affirmative Action Assignment

Affirmative Action Assignment Words: 660

We’d have to consider that the country’s top positions are only held for a certain group of people or a certain class of people with the others never getting a chance to experience that equality and pursuit of happiness that every American has either worked hard for or continue to work toward. Not too long ago embedded in the pages of our American history we can find that these problems played out in a society which was supposed to guarantee freedom and the pursuit of the American dream for all people.

Instead racism and discrimination poured out into the streets and affected life for minorities ND their way of living. Affirmative action has changed this, however, giving both women and minorities an advantage where previously they did not have one. Affirmative action took its course and that nation by storm when it was implemented into policy as the law of the land. This new program policy was designed to protect the equal rights for minorities under the law and was developed to correct decades of discrimination and to give disadvantaged minorities a boost (Miserly 1).

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In today’s society many can agree that there was a great need for the radical policy back in the 1 ass’s and ass concerning he equality of opportunity. However, today many people argue that in the time when America has finally elected its first black president such a policy is no longer needed, thus calling for an abomination of affirmative action programs (Miserly 1). To many this is not the case. Affirmative action programs are still necessary in today’s society just as much as they were back in the ass and ass.

This is not just because of discrimination but because of a few different reasons. Since affirmative action was created minorities and women were brought into different areas of study or work that they may not eave considered otherwise (Ukulele 2). If we stop affirmative action these changes in the workforce may be lessened. Another reason that we need to keep affirmative action is to give those minority groups such as African Americans, Native Americans and Asian Americans who are at a disadvantage an advantage and to give them a chance to see what it is they are capable of achieving.

Without affirmative action these groups could end up going down the wrong path and become one of the many statistics that minorities and women are a part of. Affirmative action also gives these groups who find it easy to enter the college of their choice the opportunity to learn and to interact with other races and nationalities. Affirmative action programs are recruitment and outreach efforts to include qualified women in the talent pool when hiring decisions are made; training programs to give all employees a fair chance at promotions.

In education, affirmative action programs for women include grants and graduate fellowship programs aimed at helping women move into fields where their participation has been discouraged, such s engineering, math and the physical sciences. They also include programs to prepare and motivate girls and women for study in non-traditional fields. Many minorities live very segregated lives up until the time they start college. Interaction allows minority students to learn that persons of the opposite race are people too, more or less just like themselves (Wickerwork 1).

Without affirmative action this would not be possible and what we are working for, which is becoming a nation that doesn’t base anything on race or stereotypes, wouldn’t be possible. Without affirmative action, diversity is less likely to occur, thus making it harder for students to learn how to interact with different races and cultures. Affirmative action was brought into this country to give those who are at a disadvantage a fighting chance to succeed in today’s society. Without it our workforce today wouldn’t be as culturally diverse as it is now.

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