Development of Brazil is investing in health care. Assignment

Development of Brazil is investing in health care. Assignment Words: 1005

I definitely think that is justified by the Bank as a way to help peripheral countries to structure its economy, establishing a pattern of inalienable development. The bank’s proposal suggests deep changes In political Institutions, as In the case of market opening to foreign trade and prevarication of the economy (Granola, Jorgensen & Roach, 2011). The targeted investments in Brazil are in favor of programs directed to health, education and improvement of public services.

Another benefit is the social inclusion through participatory stimuli, as well as Increased productivity and economic stability Granola,Jorgensen & Roach, 201 1 With the definition of unilateralism that primary education becomes an education for all, which would ensure the sustainability of the debtor countries. However, at this time the design changed, because the concept of globalization in which they believe in equality between the countries began to be replaced by the concept of fairness, believing that only a part of could not develop.

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Based on this new concept, it moved admit inequality in developing countries. Since the equity was comprised of a single action, this does not guarantee that equality twine men. About this context education has to be seen as a mechanism to has occurred in the area of education was the exclusive elementary school, one that came to be understood as being required for the population, and is funded by the government. In turn, secondary education was offered, as priority by the private sector.

The same was true in higher education, suggesting a system of scholarships aimed at students who have low income (Granola, Jorgensen & Roach, 2011). The World Bank perceived education as a way to offset the poverty that the country was gassing by economic adjustment. It emphasizes education as a key mechanism in the acquisition of a new pattern of accumulation of capital (Granola, Jorgensen & Roach, 2011). The world is witnessing a growing questioning of established paradigms in economics and also in the political culture.

The environmental crisis on the planet, when translated into climate change is a real threat to the full development of our potential (Granola, Jorgensen & Roach, 2011). I assume that Brazil has a privileged position to face the enormous challenges that accumulate. Harbors significant part of diversity and fresh water on the planet, large expanse of arable land, ethnic- cultural diversity, creativity and a rich variety of natural formations whose role is fundamental in preserving the natural basis of our development (Rather, 2010).

A sustainable economy requires consistent and predictable economic policies, which may soften abrupt changes in household products and prices. Moreover, sustainable economic growth must be compatible with the absorption of new low carbon technologies and the continuous increase of the quality of life for all (Rather, 2010). Brazil has a population of over 191 million inhabitants, formed by many people and distributed in its different biomass and various forms of land occupation. Currently, much of the population is considered urban, and trends point to continued growth of population in cities (Rather, 2010).

Megabits to small and emerging urban areas, opposing realities exist side by side: wealth and poverty, inclusion and exclusion, participation and marginality. The urban question must be regarded as strategic for Brazil in the short, medium and long term, in order to overcome deficits in sanitation ND housing, increase efficiency in city management through mechanisms to ensure resources for municipalities finance their urban development, where the federal government has an important role to induce policies and actions that integrate and articulate the promotion of human development and quality of life of its inhabitants (Rather, 2010).

Healthy cities, democratic and secure – sustainable cities and democracy are one of the great challenges of the 21st century, where the mobility guarantee and right to the city for all its inhabitants, the strengthening of social and ultra diversity and the pursuit of sustainable standards for use of natural resources should be core values. Induce the formulation of urban development policies that have the right to the city, sustainability and democracy as core values.

Promoting efficiency in management, planning and development of cities with the integration and coordination of policies for arbitration, sanitation, mobility, and climate change adaptation, watershed protection, promoting the development and well -being. Encourage the installation of metropolitan governance structures and optimization of urban centers. Ensure resources and training for municipalities to finance their development (Rather, 2010).

Sanitation integrated into the right to decent housing and quality of life – articulate access to basic sanitation actions to investments, progressive and better distributed in the country to increase the pace of deficit overshoot network access for collection and treatment of sewage (Rather, 2010). Create policy for access to drinking water and watershed protection water supply, incorporating human health, water quality and sustainable use as core values n the production chain of water supply.

Healthy urban mobility – reorder and direct investments and subsidies in transport to guide and structure the growth and mobility in cities, aimed systems suitable for different sizes and types of cities in the territory. Create incentives and enter the criteria for funding the establishment of regulatory institutions of public transport in metropolitan and urban areas. Embed the bicycle as a means of transportation and create conditions for their safe use (bike lanes, bike lanes, intermeddle connections). The health is also related to better educational experience, higher productivity and hence higher wages in old age.

Healthy children are able to learn better and achieve higher levels, since they are less affected by school absenteeism and the early withdrawal. It is estimated that the loss of income due to iron deficiency ranges from 2% of GAP in Brazil (Route, 2011). The importance of international trade – the trade should play an important role in the transition to a green economy, to reduce poverty and foster development by stimulating economic growth, create Jobs, reduce prices, increase the variety of reduces to consumers and help countries to acquire new technologies.

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Development of Brazil is investing in health care. Assignment. (2020, Oct 13). Retrieved October 23, 2024, from