THIS IS A LIST OF EXCEL PROGRAMS THAT YOU MIGHT FIND USEFUL. THEY ARE NOT COPY PROTECTED. FEEL FREE TO MODIFY THEM TO YOUR OWN NEEDS. Corporate Finance Spreadsheets 1. capbudg. xls: This program allows you to do a basic capital budgeting analysis for a project, and compute NPV, IRR and ROI. (For Macintosh version) 2. risk. xls: This program allows you to use past returns on a stock and a market index to analyse its price performance (Jensen’s Alpha), its sensitivity to market movements (Beta) and the proportion of its risk that can be attributed to the market. For Macintosh version) 3. capstru. xls: This program allows you to estimate an “Optimal” Capital structure for a company using the cost of capital approach , the differential return approach and the APV approach. (For Macintosh version) 4. capstruo. xls: This is a variant that allows you to estimate an “Optimal” capital structure for a company whose operating income might vary with its debt rating – for instance, financial service firms. (For Macintosh version) 5. dividends. ls: This program compares the dividends paid to what a firm could have paid, by estimating the free cash flow to equity (the cash flow left over after net debt payments, net capital expenditures and working capital investments. (For Macintosh version) 6. dcfval. xls: This program computes the value of equity in a firm using a two-stage dividend discount and FCFE model. (For more extensive choices on valuation, look at the programs under the valuation section below. )(For Macintosh version) 7. lboval. xls: This program analyzes the value of equity and the firm in a leveraged buyout. For Macintosh version) 8. synergy. xls: This program estimates the value of synergy in a merger. (For Macintosh version) Equity Valuation Spreadsheets 1. readme1s. xls: This file describes the programs in this section and provides some insights into their usage. (For Macintosh version) 2. model. xls: This program provides a rough guide to which discounted cash flow model may be best suited to your firm. (For Macintosh version) 3. ddmst. xls: Stable growth, dividend discount model; best suited for firms growing at the same rate as the economy and paying residual cash as dividends. For Macintosh version) 4. ddm2st. xls: Two-stage DDM; best suited for firms paying residual cash in dividends while having moderate growth. (For Macintosh version) 5. implprem. xls: This spreadsheet calculates the implied risk premium in a market. This can be used in discounted cashflow valuation to do market neutral valuation. 6. ddm3st. xls: Three-stage DDM; best suited for firms paying residual cash in dividends, while having high growth. (For Macintosh version) 7. fcfest. xls: Stable growth, FCFE discount model; best suited for firms in stable leverage and growing at the same rate as the economy. For Macintosh version) 8. fcfe2st. xls: Two-stage FCFE discount model; best suited for firms with stable leverage and having moderate growth. (For Macintosh version) 9. fcfe3st. xls: Three-stage FCFE discount model; best suited for firms with stable leverage and having high growth. (For Macintosh version) 10. fcffst. xls: Stable growth FCFF discount model; best suited for firms growing at the same rate as the economy. (For Macintosh version) 11. fcff2st. xls: Two-stage FCFF discount model; best suited for firms with shifting leverage and growing at a moderate rate. (For Macintosh version) 12. cff3st. xls: Three-stage FCFF discount model; best suited for firms with shifting leverage with high growth. (For Macintosh version) 13. fcffgen. xls: A generalised FCFF model, where the operating margins are allowed to change each year; best suited for firms in trouble or transition. (For Macintosh version) 14. equity. xls: A model that uses option pricing to value the equity in a firm; best suited for highly levered firms in trouble. (For Macintosh version) 15. natres. xls: A model that uses option pricing to value a natural resource company; useful for valuing oil or mining companies. For Macintosh version) 16. project. xls: A model that uses option pricing to value a product patent or option; useful for valuing the patents that a company might hold. (For Macintosh version) THIS IS A LIST OF EXCEL PROGRAMS THAT YOU MIGHT FIND USEFUL. THEY ARE NOT COPY PROTECTED. FEEL FREE TO MODIFY THEM TO YOUR OWN NEEDS. Corporate Finance Spreadsheets 1. capbudg. xls: This program allows you to do a basic capital budgeting analysis for a project, and compute NPV, IRR and ROI. (For Macintosh version) 2. risk. xls: This program allows you to use past returns on a tock and a market index to analyse its price performance (Jensen’s Alpha), its sensitivity to market movements (Beta) and the proportion of its risk that can be attributed to the market. (For Macintosh version) 3. capstru. xls: This program allows you to estimate an “Optimal” Capital structure for a company using the cost of capital approach , the differential return approach and the APV approach. (For Macintosh version) 4. capstruo. xls: This is a variant that allows you to estimate an “Optimal” capital structure for a company whose operating income might vary with its debt rating – for instance, financial service firms. For Macintosh version) 5. dividends. xls: This program compares the dividends paid to what a firm could have paid, by estimating the free cash flow to equity (the cash flow left over after net debt payments, net capital expenditures and working capital investments. (For Macintosh version) 6. dcfval. xls: This program computes the value of equity in a firm using a two-stage dividend discount and FCFE model. (For more extensive choices on valuation, look at the programs under the valuation section below. )(For Macintosh version) 7. boval. xls: This program analyzes the value of equity and the firm in a leveraged buyout. (For Macintosh version) 8. synergy. xls: This program estimates the value of synergy in a merger. (For Macintosh version) Equity Valuation Spreadsheets 1. readme1s. xls: This file describes the programs in this section and provides some insights into their usage. (For Macintosh version) 2. model. xls: This program provides a rough guide to which discounted cash flow model may be best suited to your firm. (For Macintosh version) 3. ddmst. ls: Stable growth, dividend discount model; best suited for firms growing at the same rate as the economy and paying residual cash as dividends. (For Macintosh version) 4. ddm2st. xls: Two-stage DDM; best suited for firms paying residual cash in dividends while having moderate growth. (For Macintosh version) 5. implprem. xls: This spreadsheet calculates the implied risk premium in a market. This can be used in discounted cashflow valuation to do market neutral valuation. 6. ddm3st. xls: Three-stage DDM; best suited for firms paying residual cash in dividends, while having high growth. (For Macintosh version) 7. cfest. xls: Stable growth, FCFE discount model; best suited for firms in stable leverage and growing at the same rate as the economy. (For Macintosh version) 8. fcfe2st. xls: Two-stage FCFE discount model; best suited for firms with stable leverage and having moderate growth. (For Macintosh version) 9. fcfe3st. xls: Three-stage FCFE discount model; best suited for firms with stable leverage and having high growth. (For Macintosh version) 10. fcffst. xls: Stable growth FCFF discount model; best suited for firms growing at the same rate as the economy. (For Macintosh version) 11. fcff2st. ls: Two-stage FCFF discount model; best suited for firms with shifting leverage and growing at a moderate rate. (For Macintosh version) 12. fcff3st. xls: Three-stage FCFF discount model; best suited for firms with shifting leverage with high growth. (For Macintosh version) 13. fcffgen. xls: A generalised FCFF model, where the operating margins are allowed to change each year; best suited for firms in trouble or transition. (For Macintosh version) 14. equity. xls: A model that uses option pricing to value the equity in a firm; best suited for highly levered firms in trouble. (For Macintosh version) 15. atres. xls: A model that uses option pricing to value a natural resource company; useful for valuing oil or mining companies. (For Macintosh version) 16. project. xls: A model that uses option pricing to value a product patent or option; useful for valuing the patents that a company might hold. (For Macintosh version) THIS IS A LIST OF EXCEL PROGRAMS THAT YOU MIGHT FIND USEFUL. THEY ARE NOT COPY PROTECTED. FEEL FREE TO MODIFY THEM TO YOUR OWN NEEDS. Corporate Finance Spreadsheets 1. capbudg. xls: This program allows you to do a basic capital budgeting analysis for a project, and compute NPV, IRR and ROI. For Macintosh version) 2. risk. xls: This program allows you to use past returns on a stock and a market index to analyse its price performance (Jensen’s Alpha), its sensitivity to market movements (Beta) and the proportion of its risk that can be attributed to the market. (For Macintosh version) 3. capstru. xls: This program allows you to estimate an “Optimal” Capital structure for a company using the cost of capital approach , the differential return approach and the APV approach. (For Macintosh version) 4. capstruo. xls: This is a variant that allows you to estimate an Optimal” capital structure for a company whose operating income might vary with its debt rating – for instance, financial service firms. (For Macintosh version) 5. dividends. xls: This program compares the dividends paid to what a firm could have paid, by estimating the free cash flow to equity (the cash flow left over after net debt payments, net capital expenditures and working capital investments. (For Macintosh version) 6. dcfval. xls: This program computes the value of equity in a firm using a two-stage dividend discount and FCFE model. For more extensive choices on valuation, look at the programs under the valuation section below. )(For Macintosh version) 7. lboval. xls: This program analyzes the value of equity and the firm in a leveraged buyout. (For Macintosh version) 8. synergy. xls: This program estimates the value of synergy in a merger. (For Macintosh version) Equity Valuation Spreadsheets 1. readme1s. xls: This file describes the programs in this section and provides some insights into their usage. (For Macintosh version) 2. model. xls: This program provides a rough guide to which discounted cash flow model may be best suited to your firm. For Macintosh version) 3. ddmst. xls: Stable growth, dividend discount model; best suited for firms growing at the same rate as the economy and paying residual cash as dividends. (For Macintosh version) 4. ddm2st. xls: Two-stage DDM; best suited for firms paying residual cash in dividends while having moderate growth. (For Macintosh version) 5. implprem. xls: This spreadsheet calculates the implied risk premium in a market. This can be used in discounted cashflow valuation to do market neutral valuation. 6. ddm3st. ls: Three-stage DDM; best suited for firms paying residual cash in dividends, while having high growth. (For Macintosh version) 7. fcfest. xls: Stable growth, FCFE discount model; best suited for firms in stable leverage and growing at the same rate as the economy. (For Macintosh version) 8. fcfe2st. xls: Two-stage FCFE discount model; best suited for firms with stable leverage and having moderate growth. (For Macintosh version) 9. fcfe3st. xls: Three-stage FCFE discount model; best suited for firms with stable leverage and having high growth. (For Macintosh version) 10. cffst. xls: Stable growth FCFF discount model; best suited for firms growing at the same rate as the economy. (For Macintosh version) 11. fcff2st. xls: Two-stage FCFF discount model; best suited for firms with shifting leverage and growing at a moderate rate. (For Macintosh version) 12. fcff3st. xls: Three-stage FCFF discount model; best suited for firms with shifting leverage with high growth. (For Macintosh version) 13. fcffgen. xls: A generalised FCFF model, where the operating margins are allowed to change each year; best suited for firms in trouble or transition. For Macintosh version) 14. equity. xls: A model that uses option pricing to value the equity in a firm; best suited for highly levered firms in trouble. (For Macintosh version) 15. natres. xls: A model that uses option pricing to value a natural resource company; useful for valuing oil or mining companies. (For Macintosh version) project. xls: A model that uses option pricing to value a product patent or option; useful THIS IS A LIST OF EXCEL PROGRAMS THAT YOU MIGHT FIND USEFUL. THEY ARE NOT COPY PROTECTED. FEEL FREE TO MODIFY THEM TO YOUR OWN NEEDS. Corporate Finance Spreadsheets 1. capbudg. ls: This program allows you to do a basic capital budgeting analysis for a project, and compute NPV, IRR and ROI. (For Macintosh version) 2. risk. xls: This program allows you to use past returns on a stock and a market index to analyse its price performance (Jensen’s Alpha), its sensitivity to market movements (Beta) and the proportion of its risk that can be attributed to the market. (For Macintosh version) 3. capstru. xls: This program allows you to estimate an “Optimal” Capital structure for a company using the cost of capital approach , the differential return approach and the APV approach. For Macintosh version) 4. capstruo. xls: This is a variant that allows you to estimate an “Optimal” capital structure for a company whose operating income might vary with its debt rating – for instance, financial service firms. (For Macintosh version) 5. dividends. xls: This program compares the dividends paid to what a firm could have paid, by estimating the free cash flow to equity (the cash flow left over after net debt payments, net capital expenditures and working capital investments. (For Macintosh version) 6. dcfval. ls: This program computes the value of equity in a firm using a two-stage dividend discount and FCFE model. (For more extensive choices on valuation, look at the programs under the valuation section below. )(For Macintosh version) 7. lboval. xls: This program analyzes the value of equity and the firm in a leveraged buyout. (For Macintosh version) 8. synergy. xls: This program estimates the value of synergy in a merger. (For Macintosh version) Equity Valuation Spreadsheets 1. readme1s. xls: This file describes the programs in this section and provides some insights into their usage. (For Macintosh version) 2. model. ls: This program provides a rough guide to which discounted cash flow model may be best suited to your firm. (For Macintosh version) 3. ddmst. xls: Stable growth, dividend discount model; best suited for firms growing at the same rate as the economy and paying residual cash as dividends. (For Macintosh version) 4. ddm2st. xls: Two-stage DDM; best suited for firms paying residual cash in dividends while having moderate growth. (For Macintosh version) 5. implprem. xls: This spreadsheet calculates the implied risk premium in a market. This can be used in discounted cashflow valuation to do market neutral valuation. . ddm3st. xls: Three-stage DDM; best suited for firms paying residual cash in dividends, while having high growth. (For Macintosh version) 7. fcfest. xls: Stable growth, FCFE discount model; best suited for firms in stable leverage and growing at the same rate as the economy. (For Macintosh version) 8. fcfe2st. xls: Two-stage FCFE discount model; best suited for firms with stable leverage and having moderate growth. (For Macintosh version) 9. fcfe3st. xls: Three-stage FCFE discount model; best suited for firms with stable leverage and having high growth. (For Macintosh version) 10. cffst. xls: Stable growth FCFF discount model; best suited for firms growing at the same rate as the economy. (For Macintosh version) 11. fcff2st. xls: Two-stage FCFF discount model; best suited for firms with shifting leverage and growing at a moderate rate. (For Macintosh version) 12. fcff3st. xls: Three-stage FCFF discount model; best suited for firms with shifting leverage with high growth. (For Macintosh version) 13. fcffgen. xls: A generalised FCFF model, where the operating margins are allowed to change each year; best suited for firms in trouble or transition. For Macintosh version) 14. equity. xls: A model that uses option pricing to value the equity in a firm; best suited for highly levered firms in trouble. (For Macintosh version) 15. natres. xls: A model that uses option pricing to value a natural resource company; useful for valuing oil or mining companies. (For Macintosh version) 16. project. xls: A model that uses option pricing to value a product patent or option; useful for valuing the patents that a company might hold. (For Macintosh version) 16. for valuing the patents that a company might hold. (For Macintosh version)
Capital Valuation Paper Assignment
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Capital Valuation Paper Assignment. (2022, Jan 04). Retrieved March 7, 2025, from