Reaction Paper of Andres Bonifacio and Emilio Aguinaldo Assignment

Reaction Paper of Andres Bonifacio and Emilio Aguinaldo Assignment Words: 2340

Marino Olivarez, Capitan municipal of Novelette, Cavity, who persuaded Continual, a mason, to join the Justinian. Continual in turn persuaded Olivarez to join the Free masonry. According to the book that have read, entitled ” Justinian: is Kayak Andrea at Kayak Mining”, Olivarez was the cousin of Gregorian De Jesus, wife of Boniface. He later became a general of the revolution. In the Justinian, Continual, a deeply religious man, adopted the mom De Gruyere “Magical”, after Mary Magdalene, the patroness of Kuwait. Similarly, Gondola’s pseudonym in the Freemasonry was “Colon” after Christopher Columbus, who discovered

America in 1492, (if I’m not mistaken). Gondola’s affiliation with Benefaction’s Justinian was a godsend. A popular and charismatic Capitan municipal, the highest elective post to which a native could aspire during the Spanish regime, Continual recruited many new members for the revolutionary society, including his close friend, Candida Atria Tirana, and his first cousin, Balladeer Continual, both of whom later became revolutionary’ generals and well-known Kuwait residents like Santiago Dado, Cannot Incarnation, and Tomato Continual.

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All were masons like Emilio Continual, who belonged to the ironically (According to my High School teacher), then the ruling class of each municipality in the country. But those people- peasants and workers- who could not be admitted into Freemasonry for lack of qualifications were nevertheless recruited by Continual in Justinian. Boniface was naturally much delighted and gratified to learn about the recruitment of many members of the Justinian in Cavity.

Boniface himself congratulated Continual, saying the latter was able to sign up many Stationeries because he was “such a good Capitan municipal”. Continual made periodic trips to Manila o personally report to Boniface on the rapid increase in membership of the Justinian in Kuwait and nearby towns. To express his appreciation for Gondola’s efforts, Boniface one day joined the energetic Capitan municipal on his trip to Kuwait and organized a Justinian branch or chapter which the supreme called “Magical”, at the same time designating Continual as president of the new chapter. Eve read, “The Truth About Continual and Other Heroes” by Alfred Saul, I have learned that one day in June 1895, Boniface, accompanied by DRP. Poi Valuable and Justinian secretary Terror Gonzales, went to Kuwait a second time to set up the Magical Council which comprised several towns of Cavity. Because of its unusually large membership, the Magical Council was organized ahead of the Managing Council in the neighboring town of Novelette which was originally headed by Marino Olivarez.

The little-known but important historical fact is also glossed over by our historians, like what I’ve said a while ago. However, the Managing Council of Olivarez had a much larger territory than Gondola’s Magical Council. In this connection, it is important to remember that the evolution in Cavity should not be confused with the Justinian revolt led by Boniface. Following the discovery of the Justinian on August 19, 1896, Boniface and his followers were forced to take to the field and, despite their lack of preparation, raised the standard of rebellion in Pagan Lawn on August 23.

Based on my observation in many Filipino historians, one historian refers to this event as the “Cry of Pagan Lawn”, but at least two more senior historians describe the incident as the “Cry of Balalaikas” and say that it happened on August 26, not three days earlier as claimed by historian Canonical. Still other historians, Conrad Benefit and Terror M. Koala, call the incident the “Cry’ of Kayaking”, for the water plant kayaking grew in the area.

In contrast, there was only one “Cry of Cavity”, and this took place in the towns of San Francisco De Malabar (now General Trial), Novelette, and Kuwait on the same day, August 31, 1896, the day after the Justinian revolt had fizzled out in the Battle of San Juan del Monte, in Mormon (now Racial) province. The error is that most historians regard the two armed uprisings against the Spanish regime as part of the Philippine Revolution. The truth is that these two incidents occurred in widely separated areas and were entirely independent of each other.

The Justinian uprising was purely a revolt- and an abortive one- by a few hundred men under the leadership of Boniface and Emilio Action, while that of Cavity involved thousands of people on the first and many more thousands on the succeeding days, weeks, and months. By sheer magnitude and intensity, the Cavity uprising was a full-blown revolution. Except for a narrow strip of land where the Spanish arsenal was located, the entire province of Cavity was liberated by the revolutionists in sees than a week.

The rebels in the Battle of San Juan were all Stationeries. In the revolution at Cavity, however, the preponderant majority were non- Stationeries- people who had probably never heard of the Justinian before the uprising because it was secretly revolutionary society. They joined the armed struggle against the Spaniards purely out of patriotism. According to General Balladeer Continual, president of the Magical Coo nice- or government-based in Emus, there were only about 300 Stationeries in the province Of Cavity.

General Emilio Continual, however, estimated that there ere about 500 Justinian members in Cavity at the outbreak of the revolution. There is a lot of truth to the statement of historian Schumacher that the “Revolution in Cavity had outgrown the Justinian and would cast it aside” (Based on the book of Terror M. Koala, that I have read during my report). In fact, the Cavity revolutionists forthwith rejected the Justinian and set up the revolutionary government to carry on the struggle for national liberation and independence.

Although its membership was well spread in many provinces, especially in Luzon, the Justinian, because of poor military leadership, was able to put up only a one-week revolt, August 23 to 30, ending in a complete debacle: 153 Stationeries killed and about 200 taken prisoner. The Justinian uprising paled into insignificance when compared with earlier revolts. I talk to myself, like “Kayak ring pal tit Eng page-alls Nina Tambala as Boll, Summary as Plagiarism, Andrea Malone as Panamanian, Francisco Adagios as Boll, Diego Slang as Locos, Juan deal Cruz Polaris as Panamanian, at Application deal Cruz as Tablas, Anon baa Amman yang! Boniface fled to the hills of San Mateo and Montanan with absolutely no further chance of a successful comeback cause the Justinian in Manila and its environs had melted away. Boniface himself admitted that he had no followers left in the city. After the San Juan fiasco, the Justinian went into oblivion, and Boniface himself was soon forgotten. The Spanish forces under Bernard Caltech did not bother to pursue him in the jungles of Mormon dismissing the remaining rebel force as of little military significance.

It would take the passage of several years, long after the death of Boniface, before poet Fernando Ma, Guerdon, editor of El Reenactments, started building the Boniface cult, extolling and magnifying his revolutionary achievements out of proportion to his actual deeds. Have also read the poem, in his long poem entitled “Andrea Boniface: Founder of the Justinian”, included in his book of poems called Sacroiliacs, Guerdon lauds the Tendon hero. How could an abortive one-week Justinian revolt bring about such “feats” resulting in a “glorious enunciation of a new dawn”?

Only a poet whose feet are well above the ground can conjure such a fantasy. Had Boniface fled to Cavity after the Battle of San Juan and had General Caltech pursued him there, the Justinian revolt and the Cavity Revolution would have been joined. The Caltech military action, under the modern theory of “hot pursuit”, would have erased any distinction between the Justinian and the Cavity struggles for freedom, merging them into one giant upheaval-the Philippine Revolution. But instead Boniface took the easiest but near-sighted step- he fled to the security of the jungles of Mormon.

He had lost all hope. His fighting days were over. He was therefore the most surprised man in the mountain redoubt hen one day in December he received an invitation from the Managing to go and visit his brother Stationeries in the liberated province of Cavity. The invitation was written by Artemisia Recreate on the insistence of Marino Olivarez. The Managing invitation has been described as a “sheer act of malice” for the simple reason that no good purpose could be served by Benefaction’s presence in Cavity at that time.

Having failed as a military leader, what advice could he give to the CavityГo revolutionists who had won their battles against Spaniards, driving them away in full of retreat and inactivity for the next overall months while the Spaniards waited for reinforcements from Spain? On the other hand, Benefaction’s presence in Cavity might affect enemy attacks, keeping the Cavitations out of balance and unable to concentrate their efforts on the primordial task of strengthening their ” Little Republic of Cavity”. Boniface, having learned from bitter experience, declined the first two invitations from the Managing.

He said it would not be advisable for leaders of the revolution to be cooped up in a small place like Cavity. Should the leaders be trapped, captured, or killed by the enemy, he added, that would mean the end of the revolution. A sensible answer from a man who had tasted defeat. But the Managing would not take no for an answer. A third invitation was sent to Boniface, and this time the latter accepted it. When I was read this book, I whisper that “Why? And Why is the answer of Boniface, this question deserves an in-depth study by historians.

What made Boniface finally accept the invitation to visit Cavity? In the absence of any historical documents, one can make an educated guess. ” THE CLIMAX OF MY COMPILATION It is not true, as stated in nearly all history books being taught in our schools ND colleges, that Boniface went to Cavity about mid-December 1896 to mediate the so-called conflict between the Magical and the Managing Councils of the Justinian in the province. Recreate himself said that there was no such conflict before Boniface arrived in Cavity.

In fact, the two councils were cooperating splendidly, helping each other in the struggle against the Spaniards. The conflict between the two factions occurred only after Boniface arrived there. One important event ignored by historians is the fact that the day after Boniface arrived in Cavity, he was elected “Haring Banyan” Of the Magical Council or Government, replacing Marino Olivarez, who was demoted to “Panhandling Haring Banyan”. This meant that Boniface, in openly identifying himself with the Managing, forfeited whatever right he had,a s the Justinian Supreme, to act as a mediator between the two councils.

Benefaction’s election as Haring Banyan signaled the star of the Magical- Managing conflict. The Managing insisted on claiming the leadership of the revolution for two reasons (based on Nick Joaquin): (1 ) they were first to rise in arms in Cavity, capturing the tribunal of San Francisco De Malabar bout 10 o’clock on the morning of August 31, 1896,a ND that of Novelette about two hours later, and (2) they had a much larger territory under their control than did Magical.

The Magical, on the other hand, justified their claim to leadership of the revolution by virtue of their almost daily encounters with the Spaniards, especially on the fronts of Capote and Backdoor, which the enemy would have to conquer before they could reach the Magical capital of Emus. These encounters provided the Magical with more extensive experience in military combat, something which the Managing, being located in the rear Of the Attlee zone, did not acquire, except from one encounter in Dalmatian on November 9-11, 1896.

Another factor which weighed heavily in favor of the Magical was the presence of their brave and dashing cafe abandoner, Emilio Continual. When Boniface arrived in Cavity, Continual had defeated the best of the Spanish generals- Ernest De Acquire and Ramona Blanch- thus raising himself to the rank of a world military figure. His name had become a byword in Europe and the Latin-America countries which had previously liberated themselves from Spanish rule. Writing from London, DRP. Antonio Ma, Region, a Filipino exiled in 1872, stated that “Continual had acquired a reputation and a name in Europe”.

Because of his spectacular military victories against the Spaniards, Continual had become a living legend in Cavity. Based on my conclusion, one educated guess, based on the sequence of historical events, is that Boniface finally accepted the invitation to visit Cavity with the idea of wresting the leadership of the revolution from the Magical under their victorious military commander, Continual. In other words, the Managing invited Boniface, the Justinian Supreme, in order to pit against Continual, an ordinary Gatekeeper.

Another educated guess is that Boniface had been offered a kingdom in Cavity. That the Tendon hero wanted to be a king might be adduced from his own behavior when he arrived in Cavity. Historian Canonical describes Benefaction’s arrival in Cavity in these words: “With his wife and two brothers, Cardiac and Procom, Boniface left for Cavity about the middle of December 1896. Continual, Candida Atria Tirana ( a historical error because he had been killed in the Battle of Binary on November 10, 1896) and Dilbert

Evangelists were on hand to meet the supreme and his entourage in Capote. It was at this preliminary meeting that a misunderstanding arose between Magical leaders and Boniface, for the former, rightly or wrongly, saw from Benefaction’s gestures and behavior that he regarded himself superior and “acting as if he were a king”. Benefaction’s subsequent election as Haring Banyan of the Managing proved his ambition to kingship and, on the other hand, disproved the contention of many historians that Boniface had come to Cavity to mediate the Magical- Managing conflict.

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Reaction Paper of Andres Bonifacio and Emilio Aguinaldo Assignment. (2021, Dec 29). Retrieved February 10, 2025, from