1. For each of the scenarios below, explain whether or not it represents a diversifiable or an undiversifiable risk. Please consider the issues from the viewpoint of investors. Explain your reasoning Undiversifiable (market )risk: Market risk is the variability in…
Microeconomics Externalities Assignment
Tax aluminum producers for each ton of aluminum sold Internalizing the externally: altering incentives so that people take account of external effects Of their actions Positive Externalities Ex: education Education mainly private: consumer of education becomes more productive worker, reaps…
Microeconomics Assignment
Provide examples of goods that are not scarce. Scarcity is the limited resources and services that are available to humans that have an infinite want and need for them. I do not believe that we have a resource and/or a…
Laudon – Business Information Systems Assignment
CHAPTER 1 1. Distinguish between a computer, a computer program, and an information system. What is the difference between data and information? The computer is one physical part of the information system. The program is what operates the computer. An…
Microeconomics Assignment
The exam consists of multiple choice and multiples worked out problems. The time limit is 50 minutes. No books, notes, or electronic devices (except traditional calculators) are allowed. Topics to be covered: (1) Welfare economics: consumers, producers, and the efficiency…
Week 2 Business Information Systems Assignment
Week 2 Checkpoint ??? Business Information Systems October 14, 2011. Based on the website www. mifos. org, the Mifos Initiative is a diverse community of microfinance institutions, technology professionals, business people, volunteers and contributors. (2011 Grameen Foundation) This allows developing…
MIcroeconomics Assignment
After studying this chapter you will be able to ! Define perfect competition ! Explain how firms make their supply decisions and why they sometimes shut down temporarily and lay Off workers ! Explain how price and output in an…
Follow-up certain respondents Assignment
Every organizations, clubs, society even a small group have their own environment and behavior. Each and every behavior gives an impact to the environment. Behavior plays a big role in our life. Due to this matter, we, ourselves, should find…
Business Information Systems Assignment
An evaluation of Apple Inc’s use of information systems through its website http://www. apple. com/ Introduction In the highly competitive world of business the ability to understand and make use of information systems can provide substantial benefits to an organization.…
Microeconomics Questions Assignment
What is Utility? “The utility of a consumer is a measure of the satisfaction the consumer derives from consumption of goods and services” (p. 270) 39) What is the Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility? “According to the principle of diminishing…