An Interface Between Financial Accounting and Cost & Management Accounting and Some Concepts of Strategic Cost Management Assignment

Introduction: The basic objective of accounting is to provide information that is useful in making business and economic decisions. What makes accounting information useful for decision-making? The answer is however the accounting information confirms to the qualities that should be…

Components for Planning Promotion Strategy for Mcdonalds as a Service Brand Assignment

ASSIGNMENT Course Code:MS – 68 Course Title:Management of Marketing Communication & Advertising Assignment Code:MS-68/SEM – II /2011 Coverage:All Blocks Note : Answer all the questions and submit this assignment on or before 31st October 2011, to the coordinator of your…

Public-Private Partnership in Infrastructure Development: Indian Experience and Options Assignment

Public-Private Partnership in Infrastructure Development: Indian Experience and Options Dr. Velu Suresh Kumar* & M. Appavu** Abstract Infrastructure bottleneck has been a serious concern in India in its way of robust pace of economic progression. While many advanced economies and…