Kinesiology Assignment

Kinesiology Assignment Words: 422

Exercise Psychology Thought-Stops NAME: __Darah Van Vranken_ 1. Strategies make your exercise routine apart of your day. make a blocked off time where you will always go and work out. working out in the morning will give you more stamina to finish the day off. give your self a goal to help you get motivated. look at pictures. make sure this is something you are doing for your self not for someone else. 2. Barriers Being married, seeing there dad as being over weight, hispanic, high blood pressure, diabetes, being motivated. . Death by running Running was not the cause of his death because other factors could have been invloved such as the enviroment, and his normal health after he lost 50 lbs. 4. TPB components postitve attitude there subjective norm was that it was common in there culture for them to be over weight and it was frowned upon if they were too skinny. strong intentions were to get thin for there families to play with there children and not be tired out in the end from playing. and also to have better health. 5.

Association / dissociation 1. I would recommend dissociated strategies. this will help with your surroundings and how to work with them in exercising. 2. I would choose association strategies because it is focusing on your body and the person will be self- monitoring. Activity 18. 1: Matching Exercise Interventions to Individuals in Varying Stages of Behavioral Change Instructions: The five stages of change in the Transtheoretical Model are discussed in your textbook. The key practical implication derived from this heory is that exercise interventions must be matched to an individual’s stage of behavioral change. Indicate what you would do to motivate and encourage desirable exercise behavior participation for a person in each of the following stages of behavioral change. 1. Precontemplation (“couch potato”) stage: looking for activities that are fun and exciting. also planing it into your schedule 2. Contemplation (“thought of getting off the couch”) stage: have them get a partner to get them up and off the coach to help them get up and work out. . Preparation (“exercising some”) stage: make a routine of exercises and always exercise at the same time every day or every other day to help you get into a daily routine. 4. Action (“risk of relapse”) stage: have them get it into a routine make sure that it is always apart of their daily routine. Maintenance (“regular exerciser”) stage: keep going and make sure that you always are encouraging your self and motivating your self with treats every week or month.

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