The Huns and Christianity Assignment

The Huns and Christianity Assignment Words: 710

Atilt the Hung lived from 406 AD until his death In 453 AD. During his lifetime he became one of the worlds most infamous and notorious warriors. Atilt the Hung was the ruler of the Barbarians who murdered, tortured and pillaged his way through villages, towns, and cities, mercilessly killing anyone who opposed him. The famous deed that Atilt the Hung did was that he did not attack Rome. He began his invasion to save Honoraria, who had begged and pleaded for him to come and rescue her, but was convinced by Pope Leo not to Invade from.

Oddly, fierce and feared warrior did to die a warriors death. Atilt the Hung died in 453 AD following the marriage to Dice. It is rumored that he died from either a nosebleed, or from alcohol poisoning. “The Romans have done great things, but their time is past. What they have done, we can do. We should rule the world. ” -Atilt the Hung What is ambition? Ambition is a strong desire to achieve success, which usually Involves difficult work. Men and women alike are known to have ambition, whether they lived In the first century, or present day.

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Ambition can be both a positive or a negative trait to possess, pending on what is desired and how the desired thing can be conquered. Because the earth is a fallen world, the ambitions of men can be, and often are, sinful. Atilt the Hunk’s ambition to be sole ruler of the Hung caused him to be deluded into thinking that murdering his brother, Bleed, was advisable and even appropriate to gain complete control over the Hung. Atlas’s drive, while sometimes being a sought after trait, could also be considered his hamster.

A leader’s “right to rule” Is the reason why the leader should be In authority over a group. Three reasons why a leader could claim authority are one, divinity, two, usurping, and three, heredity. Atilt the Hunk’s right to rule was by usurping because he killed his brother, Bleed, to become the ruler. Though man is sinful, man’s Creator, is perfect. God can use even the most wicked of men to create something marvelous and and righteous. Romans 8:28 says “And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. This verse does not say that certain hinges work together for those who love God, this verse says that “all things work together”, that includes both the good things, and the bad things. Atilt the Hung ransacked Europe, looting gold and treasure, and killing those who were unfortunate enough to be In his deadly path of destruction. Without Atlas’s rampage of seeking earthly treasures, Pope Leo would not have the title of “the Great” which he earned he created Pope Leo, for without Pope Oleo’s negotiations, Rome would have been demolished and the Church’s foundation would have been decimated.

The Pop also gained respect and admiration from his courage in dealing with Atilt the Hung, and that respect led to Romans converting. Catholic influence and power were increased by Atlas’s plundering. Due to the fact that Atilt was obliterating the people outside of Rome, multiple people wanting to persecute the faith were not alive anymore, but it would also include several who stood to defend the faith as well. The word providence means foresight, and the deaths of the evil persecutors helped the Church spread, which is God’s providence at work in man.

God used Atilt, a wicked man known for his wicked deeds, for His righteous plans. God does not create evil, but He controls evil and uses it for His purpose and His ultimate plan. Atilt caused the Church to come together as a unit when he attempted to attack Rome and after going through the trial together, the Church came out even stronger. Pope Leo was admired for his strength in a difficult and strenuous time and which caused more Romans to convert from their pagan ways and traditions. This was God using the sinful ambition, and also the wickedness of man for His ultimate glory and praise.

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