Sex education in Schools Assignment

Sex education in Schools Assignment Words: 1300

Sex education in Schools BY cadenza Sex Education In Schools In school, students acquire many subjects, not just the basics but also the topics parents lack in teaching such as sex education. Assuming that every child has a parent willing to educate them on this Issue Is Impractical; therefore, It becomes the responsibility of the school to educate children on harder topics that they will encounter in their daily lives.

It is important for adolescence to be educated about sex before they make Imprudent decisions that could Impact the rest of their lives; forever, the debate amongst parents, politicians, and educators used to be whether or not sex education should be taught in schools at all, but now the debate has shifted to how it should be taught. Many schools Implement an abstinence only education program which emphasizes that the only way to avoid pregnancy or disease is to not engage in sexual activity.

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However, due to recent findings schools are starting to shift towards a comprehensive program which teaches various ways of preventing pregnancy and disease while still informing students of both abstinence and contraception use (Advocates for Youth, 2001). Research has shown that a comprehensive sex education program should be used In schools because Is more effective than abstinence only education at delaying the commencement of sexual activity, reducing the frequency of sexual activity, reducing the number of partners, and Increasing the use of contraception which leads to Improvements In students overall health and well-being.

The type of sex education program in school has been a topic for public policy debate over the last several decades. Trends in national policy were to encourage abstinence only programs. Federal funding for sex education programs began with the Reagan Administration which gave financial aid to schools who implemented an abstinence only program (CUSCUS, 2010). This funding became the standard until the Obama Administration altered the budget to fund schools with programs that can be proven effective (Advocates for Youth, 2009).

It has been shown through various types of research that comprehensive sex education Is proven more effective and schools are now shifting their focus to a more contemporary approach. However, there are still many schools that refuse to change their curriculum on the basis of morality and parental concern. It is a major concern that a comprehensive program gives the wrong impression amongst adolescences and that it teaches them it is acceptable to engage in sexual activity before marriage. However, studies show that a comprehensive program has been more effective at delaying the onset of sex amongst teenagers.

In a study conducted by the Society for Adolescent Medicine to show the role that sex education plays in initiation of sexual activity the results were “teaching about contraception was not associated with risk of adolescent sexual activity… Who received comprehensive sex education had a lower sis of pregnancy then adolescents who received abstinence-only (Koehler K). ” Also a 2007 report was conducted to evaluate the deferent types of programs and their results. Through this research they found that none of the comprehensive programs hastened the initiation of sex (Kirby, Emerging Answers:2007).

Another study by Stomacher Institute found that comprehensive sex De lowered pregnancy rates and use because they don’t want this method being taught doesn’t hold solid facts. There has been no research to prove that comprehensive sex education gives adolescences sexual motivation. Teenagers already have a pre-existing sex drive. Regardless of whether or not they receive instruction about sex it is already on their minds. Approximately sixty-three percent of high school students have had sex by their spring semester Junior year (Kirby, Emerging Answers: 2007).

So it is impossible to completely eliminate sexual activity amongst adolescence no matter which approach is used, but it is possible to reduce the frequency of intercourse if the right form of education is used. While no study has been shown that abstinence only education actually reduces the frequency of sexual activity, some have proven that unresponsive education does. A study done by Dry. Douglas Kirby found that twenty-nine percent of those who received this education reduced the amount of times they had intercourse (Kirby).

In a different study led by him he observed 48 comprehensive programs and found that forty percent of them were effective in reducing sexual activity (Kirby, Emerging Answers: 2007). Not only has comprehensive sex education found to be effective in lowering the frequency of sex, but it has also been proven to reduce the number of sexual partners which reduces the potential for Stud’s. When people are more educated about various diseases that could affect them, they become more conscious about whom they sleep with and a reputation becomes more important to keep.

Advocates for Youth is Just one supporter who believe that comprehensive sex education is more effective and does not increase the number of sex partners among youth (Advocates for Youth, 2009). Many more have come to support comprehensive education after hearing about an unusual case. A 19 year old woman from South Carolina found out she contracted herpes simplex virus. Still a virgin, she was puzzled as to how this could have appended. No one had ever taught her that Stud’s can be contracted through oral sex. If she would have had a proper education she might be living her life disease free, however, that opportunity was never given to her.

In an interview she was asked if a more thorough knowledge would have influenced her behavior. She replied, miss, definitely! It’s not like I didn’t listen to or respect my teachers. I Just didn’t know. I mean, no one told us to use some kind of barrier with oral sex; they didn’t want us to have sex at all. Why would they tell us about how to do it safely (Marie)? Here is Just one case where the number in sexual partners would have decreased if given the proper education. Comprehensive sex education has also been proven more effective in increasing the use of contraceptives.

Students who took virginity pledges with abstinence only programs were 1/3 less likely to use contraception when they did become sexually active (CUSCUS, 2009). One reason for this may be a lack in knowledge about the products. Students with abstinence only education are more likely to have more questions about where to get contraceptives, how to purchase them, and how to use them. They find it uncomfortable to ask about it because every one expects them to be abstinent, so they would rather not find out any information and Just not use any protection.

This is why a comprehensive approach is more effective. It eliminates the embarrassment of the student by them not having to ask and instead Just receiving the information. In a 2007 study, fifty percent of those showed an increase with comprehensive education (Kirby). When it comes to how children should be taught this subject in school a comprehensive approach is the way to go. It clearly is better at reducing the onset of sexual activity cause they are trained to think about the consequences.

It is more effective at reducing the amount of intercourse and the number of partner’s because students are more aware of diseases and want to make the healthier choice. It also increases the use of contraception because they learn about different options and how to obtain and use it. Many studies have found that no abstinence only program is as effective and school’s should be teaching a comprehensive curriculum. Not doing so isn’t providing the student with the best education possible and could have an impact on their health and the rest of their lives.

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