Mercedes benz marketing plan Assignment

Mercedes benz marketing plan Assignment Words: 486

The Best or Nothing”- Mercedes Benz Company Background Mercedes Benz is one of the most recognizable names in the world. If you mention car, luxury, dependable, performance and “The Best or Nothing”, the first name it comes on your mind is Mercedes Benz. History of Mercedes Benz is the greatest out there, but I am going to focus on the Mercedes Benz ASSAI, also known as MAMBAS. MAMBAS is a division responsible for distribution and marketing of Mercedes Benz products in the U. S. The headquarters of MAMBAS are in Motivate, New Jersey.

There re two dealership locations of MAMBAS in northeast Ohio, one in Willoughby and the other one in Bedford. Also included in their division are Maybe, Smart and Sprinter. Although founded in 1965, MAMBAS started importing Mercedes Benz in 1952, and the iconic car that started it all was SELL Gulling. It was founded under Max Hoffman; the current CEO of MAMBAS is Steve Cannon. Other key personnel at MAMBAS are Herald Hen SCOFF and UP, Inning Musician GM of Corporate Finance and Coaching Schmidt Executive Vice President of Sales & Marketing for Mercedes-Benz.

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Over the following years, MAMBAS grew into a nationwide organization, now employing ever 1 500 people. The company also has 356 associated dealerships that employ 21 ,500 people themselves. MAMBAS operates in the Car Dealership industry, in the distribution and marketing division of car sales industry to be more specific. With 305,072 passenger vehicles sold in the U. S. In 2012. SOOT Analysis Strengths: 1 . Mercedes Benz has a strong brand value and global leader in premium cars 2. Leader in innovation I. E. 1st to introduce diesel engines, fuel injection and anti- locking brakes Weaknesses: 1. High maintenance cost of Mercedes Benz car 2.

High prices compared to competition Opportunities: 1 . Developing hybrid cars and fuel efficient cars for the future 2. Fast growing luxury automobile market & increased income Threats: 1. Ever increasing fuel prices 2. Intense competition from global automobile brands The Competition: 1. BMW 1. Propose 2. Audio 3. Volkswagen 4. Jaguar 5. Ferreira 6. Gaston Martin 7. Volvo The Industry they compete in is Oligopoly. Their competitive goal is to be global top- of-the-mind premium automobile brand. By putting their slogan as “the best or nothing”, they are tending to put inside the people’s mind that there is not another competition for them.

The main opportunity for MAMBAS is that the economy should grow. And the economy is growing because they sold 15% more cars so far than last year. Their best strength is that they always have been innovators, and the leaders in this industry. The technology on these cars is highest ever possible. And they keep amazing people for what they offer; the good example is the all-new 2014 S-Class Mercedes Benz. All competitive advantages, or disadvantages, that Mercedes Benz as a car offers is reflected at their MAMBAS sales division. The product they sell in my opinion is superior of what their competition offers.

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