Hinduism Assignment

Hinduism Assignment Words: 610

Hinduism 70+1000=1070 Introduction Hinduism is the third most popular religion in the world after Christianity and Islam. Their origin comes from India in a place called the Indus Valley, which actually pertains to Pakistan. Is considered one of the most archaic religion ways and is the result of an enormous variety of religious traditions, ranging from innumerable small, unsophisticated cults to the major religious movements with millions of adherents spread over the entire subcontinent.

It is also known as Sanatana Dharma or Eternal Truth. In the Hindu tradition there is no single revelation. There is no single founder, devotional tradition, or philosophy which can be said to define Sanatana Dharma. However, every single aspect in the world is related to spirituality and thus it is always close to one’s mind. Belief System It is understood that Hinduism lacks a uniting belief system as it is a diverse belief system ranging from monotheism through the entire spectrum to atheism.

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It is something called henotheism, but is so diverse any simple term will result in an overgeneralization. There are discrepancies on this concept by some people who state that Hinduism does not lack of uniting belief system and that considering so is based in an inaccurate premise. However they recognize that Hinduism has many uniting belief system and that is an umbrella term for many different traditions. (Prakasa, 2007, ?? 2-3) What makes up the Hindu Religion? By definition, religion means “to tie back,” “to tie again. When it is talked about religion there are basically two questions in place, what is behind the five senses I have to perceive the world I am on and what will happen to me when I die. This can be summarized as the unseen reality, which brings the existentialism issue to each human being. The diverse belief system of Hinduism covers and try to answer many of the typical questions related to the unseen reality: who we are? Who created us? What will happen to my soul when I die? As any religion, Hinduism shares the oal of tying people back to something behind the surface of life. Some key terms that make up Hindu religions are the following: 1. The Self 2. Reincarnation: This is the basic answer of what happen after death. It is believed that reincarnation could take place in any living form, but the self remain the same. Birth as a human being is a precious and rare opportunity for the soul to advance toward its ultimate goal of liberation from rebirth and merging with the Absolute Reality. 3. Karma: Refers to action and reactions that follow the self through the samsara. . Samsara: Refers to the reincarnations cycles. 5. Moksha: Name given to the process of getting out the samsara. In other words, final liberation. Desire for Liberation from Earthly Existence One doctrines central to all forms of Sanatana Dharma is reincarnation. This is a repetitive process in with the self, which remains the same, rebirth as any other living thing. This process is referred to as samsara. A special body, which represent a precious and rare opportunity is when birth as a human being.

In this form of reincarnation is that the self soul has the opportunity to advance toward the ultimate goal of liberation. This process is known as moksha, which is believed to stop all of the suffering and limitation of worldly existence. The liberation is based then in stopping the recurrent reincarnations (samsra) and merge with the Absolute Reality. In the Hindu philosophy, it is a state of higher consciousness.? Reference Prakasa, J. (2007). Three Question on Hinduism. Retrieved November 08, 2008, from http://en. allexperts. com/q/Hindus-946/Three-Question-Hinduism. htm

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