Hinduism andi chiristianity Assignment

Hinduism andi chiristianity Assignment Words: 1828

Central to Christianity are the life and teachings of Jesus Christ and the glory of God, as described by witnesses and others in the old and new testaments of the Bible. The Bible is the main source of the principles and values of Christianity. The Roman Catholic Church acknowledges tradition along with Bible as the source for their doctrine. Central to Hinduism are the Semitism, or books of revelations, which include the Veda, the Gammas and the Vagabonding, which Hindus revere as God in word form and which are considered to be eternal, inviolable and revealed by God for the elf of the worlds.

Tradition, law books, the epics and the Purina’s and the writings of several enlightened scholars, philosophers and masters also play an important role in the religious lives of Hindus. Hinduism played a significant role in the emergence of other world class religions such as Jansenism, Buddhism and Schism and shaping the history of the eastern world, while Christianity played a significant role in shaping the history of Judaism and Islam and the western world.

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Hinduism is also the most dominant source of inspiration for many new age religions and elisions movements. Christianity is an organized missionary religion. Its activities are guided and regulated by its churches. The churches are independent organizations having a tradition and history of their own. According to a widely accepted school of thought, the Christian Church is divided into three major groups, the Roman Catholic Church, the Protestant Churches and the Orthodox Churches.

The apostles established several independent churches in different parts of the world of which the Roman Church of the Vatican became the most successful. Hinduism does not have a centrally controlling organization like the church of Rome headed by the Pope or the Protestant Church of England headed by the ruler of England. It is a decentralized religion with no particular authority except the authority of some ancient scriptures to guide it. For a long time, the priestly class has kept the ritual tradition of Hinduism alive and still play a dominant role in the temple traditions.

The temples do bring people together and create a sense of oneness. But they have no control over the religious lives of Hindus. Dad Chancellery’s began the radiation of religious Mats in different parts of the country, each headed by a religious leader. But they do not have the kind of authority or influence as some of the established churches of Europe. However in both Christianity and Hinduism there is a divergence of opinion and tradition.

If Christianity is a loosely held religion of several organizations, churches, movements and traditions that believe in Jesus and owe their allegiance to him, Hinduism is a set of several loosely held religions, sects, sub-sects, schools of thought and teacher traditions that believe in the Veda nudism and Christianity By Jockstraps paths to God are many and in whatever way we worship Him sincerely He responds. Christianity has an uncompromising attitude towards other religions in matters such as the infallibility of the Bible and belief in Jesus Christ.

Any form of worship not approved by the Bible is an anathema to the Christian faith. According to Christians the only way to salvation is the way of Jesus and faith in Jesus and only those who believe in him would be saved from the consequences of sin against God. It is eyelashes to question the actions of God or the teachings of Jesus or belief in Jesus himself. Technically both Islam and Christianity are intolerant religions in which there is little scope for any compromise or reconciliation. To accept another religion one has to permanently disown one’s own religion and the teachings of its prophets.

Hence so much of irreconcilable differences and religious animosity. Christianity believes that God created the worlds out of nothing. Hinduism declares that nothing can come out of nothing and that everything has to exist in a latent form before it manifests. So God created the worlds out of himself using the elements and qualities of His energy known as Portrait. Christianity believes that God and men are different. God created man in His own image but the world and men exist separately from Him. So is the kingdom of God.

Hinduism believes that God created men and beings out of Himself and resides in them as individual atman or self. Essentially beings, objects and God are the same in their inmost aspect as Self. God lives everywhere. The whole universe is enveloped and inhabited by Him. His highest world is a world of uniform lies and unconditional love in which there is no illusion, no limitation and no duality. Hinduism believes that the universe was created billions of years ago through a gradual process of naturalization brought out by Portrait and that the earth is Just one world in a series of thousands of worlds.

Christianity believes that the world was created a few thousand years ago over a period of seven days and that earth is the center of the universe. Hinduism does not believe in the conversion of people. A person becomes a Hindu either by birth or through conscious choice. In the Vagabonding Lord Krishna advises men not to follow another’s dharma however superior it may be for it would hamper their spiritual progress. Christianity does not think so. Christianity accepts conversion as a way of bringing non believers into the fold of believers and saving them from a certain damnation.

It is the responsibility and sacred duty of every Christian to save their fellow human beings who are not Christians by bringing them to the path of Jesus and fulfill his promise to the mankind. According to Hinduism man is Judged by his own karma and the uniqueness of his desire ridden actions decide his fate and future continuously. As long he indulges in egoistic and desire ridden actions, induced by the qualities of nature, considering himself to be the doer of his actions, he runs the risk of leading an illusory and ignorant life subject to the cycle of births and deaths and the laws of nature.

The only way out of this is by doing desirables actions, surrendering to God and acknowledging Him as the doer of all actions, offering the fruit of all actions to Him with detachment, devotion and sense of sacrifice. Christianity believes a person omits sin against God by transgressing His law, not against himself. If he leads a life of sin without acknowledging God and without believing in Jesus, he will become a victim of the Devil and fall into temptation. The gates of hell will be wide open for heaven.

So it is the conduct of a person upon earth in the light of God’s established law and his belief in God that determines the fate of an individual here and hereafter. A sinner can seek forgiveness of God and Jesus through repentance and submission and he will be forgiven according to the strength of his belief. On the Judgment Day all souls are resurrected and Judged by God according to their actions on earth. Both Hinduism and Christianity believe in the eventual destruction of the world.

However Hinduism does not believe in the permanent destruction of the world but in the repetitive nature of creation. There will be repetitive cycles of creation followed by destruction. God does it for his own enjoyment. Each cosmic cycle is equivalent to a day of God which stretches over billions of years and comprises of four cosmic ages or yoga’s. God is creator, sustainer and also destroyer. He creates he worlds through a centrifugal process of expansion or going out like the rays of the sun or the web of a spider while he destroys them through the centripetal process of withdrawal or contraction.

At the end of each cosmic cycle God withdraws His entire creation into Himself and then goes into sleep or hibernation to be awakened again after a certain time to initiate another cycle of creation. Christianity does not believe in the repetitive cycles of creation. Creation takes place in an instant through the will of God over a period of seven days. There is no evolution of life. All life happens at once. The beings live upon earth only once never to return to it again. After that they reside either in the heaven or in the hell eternally.

At the end of creation, following a fierce battle between the forces of good and evil, God heralds a Judgment Day on which he decides the fate of each individual according to his or her actions upon earth. In Hinduism there is no concept of a prophet or messenger of God. There are no hard and fast rules as to how God reveals His knowledge and chooses His messengers. Sometimes He incarnates Himself, sometimes He reveals Himself physically to pure beings and some times He selects a heavenly being or a pure soul on earth to do the work for Him.

He reveals his knowledge through the Veda at the beginning of each cycle of creation. Besides, every self-realized person who has overcome the duality and is one with Brahmas is a messenger of God in his self-realized state. Hinduism is partly revelatory and mostly evolutionary, while Christianity is mostly revelatory and partly evolutionary. Hinduism is a continuously evolving religion, not founded by a particular person or prophet and shaped by the elective wisdom of enlightened masters, incarnations and revelations of God accumulated over several millenniums.

It is regarded as an eternal religion (Assonant Dharma) by its followers. Christianity is founded by Jesus Christ. To be a Christian, one should invariably believe in the way of Jesus only and acknowledge him as the only savior. Central to Christianity are the life and teachings of Jesus Christ and the glory of God, as described by witnesses and others in the old and new testaments of the Bible. The Bible is the main source of the principles and values of Christianity. The Roman Catholic Church acknowledges tradition along with Bible as the source for their doctrine.

Central to Hinduism are the Semitism, or books of revelations, which include the Veda, the Gammas and the Vagabonding, which Hindus revere as God in word form and which are considered to be eternal, inviolable and revealed by God for the welfare of the worlds. Tradition, law books, the epics and the Purina’s and the and accept certain core beliefs as inviolable authority. According to Hinduism the him. If he is a true believer, God will save him and grant him an eternal life in self-realized state.

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