Explain Why Human Emotion May Be Regarded as a Powerful Component of Successful Advertising Assignment

Explain Why Human Emotion May Be Regarded as a Powerful Component of Successful Advertising Assignment Words: 294

Explain why human emotion may be regarded as a powerful component of successful advertising Consumer buying and use of goods in many cases is to pursue a kind of emotional satisfaction, or self image display. When some kind of commodity to meet the consumer’s psychological needs or show the self image, which in the minds of consumers value may go far beyond the product itself. It is precisely because of this, the emotional appeal advertisement in modern society be born, in today is to flourish.

Therefore, the emotional advertising appeal to consumers is the emotional or affective responses, convey goods to their added value or emotionally satisfying, the formation of consumer positive brand attitude. According to the different human emotion classification of affective advertising, emotional advertising into family love, love, friendship and affection, not only gives the product vitality and the characteristics of human nature, but also can arouse consumers nostalgic or longing for the emotional resonance, which can induce consumer goods purchasing motivation.

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For example: Friendship is a part of life. ” Maxwell House Coffee: good stuff should be shared with friends. “, this is Maxwell coffee launch of the advertisement language as into the Taiwan market, because the Nescafe has been occupy the market in Taiwan, Maxwell had to hand the emotion, coffee and friendship with together, won the recognition of consumers, so Maxwell coffee has successful entered Taiwan market.

When people see a Maxwell House coffee, think of friends and share feeling, this feeling is really good.. References Olney. T. J. M. B. R. Consumer Responses to Advertising: The Effects of Ad Content, Emotions, and Attitude toward the Ad on Viewing Time . Vol. 17,No. 4(Mar,1991),pp. 440-453 Holbrook. M. B’shaughnessy. J. The role of emotion in advertising

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Explain Why Human Emotion May Be Regarded as a Powerful Component of Successful Advertising Assignment. (2020, Jul 14). Retrieved March 14, 2025, from https://anyassignment.com/art/explain-why-human-emotion-may-be-regarded-as-a-powerful-component-of-successful-advertising-assignment-42746/