Decoding Social Marketing Strategies Assignment

Decoding Social Marketing Strategies Assignment Words: 902

Planning steps: Defining preliminary behavioral objectives Conduct a rapid situational analysis Define the behavioral and communication objectives Design an overall strategy Develop detailed plan of action and a budget implement and monitor your strategy, identify trends and adapt if Necessary Evaluate Will Parks and Linda Lloyd presented a Step-by-Step Guide for Planning Social Manipulation and Communication for Dengue Fever Prevention and Control Fifteen steps of COMBO Planning for dengue prevention and control Step 1 .

Assemble a multidisciplinary planning team Step 2. State preliminary behavioral objectives Step 3. Plan and conduct formative research Step 4. Invite feedback on formative research Step 5. Analyses, prioritize, and finalize behavioral objectives Step 6. Segment target groups Step 7. Develop your strategy Step 8. Pre-test behaviors, messages, and materials Step 9. Establish a monitoring system Step 10. Strengthen staff skills Step 11 . Set up systems to manage and share information Step 12.

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Structure your programmer Step 13. Write a Strategic Implementation Plan Step 14. Determine your budget Step 15. Conduct a pilot test and revise your Strategic Implementation Plan The Cube Model: A Tool for Developing a Communication Strategy by DRP. Narcosis De Medicos A Framework for Planning a Decentralized Response 1 . Situation response Map main indicators, institutions and responses existing in the community and situation analysis 2. Creating a conducive environment 6. Monitoring and Evaluation 3.

Participatory formulation of the district plan 5. Implementation The Cube Model is a procrastination tool developed in 2001 to address questions such as: Where, how and with whom do we begin the communication strategy? What communication strategies are to be used and when? How do we assess the problems, retrofits the issues to be addressed, and ensure resources for the actions? Though developed for use with HIVE and AIDS programmer at the district level, the Cube Model can be adapted for other programmer.

The Cube model helps conduct a systematic assessment of the project area along three specific parameters in order to select and priorities sites, groups and communication strategies The 8-Step Communication Planning Model The 8 Step Communication Planning provides a blueprint for planning Step 1 :Assess Your Current Situation Purpose: To realistically assess your program by articulating your successes to date and your perceived challenges. First, Ask the Right Questions Then, Conduct a SOOT Analysis Step 2: Set Communication Goals and Objectives Purpose: To articulate your intended accomplishments I n ways that can be measured.

Your communication goals should: Support your programmatic objectives. Help sustain your program. Promote systems change. Communication goals are not tactics! Set communication goals that: Seek to engage, raise awareness, and??ultimately?? change behavior. Persuade others to take action on your behalf. Are realistic. Can be measured, so you’ll know when you’ve succeeded. Step 3: Identify Intended Audiences Purpose: To identify all potential intended?? sometimes called “target”??audience segments for each communication goal; to prioritize those audiences and learn as much as possible about them. List the intended audiences you need for each of your communication goals. Next, Segment Your Intended Audiences Then, Prioritize Your Intended Audience Segments Finally, What Do You Know About Them? Audience Segmentation Is the process of breaking the total target population into segments which have fairly homogeneous characteristics in responding to a social naming. (Kettle and Roberto 1989) 1995) 1 . Socio demographics Age Gender Educational attainment Economic class Language/dialect Medical habits Membership in organizations Marital status Family size Religion Race Occupation Geographic location 2.

Practices Habits Behaviors Lifestyle, etc. 3. Chirography’s Predispositions Attitudes Values Customs Traditions Social norms Indigenous belief system Manner in which a person thinks, feels and responds specific communication Step 4:Develop and Pre-test Messages Purpose: To develop effective messages that ill resonate with your intended audiences and compel them to think, feel, or act in ways that support your communication goals.

In developing messages, remember: “It’s not what you want to tell them, it’s what they can hear. ” Presenting Messages (with your intended audiences to determine if they are persuasive) Step 5: Select Channels, Activities, and Materials Purpose: To identify the most appropriate avenues for delivering your messages to your intended audiences. Channels Communication channels carry your messages to the intended audiences. Channels take many forms and there is an almost-infinite list of possibilities.

Some examples of channels include: People (you, your champions) Television stations Radio stations E-mail, listserv Schools Newspapers Web sites Community centers Parks Nonprofit organizations Malls Recreation centers Libraries Restaurants Supermarkets Frequency and Mix When we talk about the number of times you’re exposed to a product, we’re talking about the “frequency. ” When we look at the number of different ways we’re exposed to a product, we’re talking about a “mix. Step 6:Devaluation Plan Purpose: To determine where, when, and how each task will be done to successfully implement your communication plan. Your action plan should have the following essential information: A listing of major activities, tasks, and subtasks The target date for completing each task The person responsible for ensuring each task is completed. Step 7:Develop and Pretest Materials Purpose: To ensure that your materials will resonate with intended audiences before they are produced and used.

Presenting helps you: Identify whether your messages and materials have any major flaws. Explore alternative messages and materials. Fine-tune your messages and materials. Typically, developing communication material’s a four-step process: 1 . Develop prototype. 2. Review and pretest. 3. Revise and refine. 4. Produce. There are several ways to pretest messages and materials, including: Surveys Focus groups One-on-one interviews Advisory boards.

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Decoding Social Marketing Strategies Assignment. (2019, Dec 07). Retrieved February 10, 2025, from