Buddhism And Hinduism Comparison Assignment

Buddhism And Hinduism Comparison Assignment Words: 248

The Buddhism and Hinduism religions resemble each other in that they are both be livers in some sort of reincarnation process and in Dharma, Karma, and Samara; however, they are contrasting in terms of Hinduism being a polytheistic religion and Buddhism being a religion that feels as though it isn’t necessary to believe in a god or goddess . Although Buddhism and Hinduism religions were very closely associated in many ways, one of the major distinctions between the two was the fact that Hinduism is a altruistic religion and Buddhism is an atheistic religion.

While Hinduism believed I n three gods: Brahmas, the creator god, Vishnu, the preserver god and Shiva, the destroyer go d, Buddhists thought that belief in a god was not necessary and that it was an unneeded d attachment. This resulted in different beliefs of life after death. Although they both b lived in some sort of reincarnation process, the two process’ were slightly altered. Rubric Thesis follows proper format, uses template design.

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Thesis includes at least 3 comparisons with similarities and differences. Buddhism And Hinduism Comparison By illegalities Thesis would gain point on AP rubric: format + 3 comparisons + factually correct + specific + concise. Topic sentence introducing topic of paragraph. Three pieces of specific evidence. 3 Direct Comparison Start to analysis – Used cue words, got a minimum of 1-2 results/impacts Analysis – Gave 3 results/impacts and would earn on AP rubric Point for simply writing and being awesome

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Buddhism And Hinduism Comparison Assignment. (2021, Aug 08). Retrieved September 7, 2024, from https://anyassignment.com/art/buddhism-and-hinduism-comparison-assignment-43188/