Advertising Strategy & Marketing Goals Assignment

Advertising Strategy & Marketing Goals Assignment Words: 883

Advertising Strategy & Marketing Goals Reaching out to other independent radio stations, magazines, promotional companies, online and through periodicals, also by sponsoring a minimum amount of talent shows on prominent college campuses, ND CD will create partnerships and business ventures with these entities creating an all inclusive but financially savvy for the companies revenue growth. By using this method ND CD will create a grass root or underground network stream and or outlet for not only the artists but managers and local venues and small retail stores.

By following these guidelines ND CD will be able to introduce ourselves as an independent wholesaler and distributor enticing the retailers with the same aggressive marketing scheme as used to attack our independent artists. Convincing the smaller mom and pop stores is extremely essential in navigating through the process of the underground circuit. Also allowing artist the option for digital uploads for a small additional fee yet offering a network of more than 500 online digital download stores.

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Further enticing the offer to be more attractive to the artists and retailers, ND CD will also offer barcodes as part of the package eliminating the burden of the artists trying to get his/her music in stores but the barcodes will be leased out to the artists through our company thus allowing ND CD to become a nationally recognized independent distributor. With today’s current technology it is very easy for the artists to create the product but have no means of distributing or marketing said product.

ND CD’s distribution and marketing services will allow the independent artists to continue to make quality and at the same time focus on quantity while we handle all of their online sales, retail sales and a direct link to the artists themselves. Measuring Advertising Effectiveness By providing the partners with access to a small portion of the companies server, i. e. …Research Development and Reports, we would provide them with a series of questions and it will allow them to fill in the blank areas to chart the results geographically, economically and socially.

Also we would suggest that they ask customers that they personally come in contact with to provide an email if possible and question if they are artists or merely just a consumer. They would be able to save this information on a reporting database provided by the company which would feed directly into the main database supplying ND CD with information that would allows us to send out suggestive periodicals outlining the main benefits of signing with ND CD both as a independent artists and customer.

They would be able to save this information on a private & secured database provided by the company which would feed directly into the secured main database supplying ND CD with information that allows us to send out suggestive periodicals outlining the overwhelming benefits and gains by signing with ND CD as an artist and customer. We would also encourage the colleges we’ve partnered with to provide a sign-up area on their website of the student event section for independent artists and publishers.

The information feed into the databases would then automatically be compiled into bar graphs and pie charts tracking monthly overall gains revenue and consumer wise. We would compare the previous months with the current months also including projected forecast gains in each viable area as well. This information once again will allow ND CD to aggressively market and advertise throughout the ever growing network. Promotional Strategies ND CD will for the most part be the one-stop shop for all independent entertainment business, marketing, news transactions and connections.

We would offer incentivizes across the board for referrals, information reporting, top independent sales store of the month, top independent sales artists of the month in all genres provided by ND CD, and would also feature these individuals. This will encourage parties that are signed with us to promote themselves and the services provided by our company. Measuring Customer Satisfaction After each electronic sale we would as the customer to complete a survey with a series of consumer satisfaction questions geared towards the betterment of servicing our customers, partners and the growth of the company.

We would also generate reports from our consumer database and send out surveys via emailed filtering through the frequency of visits by the customer. We would also have our partners fill out a higher grade of questioning surveys that will allow them to operate at a faster, friendlier, more operational atmosphere. Expectations & Experiences With the use of the internet today it is virtually impossible to hide experiences that people have encountered with products and services.

We would encourage consumers, clients, and partners to openly express their experiences with our company with the notion that we understand that all experiences are not positive but we would promote the opportunity for the ungracious experiences to be rectified in every way possible. We would incorporate a blog section on the site that would allow live interaction with other users of the site. By actively pursuing new customer friendly techniques ND CD would be better equipped to bridge all possible gaps between the expectations and the experiences. References: http://www. wikipedia. org/ http://www. cdbaby. com

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Advertising Strategy & Marketing Goals Assignment. (2020, Dec 20). Retrieved October 23, 2024, from