Advertising Print Assignment

Advertising Print Assignment Words: 2328

Advertising can be defined as any paid form of non personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods or services through mass media such as newspapers, magazines, television or radio by an identified sponsor So basically advertising is a mass communications device through which companies promote or market their product to the consumer, and this enables them to make informed consumption decisions. As now a days advertisements have a very great impact on the consumer’s behavior; it plays very important role in our Indian economy directly or indirectly. So if it become unethical it leads our society in wrong direction.

To overcome these problems certain ethical standards are set up by the government and I want to throw a light on this only. As it is a very wide field so here I am restricted to the electronic media only. We have to think about this unethical problem and this wrong presentation of business. So that we can give good ethics to our youngsters. | Page EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TITLE The title of the project is “ETHICAL ISSUES IN ADVERTISEMENT”. Advertising can be defined as any paid form of non personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods or services through mass media such as newspapers, magazines, television or radio by an identified sponsor.

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INTRODUCTION Advertising plays an important part in our everyday lives as it enables us to choose between different ranges of products. These products are promoted through different types of advertisements and cater to all types of markets. On the other hand advertising is plagued with social and ethical issues as it exults in over consumption and waste of resources. Advertising creates an environment where it abuses certain values and interests that are not universally agreed upon. For example in 2001 Yves Saint Laurent launched a fragrance called ‘Opium which featured a naked model.

This stirred controversy and people found it offensive and sex was being used openly to promote a perfume. For a fashion magazine the advertisement was fine but for billboards it was inappropriate and some social groups found it morally and ethically wrong. Some times advertising draws mixed response from the public, while sometimes it becomes controversial. SCOPE AND OBJECTIVE OF STUDY Many advertisements are designed to generate increased consumption of those products and services through the creation and reinvention of the “brand image”.

For these purposes, advertisements sometimes embed their persuasive message with factual information. Every major medium is used to deliver these messages, including television, radio, cinema, magazines, newspapers, video games, the Internet, carrier bags and billboards. Advertising is often placed by an advertising agency on behalf of a company r other organization. 3 | Page Advertising is a powerful communication force, highly visible and one of the most important tools of marketing communication that helps to sell products, services, ideas and images etc.

Many believe that advertising reflects the need of the times. Whether one likes it or not, advertisements are everywhere. They are seen on the walls, on the back of buses, in play grounds, on the occasion of sports event, on roadsides, in the stores and even on airplanes. Advertisements are seen in newspapers, in magazines, on the television, on internet and are even heard on radio. The fact is that we are being bombarded with advertisements day in and day out from all imaginable media.

The average consumer is exposed to a very large number of advertisements every day, particularly the urban and semi urban population. In spite of this, to the dismay and irritation of some and enjoyment of others, advertisement will continue to make their presence felt in our lives and influence our lives in many unsuspecting ways because of rapid changes in macro- environment and in our perception, impressions, feelings, attitudes and behavior. It seems almost impossible to remain totally neutral and not take any notice of modern-day advertising.

The most visible part of the advertising process is the advertisements that we see, read, or hear and praise or criticize. Many suitable adjectives are used to describe advertising, depending on how an individual is reacting, such as great, dynamic, alluring, fascinating, annoying, boring, intrusive, irritating and offensive, etc. METHODOLOGY For completing this project the required information or the raw data is gathered from the sources like websites , journals, magazines ,text books etc which is the most difficult task of this project making as it is the most time misusing process. UT overall this topic is quite interesting to gain knowledge about the ethics in ads the controversial ads also. The purpose of taking this topic is that in the present scenario advertisement has a great impact on the consumer’s behavior so if it becomes unethical it will lead the society in the wrong direction. To overcome these problems certain ethical standards are set up by 41 Page the government or regulation bodies and want to throw a light on this only. Ethics basically refers to what is right, good or consistent with virtue.

Advertising generates complex ethical questions which have to be noninsured, as this mode of communication commits some highly controversial ethical acts which are damaging to the society as a whole. SUMMARY OF FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Here I am restricted to the ethical issues of advertisement related to television media only as this subject has a very wide arena to be focused on. Her I just want to know that how much these set standards are successful in maintaining the dignity of the Indian’s beliefs and their feeling. | page RESEARCH METHODOLOGY TITLE – Ethical Issues In Advertising Advertising is a form Of communication that typically attempts to persuade attention customers to purchase or to consume more of a particular brand of product or service. Ethics refers to principles that define behavior as right, good and proper. Such principles do not always dictate a single “moral” course of action, but provide a means of evaluating and deciding among competing options. In the present scenario advertisement has a great impact on the consumers behavior so if it becomes unethical it will lead the society in the wrong direction.

To overcome these problems certain ethical standards are set up by the government or regulation bodies. DURATION OF PROJECT This is a very long term project so we have been provided with a period of one month for the completion. To make it easy this period was bifurcated into various sections of making blue print, abstract, collecting primary data, secondary data, making preliminary report, secondary report and final report at the end which makes the whole process easy to attempt.

OBJECTIVE Advertising plays an important part in Our everyday lives as it enables us to On the other hand advertising is 61 Page plagued with social and ethical issues as it results in over consumption and waste of resources. ‘Advertising creates an environment where it abuses retain values and interests that are not universally agreed upon. Advertisements as Mirrors of prevailing norms Marketers claim that advertising simply mirrors the attitudes and values of the surrounding culture. No doubt advertising, like the media of social communications in general, does act as a mirror.

But, also like media in general. It is a mirror that helps shape the reality it reflects, and sometimes it presents a distorted image of reality. Advertisers are selective about the values and attitudes to be fostered and encouraged, promoting some while ignoring others The purpose f taking this topic is that in the present scenario advertisement has a great impact on the consumer’s behavior so if it becomes unethical it will lead the society in the wrong direction. To overcome these problems certain ethical standards are set up by the government or regulation bodies and I want to throw a light on this only. An differentiate my objectives for taking this topic as follows: To know the various ethical marketing strategies of the market leaders. To know how can we make a ethical advertisement. To know the impact of unethical advertisement on the society. To enhance my marketing skills. To know the role of advertisement in the success of any organization. TYPE OF RESEARCH As I took the data from magazines , books, internet links , journals and news papers. It is research of descriptive type. SCOPE OF STUDY of the times. Whether one likes it or not, advertisements are everywhere.

They are seen on the walls, on the back of 7 Page buses, in play grounds, on the occasion of sports event, on roadsides, in the stores and even on rare planes. Advertisements are seen in newspapers, in magazines, on the television, on internet and are even heard on radio. Here I m focusing mainly on the media as a source of advertising. Large number of advertisements everyday, particularly the urban and semi feelings, attitudes and behaviors. It seems almost impossible to remain totally neutral and not take any notice of modern-day advertising.

The most visible part of the advertising process is the advertisements that we see, read, or hear and praise or criticize. 8 | Page CORE STUDY newspapers, magazines, television or radio by an identified sponsor So basically advertising is a mass communications device through which of the times. Whether one likes it or not, advertisements are everywhere. Internet and are even heard on radio. The fact is that we are being bombarded with advertisements day in and day out from all imaginable media. The average consumer is exposed to a very large number of advertisements everyday, particularly the urban and semi urban population.

In spite of this, to the dismay and irritation of some and enjoyment of others, advertisement will continue to make their presence felt in our lives and influence our lives in many unsuspecting ways because of rapid changes in macro- environment and in our perception, impressions, feelings, attitudes and behavior. It seems almost impossible to remain totally neutral and not take any notice of modern-day advertising. The most visible part of the advertising process is the advertisements that we see, read, or hear and praise or criticize.

Many suitable 91 Page adjectives are used to describe advertising, depending on how an individual is reacting, such as great, dynamic, alluring, fascinating, annoying, boring, intrusive, irritating and offensive, etc. Through different types of advertisements and cater to all types of markets.. Advertising enables producers to expand their markets and therefore take advantage of economies of scale to reduce unit production costs results in over consumption and waste of resources. ‘Ethics basically refers to what is right, good or consistent with virtue.

Advertising generates complex ethical questions which have to be considered, as this mode of communication commits some highly controversial ethical acts which are damaging to the society as a whole. It promotes overselling exploitation of vulnerable groups, vulgarity, offending the public, promoting socially harmful values or behavior and intrusion of privacy. Advertising creates an environment where it abuses certain values and interests that are not universally agreed upon. For example in 2001 Yves Saint Laurent launched a fragrance called ‘Opium which featured a naked model.

This stirred controversy and people found it offensive and sex was being used openly to promote a perfume. For a fashion magazine the advertisement was fine but for billboards it was inappropriate and 101 page some social groups found it morally and ethically wrong. Some times advertising draws mixed response from the public, while sometimes it becomes controversial. NEED OF ADVERTISING Advertising is the promotion of a company’s prod cuts and services carried out armorial to drive sales of the products and services but also to build a brand identity and communicate changes or new product /services to the customers.

Advertising has become an essential element of the corporate world and hence the companies allot a considerable amount of revenues as their advertising budget. There are several reasons for advertising some of which are as follows: Increasing the sales of the product/service Creating and maintaining a brand identity or brand image. Communicating a change in the existing product line. Introduction of a new product or service. Increasing the buzz-value of the brand or the company.

Significance of Advertising Basically advertising creates wants but does not fulfill them, a person may see an advertisement for a product, it might be glossy and fancy and he might be attracted to buy the product. He might eventually buy it but it will not satisfy him it will just be a waste. Its a short term material satisfaction which just drives the economy by over consumption of goods and services. It keeps the consumer in doubt about what to buy and in what quantities and this doubt in turn has ethical implications.

Four reasons are attributed to the officious nature Of the way advertising practices are being carried out in developing countries. 11 | P age 1. The role of Information and Communication technologies: As Acts evolve so do marketing practices. If yesterday it was television that revolutionized the way advertisements could create a lasting impact on the consumer, then today the internet and phone text messages are doing just that. 2. The world today is an increasingly global village: Social and ethnic boundaries are fast falling in the wake of cable television and the like. . Rapid economic expansions in countries like China and India have meant that marketers have to quickly respond to the changing socio-economic scenarios. Millions of people have entered the middle class and millions more are poised to do so. For marketers, the consequences can be mind boggling-as incomes and spending powers rise, marketers have to respond to increasing demands from consumers. 4. Better and improved marketing research has meant that the entire populace is not seen in totality but rather as a congeries of different types of consumers.

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Advertising Print Assignment. (2020, Dec 03). Retrieved October 22, 2024, from