Center for Writing Excellence Scavenger Hunt Assignment

Center for Writing Excellence Scavenger Hunt Assignment Words: 983

Submit your responses to the following questions: (HINT: Refer to the Reference and Citation Examples documdented in the Tutorials and Guides section, as well as the Sample Paper and the Library link. ) If more than one author is listed, must all authors be listed in the citation? Yes Is the author’s full name used in the References page entry? No If no year is listed for an in-text citation, what should be listed? (n. d. ) What is the minimum information needed for an in-text citation? Last name and year What abbreviations are used before page (if listed) in an in-text citation? . or pp. What is used for the author’s name in the in-text citation if the article’s author is not listed as “anonymous” or at all? Name the group authors On the References page, what words of an article or book title are capitalized? First word, proper nouns, and the first word after colon or dash What U. S. cities do not require a state when listed on the References page? Baltimore, Boston, Chicago, New York, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, San Francisco Baltimore, Boston, Chicago, New York, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, San Francisco

Are quotation marks used for titles of articles in the sources listed on the References page? No How is the state abbreviated for the publisher’s location on the References page? The First and Last letter of the state and capitalized Are any sources listed in the References page italicized instead of underlined? Yes If the full title of your essay is “The Paragraph and You: A Study of Organization,” in how many places of the document would the full title be listed? All pages since under 50 characters How far from the top of the page is the header? Half inch…

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What is the suggested length of an abstract? What point size is preferred for the font at the University of Phoenix? What is the preferred spacing in a document? Are there any extra spaces between paragraphs of a paper? How are personal interviews or e-mails listed when cited in a paper? Should the Web address for retrieving an article in an electronic database be listed in the reference? How do you get to the Center for Writing Excellence? Here’s something fun—go to the list of common English errors and indicate what the difference is between “flaunt” and “flout. Check out the section that provides tips on Microsoft® software and indicate how you insert headers and footers in a Word® document. How do you add a button to your Microsoft® Office® Toolbar? Category Button Description Edit Replace Allows you to find and replace one bit of text with another. For instance, if you spelled someone’s name “Charla” throughout your paper and then found out it was really supposed to be “Sharla,” you could enter these values and the replace tool would change them all for you. View Ruler Turns the ruler on and off.

Header and Footer Allows you to enter information into the Header and Footer areas. Fit to Window Stretches your paper to fit the viewing area. Depending on your computer’s screen settings, this sometimes makes things easier to see. Normal Switches to the Normal view. Print Layout Switches to the Print Layout view. Insert Page Break Adds a page break to your paper at the point where your cursor is. Page Number Inserts a page number into your document (useful in the header). Symbol Adds symbols not available on your keyboard.

Some useful examples are the em dash (—), the copyright mark (©), all of the accented letters you could ever want (Useful if your name is “Renee”), and several f r a c t i o n s ( ^! ) . F o r m a t A l i g n L e f t L e f t j u s t i f i e s t h e t e x t o f w h i c h e v e r p a r a g r a p h y o u r c u r s o r i s i n . C e n t e r C e n t e r s t h e t e x t o f w h i c h e v e r p a r a g r a p h y o u r c u r s o r i s i n .

A l i g n R i g h t R i g h t j u s t i f i e s t h e t e x t o f w h i c h e v e r p a r a g r a p h y o u r c u r s o r i s i n . D o u b l e Spacing Double-spaces whichever paragraph your cursor is in. How do you add a button to your Microsoft® Word® Toolbar for Office 2007? How do you submit a paper to the Center for Writing Excellence? What leeway do you need if your paper is due next class? Factor in a day or two for revisions and then determine the last possible day you can submit the paper for review.

What are the three major databases that you can access at the University of Phoenix’s Online Library? How can you obtain assistance in looking for something in the Online Library collection? What is plagiarism? When you are citing a directly quoted, word-for-word source in a paper, do you use quotation marks? Describe the spacing after punctuation the University of Phoenix requires in written assignments. Which fonts are acceptable for use for assignments submitted at the University of Phoenix? If you are stumped by a grammar question and cannot find the answer, where can you go to get an answer?

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Center for Writing Excellence Scavenger Hunt Assignment. (2021, Aug 27). Retrieved March 11, 2025, from