Space design considerations for an architecture school Assignment

Space design considerations for an architecture school Assignment Words: 495

Its mission is of developing and promoting quality technical education In India in a coordinated manner. The Council looks after the technical education of engineers, pharmacists, managers, architects and scientist. Peg 2-6 : Background and Statutory Provision under CITE Act regarding Planning, Promotion and Regulation of Technical Education. It describes the background of the CITE and technical education, its role in expansion of professional fields such as pharmacy, applied arts &crafts.

It describes the growth of technical education in government and private alleges with respect to region, state, institution type and no. Of diploma, post diploma, no of PAGE institutes, MBA Institutes, Engineering institutes, Architecture Institutes etc. It states The CITE Act, 1987 passed by Parliament and its important provisions on approval process. It gives the detailed view towards Static’s profile, its vision of being world class organization, its mission of Facilitating world-class Technical Education . TTS objective of promotion Planning and Coordinated Development of Technical Education System. It has taken responsibility of policy erection, review of norms and standards. It stresses on list of major function Like approval, accreditation, research, grant, awards development programmer etc. Definition- peg 24: It defines all the possible terms used in the handbook such as shift, technical campus, foreign student etc.

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Grant approval page-60: It gives detailed information about the grant, seeking approval of the council, requirements and eligibility, fund position of applicant, process of submission of application ,processing fee, views of state government and affiliating university, process for change of site/ action, closure of institution, conditions of approval and process of approval the it lists the points considered during evaluation of application by expert committee, evaluation of application by regional committee.

It states the amount of money to be deposited In Static’s account with respect to program, under graduate, post graduate and post graduate diploma, diploma and post diploma. It describes the policy regarding the minimum qualification ,pay scale etc for appointing Principal / Director time schedule for processing of applications . Page- 72 : It provides further information about Unapproved Institutions, detailed points to be carried out Action in case of violation of Regulations.

It provides objectives , eligibility , processing fee and procedure for approval, conditions for approval regarding Collaboration & Twining Program between Indian and Foreign Universities or Institutions in the field of Technical Education, Research and Training . Peg 73- 81 : It gives information about the program , duration and eligibility for students to be considered while giving admission to under graduate degree program, Post

Graduate Degree and Post Graduate Diploma Programs (Full Time), Diploma Program, Post Diploma Programs . Peg 82- 107 : It lists the approved Nomenclature of Courses of 400 courses taught under CITE. It gives information in tabular form regarding the Norms for Intake & Peggy-111 . Number of Courses / Divisions in the Technical Institutions of under graduate level, Post Graduate Degree and Post Graduate Diploma Level, Private Limited or Public Limited Company/landlers Establishing Diploma or UnderGraduate or Post Graduate Institute.

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Space design considerations for an architecture school Assignment. (2019, Feb 20). Retrieved October 23, 2024, from