Voltaire Candide Assignment

Voltaire Candide Assignment Words: 1283

Seriously, the French have some really interesting names. I wouldn’t even begin to try and pronounce either one of their names because I know I would just slaughter them. Even the Introduction was interesting and learning about how the stories came about. It gave a little background information about Voltaire to begin with. Although when reading the stories, all that background information faded away. I got so into the stories, I was truly taken away. Candied Not at all what I expected. I loved the story, from beginning to end. I was elated then sad, then elated then sad again.

Talk about an emotional reallocates. To be utterly poor, to unbelievably wealthy and to hell and back again, all in search of his love. This was a totally cool story. Once I started reading it, I couldn’t put it down. I loved the way the story ended, with each and every one of them, learning to live with what they have and that what little they have is enough, especially after what they had all been through. Thinking one and the other was dead only to find them alive again, and In the end, Just learning to appreciate one another’s company and to “cultivate their garden”.

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All of their life lessons learned, really gave them some introspect as to what life really has to offer and what is truly important to them. This story was amazing. I wanted him to go back to El Dorado if he were able to find his way back. I kept thinking he would find his love Condoned and take her back to El Dorado with all of his favorite people and live happily ever after. But no. After reading Candied, I found It really hard to get Into Micromanages. Micromanages This was another story that was completely other than what I thought It would be.

Although I didn’t find this story as interesting as Candied, it was moderately interesting and at the very least, I found it amusing. It really Just goes to show that Voltaire really did think big, large, way outside the box. And this piece was written a very long time ago. I was amazed at his imagination and the thought put forth into how these giants would get from one planet to another and how they used diamonds as microscopes to see the tiny people, and then to talk through a toothpick?

And how each philosopher on the tiny ship had a school of thinking according to what famous philosopher they believed in or followed. Who would have ever thought of a story like that? Like I said, this wasn’t my favorite, but it was interesting and it really Just hoecakes Voltaire incredible Imagination and his open way of thinking. It was out of this world… Ha Gazed stories after the main character as well. Gazed, was another amazing love story which drew me in at the onset. Once again, the main character went to hell and back again, searching for his love, the Queen Stare.

I am a romance Junkie so these stories were right up my alley. My heart went out to Gazed when he had to flee to Egypt. I loved the part about him running into Stare again while she was searching, but not really searching, for a basilisk fish, and coming upon her, only to find her writing his name in the sand with a stick. Oh my gosh…. LOVE! Again like Candied, I was sad, then elated, then passed off because Caddis armor was stolen when he was supposed to marry Queen Stare, and then coming across an angel and traveling with the angel. Why was the angel sent to him anyway?

I didn’t really understand that part of the story or what the angel had to do with anything other than to enlighten him that everything is either a test or punishment. Hammy…. Okay…. I still don’t get it. Of course, I absolutely loved the happy ending, he got his queen and being a kind, just and deserving man, became King, and everybody loved him…. Way! What Pleases the Ladies The first word that comes to mind in describing this work is: poem. I know, my description is not really deep or provoking, but hey, that’s what comes to mind. This started out as a little creepy.

I was really feeling sorry for poor Sir John with the court awarding the old woman what she really wanted, him. E’. WA. ‘, she had crusty scabbed eyelids… That would completely turn my stomach. Luckily the old woman had a good heart and turned out to be a fairy that sometimes helped soldiers or knights. All along she was testing him on the virtue of his heart, if he was a virtuous man and was able to look past her outer shell and see how lovely she was inside. Because he was a good man, he closed his eyes and did his duty as he was ordered despite being totally grossed out.

I was so thankful at the end that she was a fairy and that she lived in a palace and was beautiful. He was richly rewarded for…. Doing you know what… The Ing??nue Another great love story with a not so happy ending. The Ing??nue and Voltaire description of him make me picture in my mind, an incredibly handsome man. I was ad when the fair Saint-Yves makes the ultimate sacrifice to save and free her love, the Ing??nue. The Jesuit priests are total scum buckets with way too much power. Of course, for a small price, or for your most prized possession, you can obtain favor and save your loved ones.

Of course she had her friend, who encouraged her to give herself to Saint-Poundage, the dirtied, in order to free her lover. And, after all is said and done, Saint-Yves dies from a fever? This story was pretty tragic. She gave herself so that others could be free and happy. I enjoyed this story very much, I would have preferred a happier ending but this as a true story, so I guess that was not possible. This story did, however, make me wonder what I would do under those same circumstances. Would I make the same decision that Saint-Yves made?

I probably would have. The White Bull A white bull, tethered to a chain, held by an old woman, goes running up to a princess and kisses and weeps at her feet? And the serpent with the old woman was the serpent to enticed Eve to partake of the forbidden fruit? Wow. All of the animals This story was strange but interesting. I always find that the less realistic stories are, the harder it is for me to get hooked. The Princess was extremely curious about the secret of the bull and after being warned by the old woman, seeks an answer from the serpent. K, if I were told by an old woman, not to ask about the secret of the white bull, mummy, I wouldn’t ask. Curiosity killed the cat! I have the utmost respect for the Bible and Bible characters. I wouldn’t have asked. Nevertheless, hearing that a white bull is the king I am supposed to marry would make me faint too. At least the bull was transformed into her lover and they were able to marry. A weird, sort of biblical story, but with a happy ending. What’s with all the love stories??

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Voltaire Candide Assignment. (2018, Oct 08). Retrieved March 31, 2025, from https://anyassignment.com/history/voltaire-candide-assignment-49649/