Enlightenment in hinduism jainism and buddhism Assignment

Enlightenment in hinduism jainism and buddhism Assignment Words: 2162

The goal in Hinduism is to connect ones soul with the universal essence through the use of karma as manipulated to work to ones advantage. Since Hinduism is based on a hierarchy, seen in the form of caste, they way one uses karma is dependent on the caste, which they belong to. Jansenism on he other hand, has no concept of a god, and has no hierarchy because it is a religion of equality. Gains consider Karma as being the cause of suffering in ones life; so everyone is put at the same level aiming to achieve the same goal by changing their karma from bad to good.

The ultimate goal of these two religions is to achieve liberation from the cycle of transmigration. Throughout the hierarchal system of Hinduism, and the equivalent, individualist system of Jansenism, a large role of karma is seen as bringing one closer to this goal. The caste system, as seen in Hinduism, was brought about in the story of creation, seen in the Rug Veda texts. It was said that each caste was created through the different body parts of a god. They become the Varian or castes of Hindu society; each Verna with its own level of knowledge and own duties in life.

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The dharma- shatters are the rules for social order, and their main emphasis is on following parasympathetic. Verna, or this caste hierarchy, is therefore a ruling on the Hindu people. Different Varian lead people to have different tasks to complete in order to fulfill their parasympathetic. Completing this action is considered the good action used in order to obtain good karma. In the case of Hinduism, one’s soul achieves liberation from the cycle of transmigration through connection of the soul (Atman) to the universal deity or essence (brahmas). This union is achieved by doing good action, which is dependent on your Verna.

These The goal in Hinduism is to achieve enlightenment from he cycle of samara, ND achieve monks by connect the individual soul to the universal deity. This is done through following the rules for social order, seen in the Dharma-shatters, a Vided text. The core idea in these rules is to follow parasympathetic. The first part of this is Verna, meaning caste, There are four Varian in Hindu religion, which include priests (Brahmins), warriors (ashtrays), merchants (visas), and peasants enlightenment in Hinduism Jansenism and Buddhism By Marauding knowledge about the religion and rituals.

This means to achieve dharma, each level of casts would have to undergo a different action based on the amount of knowledge hey have. Depending on your caste, or role in society, the actions you perform to achieve dharma are going to be different. Individuals of lower caste are sometimes not allowed to perform the same actions or deeds as people of higher caste. Within the Verna hierarchy, the top three Varian are ritual castes, while the bottom sutra caste is not. Ritual castes are considered as twice born, because hey have to undergone an initiation into the religion.

This includes rituals like the thread ceremony, and is considered a physical sign of ones Verna. These are the only castes allowed to perform rituals , whereas the bottom sutra caste is not. UT of the ritual castes, the priests are supposed to be the most knowledgeable of rituals. Another form of hierarchy seen in Hinduism is between the universal senses, or Abraham, and the soul, or atman. Each individual has their own atman, and these sols continue in a cycle of transmigration, until they have achieved liberation through good action, and connected there atman to Brahmas.

The hierarchal system seen here is at the level of the atman, and the higher level of the Brahmas. Each atman has to work to bring up their status to connect their atman to Brahmas, or in other rods bring their atman up to the status of Brahmas. Once once all of these souls have reached Brahmas, they have reached their ultimate goal, or highest point that they atman can go; so up a level from their atman. Once they reach this level, there is no more hierarchy, because everyone is equivalent at that level.

In Jansenism, karma is seen as a source of suffering, and any form of suffering that one experiences in their life is due to the bad karma one has gained from not following Gain doctrine in ones past life. Until they follow this doctrine, their souls are kept in this cycle of transmigration. This is shows that, like Hindus, Gains can change their karma to liberate their souls. Unlike the Hindus however, once the soul is liberated it is not connected with any universal deity because there is no concept of deity within the Gain religion.

Once a person has purified their soul through good action, and living according to the doctrine, it is liberated by being released from the cycle of transmigration, and has its suffering put to an end. The concept of the individuals being responsible for their own karma is maintained throughout the religion. A Gain is responsible for the actions of their own soul. One must create good karma on their The key actions required to do this are through renouncing all ties to the world, seen as an illusion, and detaching themselves from all material possession.

This is done by taking the five Gain vows; non-violence, truthfulness, non-stealing, celibacy, non- possession, non-materialism. Some go to the extent of becoming monks as seen in the story of the Gain monk. These vows go hand in hand with the gems of Jansenism, which are a set of teachings providing a means for living. They include right vision or view, right knowledge, and right conduct. Living according to the Gain doctrine and changes ones bad karma to good karma, and leads one to a path to liberation of the soul from suffering in the cycle of transmigration. Eternities, detachment and renunciation of the self from all illusions of the world, all The renunciation stories were made to instill deep hatred toward the world, and had a goal to renounce human ties (Granola, 88). The lesson in the story of The Monk Sudsier from the Breakthroughs demonstrated Samara; meaning by not practicing austerity according to the Gain doctrine, you would remain in a cycle of transmigration (Granola, 88). Samara, seen in both Jansenism and Buddhism, was depicted in this story when the Jeweler, Sudsier, was reborn as his own son.

Also, the concept of karma was seen when Sudsier remembered his past life and suffered facing the people that had betrayed him, everyday. It mentioned later in the story that he had not been practicing the Gain doctrine, and we saw that he received bad karma because of this. The only way to get out of this cycle of Samara, and to gain good karma was for Sudsier to live according to the Gain doctrine. This meant detaching from the world and achieving dharma by following the five Gain vows; aims-non violence, Stay- artfulness, estate-non-stealing, pharmacology-celibacy, and paragraph-non- possession and non-materialism (Granola, 89).

Sudsier became a monk and was assumed to receive liberation when he died years later in meditation (Granola, 89). Jansenism focus on the equivalent individual is clear through its lack of caste, or hierarchy. Each individual is responsible for their own soul, and is change their karma in the same way to achieve liberation. Regardless of what your status is in society, whether you are a queen, or a queen’s Jeweler, you are retired to undergo the same vows to arrive at the same ultimate goal. This very example was also seen in the story of the monk sudsier.

At the end of the story, when they were convinced of karma being the cause of the Jeweler’s suffering after reincarnation, the king and queen, a long with stirs renounced their lives and and followed the Gain doctrine in the concept that the world is an illusion has to be kept in mind, making status in this world meaningless, and purity of the soul the ultimate reality. Following the Gain doctrine is considered purification often soul, because at the hand of this illusionary world, the soul becomes subject to impurities such as pride, ignorance, and greed.

These aspects come to a person through attachment to material possessions, status, and people. Purification also comes through following the Gain doctrine, which includes following Gain vows. One of the Gain vows seen to be followed was non- possession, and examples was seen in one of the Gain sects, digamma (slackly) where people would practice nudity, in order to not be attached to clothing, as it was a material possession. There were different actions required by men and women to do. Some hierarchy was seen when between men and woman, as they could not practice non-possession, like in the form of nudity, to the same extent as men.

The second sect of Gain was asseverate (the white clad) which was more accepting of women. Though there was their a hierarchy seen in this sense within the Jinn religion, the main dusty done by Gains were on an individualistic basis. Order to change their karma. In Jansenism, regardless of high or low status in the world, These aspects comes to a person through attachment to material possessions, status, and people. Focusing on the self, and renouncing from the illusion of the world including all ties from people and material things is important for the Gain path to enlightenment. Hinduism has a focus on hierarchy

Caste system Verna- ritual castes perform different rituals Everyone has there own dharma based on their caste Achieved through accrual of good action to reap good consequence In this case good consequence is achieving connection of atman and brahmas Gods and humans Many gods, all above humans Everyone trying to get their individual atman on the level of brahmas Release from that caste system once achieve monks (atman is then Joined to Brahmas and is owe group entity at same level) After death, doesn’t matter what caste you are from, as long as your atman connects to Brahmas, allowing you to achieve mimosa/liberation room transmigration cycle Since all souls are part of that universal entity, Brahmas, after death all souls come to the same level. O there is no caste after death which is what they are trying to achieve, swell as relief from transmigration cycle Jansenism has a focus on individualism No caste system, everyone is equal Nobody is higher than anyone else. There is no deity Everyone must undergo same things, detachment and renunciation to relieve themselves from cycle of suffering Cycle continues as long as people are caught in this illusion Because they are caught in the illusion. It leads to ignorance greed, pride etc.. and no respect any thing else This is why when they purify there souls and does the same thing to achieve liberation 5 Gain vows example is non-violence thistles to the extent of in-killing, so people carry brooms and sweep the floors inferno of them makings not to injure any animals non killing also seen in the diet they eat.

Very careful about food choices??nothing with a root because that would be killing and individual’s individuals are thought to be reincarnated as animals humans anything (seen as suffering caused by karma),so injuring any rooted plant could ebb killing a soul. Vs.. Hinduism that doesn’t go to that expend. That becomes part of their ritual system like when they sacrifice food and crops into fire are one of their ways to achieve karma (ritual existentialistic to again) or violence seen with them as part of their dharma like into the story of the larva’s and pandas where god Krishna tells him its right to go into battle Even after death, the individual soul is liberated Role in material world Both see the world as an illusion Hinduism- caste system seen rooted from religious practices into societal practices.

The world is illusion, work to get Abraham and atman together to get out of this illusion Everyone is as different level in life, based on caste, which is based on a punishable idea. Some individualism, where you are responsible for your own dharma. But division by hierarchy also seen. Jansenism- detachment from the material world, because its an illusion. The world is suffering, so need to renounce Jansenism sees individuals in the material world. Everyone works toward their own goal which is why there is no sense of caste or hierarchy, even though some distinctions seen between men and women, but everyone is at same level in the same position in life in the aspect of their souls

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