Nursing Leadership Assignment

Nursing Leadership Assignment Words: 655

Advancing Nursing Leadership Nursing is a science and a rapidly changing profession that is now being faced with a lot problems. As challenges arise, the nursing field requires nurses with advanced knowledge and skills and who are responsible to take leadership roles In both educational and clinical settings. According to In-house (2007) nursing leadership provides the foundation and is essential for promoting the evidence- based practice (EBPP) within health organizations.

For this reason, more research In leadership area is important as nurses are the key caregivers in healthcare that influence quality of care given, treatment, and patient outcomes. Benefits of Research In this area. Curtis, Sheering, and Varies (2011) found out that research on nursing leadership has shown a positive relationship with improved patient outcomes and healthy work places; Job satisfactions and positive outcomes for organizations; patients and healthcare providers.

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In an article addressing the importance of nursing leadership in advancing EBPP, Bradshaw (2010) states that nursing leadership is essential to success In delivering care that Is evidenced based, and leaders must find ways to engage staff nurses in EBPP movements. In a subsequent article, In-house (2007) supports nursing leadership as being essential and is seen as the key to a successful evidence-based practice. Enabling EBPP Is Important for promoting positive outcomes for both patients and nurses.

Above articles address the importance of good leadership in creating healthcare settings changes that transform practice for the best patient care. In addition, In-house (2007) recommends that healthcare facilities should provide the meaner to help nurses towards EBPP learning; which in urn, results in a professional environment that help in individual growth for staff and quality Improvement. More so, National Academy of science (2011) suggests that one way to achieve this is for health care organizations to support and help nurses in taking the lead to develop and adopt patient focused care models.

Challenges On the other hand, as the nursing care within healthcare facilities continue to grow, many challenges face the nursing leadership. In both articles, many challenges confront nursing leadership. Some of these according to Bradshaw (201 1 ) include but not limited to; new technology, financial constricts, cultural diversity, new roles, staffing issues and education, among others. Nursing as a profession, enables one to expand his or her knowledge, skills and Judgment in deferent aspects. As nursing expands, nurses are Increasingly being expected to take leadership roles in different areas and settings.

It is evident though that nurses are facing many challenges hindering them from engaging in different roles and function effectively. Newman (2007) suggests that enabling organizational Infrastructure for EBPP would be the foundation to support clinical care while recognizing and understanding the barriers in planning. According to Curtis et al. (2011) is important that factors which enhance learners, sun as adequate training, competencies, skills, Knowledge, etc. , are put into account because leadership has been effective where these factors have been coordinated.

It is only through this that nursing leadership can flourish and survive the current challenges. Conclusion As nursing leadership become central in nursing, it is obvious leadership roles will not apply to a certain group of nurses, but everybody with the title: Nurse. Leadership role should be incorporated into nursing schools and applied to all nurses from the start of basic education or training. This way nursing leadership will be fostered throughout nursing education versus when a nurse starts learning leadership roles in the Job.

Most research supports that more professional training should fill nursing education and leadership, and further research is needed to establish the ideal content and format for the most successful training. References Bradshaw, W. (2010). Importance of nursing leadership in advancing evidence-based nursing practice. Neonatal Network: AN, 29(2), 117-122. Curtis, E. , De Varies, J. , & Sheering, F. (2011). Developing leadership in nursing: exploring core factors. British Journal of Nursing (Mark Allen Publishing), 20(5), 306-309. Curtis, E. , Sheering, F. , & Varies, J. (2011).

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