Marketing Assessment Guide Assignment

Marketing Assessment Guide Assignment Words: 555

This a confidential online survey accessed using the Students who do not complete a group contract at the beginning and an Individual evaluation have no recourse (cause of complaint) for their final group report mark. Responsibility for the management of groups is the students own. These groups must be within the same tutorial. Each group will submit three assignments. Each assignment covers the application of consumer behavior theories in different countries in the South East Asian Region.

A DOD way to start is to examine the relevant chapters in the Opposite and Schultz text as well as Coffman et al. At least one real world example of each the consumer behavior theory and concept discussed In the relevant chapters of both texts should be Included In your report. The example could be print, scanned Images, a link to You-tube video. A minimum of five academic journals should be cited and correctly referenced. Group Assignment 1: China, Chapters 1-4 of Coffman. Compare and contrast as to how two (2) aspects or theories of consumer behavior as discussed in

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Coffman applies to this country and how it differs from that in Australia. Show how this may provide a marketing opportunity for an Australian exporter. This is due at 1 1. 59 p. M on Thursday, Week 5, 28th of March . Group Assignment 2: South Korea, Chapters 5-9 of Clansman. Compare and contrast as to how two (2) aspects or theories of consumer behavior as discussed in Coffman applies to this country and how it differs from that in Australia Show how this may provide a marketing opportunity for a Australia exporter.

This is due at, 11. 59 p. M on Week 9 , 10th of May. Group Assignment 3: Malaysia, Chapters 10-13 of Coffman. Compare and contrast as to how two (2) aspects or theories of consumer behavior as discussed In Clansman applies to this country and how It differs from that In Australia. Show how this may provide a marketing opportunity for an Australia exporter. This is due at 1 1. 59 p. M. On Friday, 31st of May . A marking template for the assignments is included in on Noodle (Appendix A).

Your analysis must be substantiated by the use f relevant illustrative examples that show the application of relevant consumer behavior theories. Write no more than five pages on each assignment (not including references and examples). As this Is a group assessment, procedures as attached to the end of the course outline must be followed by all students. All referencing must be the Harvard style. These group reports are submitted online to Noodle via the Turning after the Wick has been compiled. Students are required to check for plagiarism using the Turning tool also available from I-learn.

In the end, he assignment that is submitted online for grading is also assessed for plagiarism, using Turning and a variety of other online tools. Any group with a similarity rating student papers will receive a grade -1, for each reference to a student paper found via Turning All individual grades for Group Reports will be moderated by peer evaluation and/or the Judgment of the lecturer. We use an overall peer assessment survey at the end of semester. The lecturer has the final say in the adjustment of group-work marks taking into account peer assessment ratings.

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Marketing Assessment Guide Assignment. (2019, Aug 08). Retrieved March 31, 2025, from