SynthesisOver Cyber Bullying Assignment

SynthesisOver Cyber Bullying Assignment Words: 1862

The following prompt is based on the accompanying seven sources This question requires you to synthesize a variety of sources into a coherent, well written essay. Synthesis refers to combining the sources and your positions to form a cohesive, sup ported argument and accurately citing sources. Your argument should be central; the sources should support this argument. Avoid merely summarizing sources.

Introduction Whether students are the target, perpetrator, or observer, bullying appears to be a rite e of passage n schoolyards throughout the world. Although bullying is discouraged by parents an d school officials, it seems to be considered a normal part of growing up. However, with the into reduction of the Internet and the rise of chat rooms, blobs, and social networking sites, cyber buy Lying has become an anonymous way to target and attack others. ADD Assignment Read the following sources (including the introductory information) carefully.

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Then, write an essay in which you develop a position on accessibility. Decide whether or not you be live this is a problem that deserves the attention of people in authority, and if so, where s loud the responsibility lie? Synthesize at least three of the sources for support. Refer to the sources as Source A, Source B, etc. ; titles are included for your convenience Source A ( Latrine Source B (Crisis text line) Source C ( National bullying prevention center Source D (Media Awareness Network Source E ( Cobwebs Source F (Gardner) Source A “STOP BULLYING WITH KINDNESS”Latrine, Jackie.

November 1 1, 2014. Available at http://www. Thanklessness. Org/stopbullyingkindness/ The following image came from an online campaign to stop bullying. Source B “11 MORE FACTS ABOUT BULLYING” can be found at towpath. Newsletter. Org/11 impressionability’s/ The following excerpt came from a reliable online source. In our society, bullying is the most common form of violence. American schools hold 2 . 1 million bullies and 2. 7 million of their victims. One in seven students from grades K 12 are either bullies or victims of bullying.

Nearly one fourth of students from elementary through high school have reported that they have been harassed or bullied at school because of their race, teeth nicety, gender, religion, sexual orientation or disability An estimated 160,000 children miss school eve ere day cause they fear attack or intimidation by bullies. Harassment and bullying have be en linked to 75 percent of school shooting incidents.. Each month, 282,000 students report being attacked in high schools throughout the nation. Victims of bullying are 2 to 9 times more likely to consider suicide than students who are not bullied.

More than two thirds of students believe that schools respond poorly to bullying, and that adult help is infrequent and ineffective. Source C National bullying prevention center. “Defining Bullying Behavior” Available at http:// www. Pacer. Org/bullying/resources/infarcts. Asp This excerpt from a reliable online source. What is bullying? At first glance, it might appear that this behavior is easy to define. A common image of bullying might be of a physically intimidating boy beating up a smaller class mate or of one child shoving another inside a hallway locker.

While that is still considered bully Eng, it’s important to know that bullying behaviors can be much more complex and varied that n historical stereotypes. For example, while some bullying is physical and easy to recognize, bully inning can also occur quietly and covertly, through gossip or on a smartened or the internet, ca sing emotional damage. Source D “Challenging Cyber Bullying. ” Be Web Aware. Media Awareness Network. Web. 03 Novo. 2013. . This Excerpt came from an online source to raise awareness about bullying.

The anonymity of online communications means kids feel freer to do things online the eye would never do in the real world. Media Awareness Network research from 2005 shows that 60 per cent of students pretend to be someone else when they are online. Of those, 17 per cent d o so because they want to “act mean to people and get away with it”. Even if they can be identified online, young people can accuse someone else of using their screen name. They don’t have t o own their actions, and if a person can’t be identified with an action, fear of punishment is timid shed.

There are several ways that young people bully others online. They send e mails or instant messages containing insults or threats directly to a person. They may also spread hat feel comments about a person through email, instant messaging or postings on Web sites and online diaries. Young people steal passwords and send out threatening e mails or instant messages using n assumed identity. Technically as’. N. Y kids may build whole Web sites, often with pa sword protection, to target specific students or teachers. An increasing number of kids are b Ewing bullied by text messages through their cell phones.

These phones are challenging the ability of adults to monitor and guide children because, unlike a computer placed in a public area off h mom, school or library, mobiles are personal, private, connected – and always accessible. Kids tend to keep their phones on at all times, meaning bullies can harass victims at school or even in t Eire own rooms. Built in digital cameras in cell phones are adding a new dimension to the problem. In one case students used a camera enabled cell phone to take a photo of an overweight classmate in the shower after gym. The picture was distributed throughout the school e mail list within minutes.

Schools are struggling to address the issue of accessibility among students, especially when it occurs outside of school. When real world bullying occurs in a schoolyard or c lassoer, teachers are often able to intervene, but online bullying takes place off the radar score en of adults, aging it difficult to detect in schools and impossible to monitor off school property. Young people should be aware that some forms of online bullying are considered criminal a acts. Under the Criminal Code of Canada, it is a crime to communicate repeatedly with someone I f your communication causes them to fear for their own safety or the safety of others.

It’s al so a crime to publish a “defamatory libel” writing something that is designed to insult a person or likely to injure a person’s reputation by exposing him or her to hatred, contempt or ridicule. T he role of Internet service providers (Sips) and cell phone service providers Internet service pro videos (Sips) are the companies that provide Internet access to consumers. Most Sips have A acceptable Use Policies (Pups) that clearly define privileges and guidelines for those using their s revise, and the actions that can be taken if those guidelines are violated.

Source E “Accessibility Gets 11 Md. High School Students Punished, Report Says. ” Cobwebs . CBS Interactive, 01 NOVO. 2013. Web. 03 NOVO. 2013. . The excerpt came from a reliable news station ANNAPOLIS, Md. Nearly a dozen high school students in Maryland were disciplined this week for alleged cyber bullying, reports CBS Baltimore. Officials say school administer torso became aware of the cyber bullying allegations on Monday and by Tuesday, they had taken action. We take bullying and cyber bullying very seriously and the consequences are very strict, said Bob Mossier, Anne Roundel County schools. At the beginning of the month, a new law took effect in Maryland that makes accessibility a minor a misdemeanors offense, accords g to the station. The law is nicknamed Grace’s Law after 1 area old Grace Mucosa. The Howard County teenager killed herself last Easter after she was cyber bullied relentlessly, rep rots the station. After Grace’s death, her family lobbied for action.

School officials say they will continue to crack down on accessibility and, the station reports, Maryland schools have Joined d a pilot program with Faceable to try and combat issue. Source F Gardner, George. “Survey: Two in Three Teens Not Targets of Accessibility. ” Tech. Bolero. Com. 28 June 2007. Web. 3 NOVO. 2013. . The following is a survey done by George Gardner A study conducted by the University of New Hampshire in 2000 found 6% of teens w ho engaged in online activities were victims of cyaccessibility/p>

Five years later, a survey by the National Children’s Home revealed an increase, with 20% of teens reporting to have b eeenullied by electronic means. And today, PEW Internet & American Life Project’s latest survey r evbevelsne in three teens have experienced online harassment, a substantial growth and lilikelElyo be the highest numbers reported. But don’t call Guinness Just yet; PEW defines cyber bullying (in this report) as an ‘annoying and potentially menacing online activity,’ – and the word spam comes to mind; in which case, we’ve all been the victim of online harassment.

However, a few i Itinterestinghings came from PEW’s report; the most common form of cyber bullying originates in someone making your private information public such as forwarding instant messages and e mails to other people without consent, spreading rumors online, and having ririsquér embarrassing images uploaded to online galleries. Among those who are the most likely to be targets of hahardssegmentsre teens who share their identities and thoughts online through social networking siisetestnd personal blblobs7% of teens say that bullying and harassment happens more offline than online, proving that this form of aggression has been bebeenlaguing teens long before the In teternxisted; it’s Just manifesting itself in a different form for a digital age. Whether it be t he schoolyard bully or the e bully, the only thing that has changed in recent years is the hype around bullying on the Internet. Perhaps the only problem with cyber bullying is those who c are about it in the first place. Given that, we’ll take the ‘glass is half full’ approach and say that 2 0 uttofueens have not been bullied online.

Source G O’MarryMark. “Opinion: Should Parents Be Criminally Liable for Kids’ CyAccessibility” CNN . Cable News Network, 01 Jan. 1970. Web. 03 NoNovo2013. . The following paparagraphs an opinion paragraph on bullying Two girls in Florida, 14 and 12, have been arrested and charged with aggravated stalk ininning cyber bullying. They allegedly tormented a 12arrearld girl named Rebecca so relentlessly that last onontoRebecca leapt to her death from a tower in an abandoned concrete plant.

The arrest came after the following post was made on the 14arrearloldsaFaceableccount: “Yes 1KK bullied REBECCA and she killed herself but IDGAFF” Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd said he wowoololdharge the parents if he could, but there were no “obvious charges” against them. Be fore filing charges against the girls, Judd asked the parents to bring the girls in for questioning. They refused. But in a case such as this, should willful blindness or gross negligence be crcribiminimalI think they should, and here’s why: If a child kills someone while operating a parent’s arARthe parents can be held responsible.

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