Critique of Transformational Leadership Assignment

Critique of Transformational Leadership Assignment Words: 1058

Although this paper has a point by shedding more light on possible Gender orations in self-sacrifice of leaders with regards to development, its small sample size defies the norm of generalizations of concepts discovered.

An obvious finding it is that leaders engage less in developmental aspect of leadership over the supportive because leaders are faced with greater pressure to perform in the face of limited resources of time and money in the bid to cut cost. Nevertheless this would serve as an Organizational development and behavioral management tool. SUBJECT CONTEXT OF THE PAPER The Individually considerate transformational leadership behavior and sacrifice search paper is seen to have adopted the positivist research philosophy and encompasses disciplines of study such as Organizational Development, Sexology, Behavioral Psychology, Leadership studies.

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Therefore the type of people or individuals that this material would be of relevance and much help to include Leaders, Managers, Employee representatives, Psychologists, Feminists, Academics (Researchers & students), Guidance counselors and Management cons Titans. CRITIQUE OF RESEARCH METHODS USED IN THE PAPER * The literature review of this paper which was highly focused on research eave a wonderful insight of what research work had been done in the past with regards to this topic in which I must hail the researchers. However, to a first time reader it lacked a key definition of transformational leadership.

It is not only about its components but how does an individual without knowledge of this style of leadership understand the background of the paper. * References used are mainly journals which are not old but not so current therefore there is no the guarantee that their findings and theories referred to can be applied to our current day complex managerial world. No form of real life scenario examples where provided in the literature review to give the readers a greater insight of what transformational leadership involves. * Individual consideration has been characterized as behavior that allows transformation to occur in this article.

This has shown a dysfunction as it takes more than consideration but also involves influence and stimulation as seen in Mulling (2005). * Key authors who have contributed in one form of the order to this field of knowledge has been referred to however the one man who first brought about the Knowledge of ramifications leadership James Burns (1978) wasn’t referred to. * The word Leaders was used interchangeably with managers in some instances. To the researchers do both terms mean the same? In actual fact leaders are different from managers. * Semi structured interviews used to gather data.

This approach used is rather a subjective one because it is based on how the leaders understands issues that is what the leaders or key informants view as important in explaining. Secondly there is a tendency for the leaders to digress away from what is expected of them. * The research also display another form of objectivity as the use of the semi structured approach depends on the skills of the interviewer in conducting the interview and analyzing the data, Also the length of time used in the interview of people varied and wasn’t consistent. The use of the telephone interview method in this research has a number of disadvantages such as the interviewer cannot see the expressions or body language of the leaders, the leaders could lie with regards to their answers, leaders have little time to think well before they answer the questions posed to them and network failure of telephone networks. * The sample size where just 1 participants all from the country of Canada shows that the sample size is inadequate to be enough to make conclusions with regards to transformational behavior. All the participants of the interview where all top executives, though from different sectors but within the same country. * This research didn’t take into cognizance views for the followers within the organizations. It therefore showed a one sided approach. * Only the positive side of individually considerate transformational leadership has been looked into without taking into cognizance the negative effects this behavior may have on the leader.

Purposive strategy for sampling in this research is prone to subjective judgment of the researcher knowing that this sample method is used when people that have the expertise required is minimal. But this is not so in this research as a lot of companies in various countries have this expertise. Specific criteria of the people used in the sample were not made clear in this article. This research is therefore subject to bias and errors. * Age range of all leaders where the same which is of essence a great impact because the taught patterns of a certain age may be different from the thought patterns of another.

Audio recorded then transcribed data used in the research can pose challenges because environmental factors such as noise can be an impediment. Transcription can also consume a lot of time as multiple transcribers can come up with different results due to environmental factors. * The content Analysis done with Novo is advantageous notwithstanding it can be utterly time consuming and sometimes based on related word counts. * Blended Grounded theory which has become far more the most widely used framework for analyzing quantitative data (Barman ; Bell, 2007) is used in this research.

However, the processes of this theory weren’t followed to latter as it seemed more like concepts where developed in the research not theories because for a formal theory to be developed with this approach data must be collected and analyzed in other settings. * This research involved the deconstruction of interviews in which is based on the knowledge of people that are involved. Therefore of a certainty some data are misinterpreted and some meaning is lost. The discussions with key informants from their samples as a source of information is prone to some issues such as distortion of information, allegations between interviewer and them can influence report, may overlook some vital information and the efficiency of the analysis of information provided by these key informants can be subjective. * Review of written materials for public sector on leadership training is a good source of secondary information, however this is dependent on if the information within the materials is valuable to the research and if the information can be useful in other settings.

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Critique of Transformational Leadership Assignment. (2020, Sep 15). Retrieved February 23, 2025, from