The persistence of poverty Assignment

The persistence of poverty Assignment Words: 1469

Among the most Important causes of why poor people often stay poor are five behaviors or, better, non- behaviors: not working, not finishing school, not saving for a rainy day, not moderating alcohol consumption, and not living within the law. Poor people need money the most. If marginal utility Is Increasing at low levels of consumption, then typical people whose consumption Is very low will derive very little utility from a bit more consumption. The author continues that poverty is a self-sustaining condition not a self-eliminating one, therefore poverty is natural.

Natural does not mean it is Ineradicable because there are constructive options and poverty reducing behaviors. It Is important to stop those who are not really poor but who are not suffering material shortages and just underreported income. For the motivation of the participants will be reduced and there will be public mistrust for the system. To help the very low Income, the author proposed supplementing the wages. This will entice those working to continue to work and also to encourage those not working to get a Greenberg, M. , Greenberg, G. , & Mazda, L.. (2010).

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Food pantries, poverty, and social Justice, American journal of public health, 100(bib 2021-2. Retrieved May 13, 2012, from ABA/INFORM Global. Document ID: 21 66665391). This paper addresses food insecurity in United States. The United States Department of Agriculture defines household food insecurity as the absence of sufficient food for a healthy and active lifestyle for all household members and existing food that does not meet nutritional requirements. The food insecure proportion of the US population increased from 1 1 . 1% to almost 14. 6% between 2007 and 2008.

The prevalence of very low food security the food intake of one or more adults was reduced and eating patterns disrupted because of insufficient resources Increased from 4. 1% to 5. 7%. The US government’s lack of economic support contributes to the widening inequality in the nation. During a period of economic distress, government and for-profit organization budgets are squeezed and the vulnerability of marginalia people rises, as does the stress on small nonprofit organizations that try to fill part of the gap that some government and for-profit donors have left.

This paper goes on to say elected officials and agency staff are responsible for assessing the reality, developing appropriate policies, and ‘OFF ignoring the poor. Nonprofit agencies are no longer able to fill the void. Gustafson, N. , & Macaroon, A.. (2010). Poverty and of child welfare, 101 years later. Social Work, 55(3), 279-80. Retrieved May 13, 2012, from Research Library. (Document ID: 2154431101). This paper does a review of families served by child welfare reveals that many of the families are poor.

Most of the referrals to Child Protective Services allege neglect, which is strongly associated with poverty (Saddle & Broadest, 1996; U. S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2008). The overrepresented of African Americans in the child welfare system suggests that race may serve to exacerbate the role of socioeconomic status. Poverty is a threat to the well-being of children. The disadvantages of poverty are cumulative. Poor families come to the attention of child welfare for poverty-related issues.

Children can be hungry, be living in substandard housing or be homeless, be unsupervised while a parent works or is meeting other responsibilities, be truant from failing schools, lack medical care, or have a caretaker with untreated mental illness or substance abuse. Each of these issues can be a thaw to placement. Locating accessible and effective community services for these issues can be a daunting task for child welfare staff. Compounding the challenges are pressing workforce issues.

High turnover rates among child welfare staff are costly for agencies struggling to recruit, train, and retain staff and are expensive for families as service plans are delayed, not evaluated, or not even implemented. The paper goes on to say that there needs to be another White House Conference that calls for legislation where no child is removed from a family because of poverty alone. Kelly, D. & Lewis, A. (2010). Business Strategy Series, 1 1(3), 192-199.

Funding of human service sector nonprofit organizations. Retrieved from ABA/INFORM Global database. (2017536071) This article aims to examine the dynamic nature of the sources of funding for not-for-profit (Naps) organizations with particular reference to Naps in the human service sector Naps in the US. Design/methodology/approach. The universe of Naps include government and so-called third sector organizations which such as charities, healthcare organizations, educational institutions and disaster relief organizations.

Specifically the authors examined the human service sector of Naps with the aim of analyzing the relationships between government subsidy and the level of commercial activities of Naps. The findings were, the expectation is that Naps with greater level of commercial of for-profit type activities are better managed than Naps that are solely reliant on government subsidies. This article examines the dynamic nature of the sources of funding for not-for-profit (Naps) organizations with particular reference to Naps in the human service sector Naps in the US and makes recommendations for nonprofit organizations.

Moslem, D. (2004). Factors influencing the successful use of vision- based strategy planning by nonprofit human service organizations. International Journal of Organization Theory and Behavior, 7(1), 107-132. Retrieved May 13, 2012, from ABA/ study the vision-based strategic planning processes of four nonprofit human service organizations. The author identifies factors that influence the successful initiation of the planning process, the formulation of a vision-based plan, and the use of the plan to guide organizational performance.

The author also identifies transformational dervish and an organizational commitment to cultural change as important to the inflammation of these success factors and to the subsequent achievement of viable vision-based strategic plans. Newest, R. , & Brenner, J.. (2010). At your service? Volunteering and national service in 2020. Public Administration Review: Special Issue on the Future of Public Administration in 2020, 70, SASS-SASS. Retrieved May 13, 2012, from ABA/INFORM Global. (Document ID: 2274832341 This article evaluates the potential of the Edward M.

Kennedy Serve America Act of 2009 to raise the level of volunteering and national arrive in the United States, particularly among young people, and its implications for public administration through the year 2020. The act would increase service-learning opportunities and national service placements substantially. Research suggests that participation in these activities is associated with increased volunteering, civic and political engagement, and interest in a career in government or nonprofit service, especially among African Americans and Hispanics.

These results hold considerable promise for the practice of public administration into 2020. The authors find that heir effectuation depends not only on increasing federal service programs significantly and continuing growth in funding, but also on addressing important challenges, such as the ability of public policy to increase volunteering, volunteer management capacity to support these efforts, the role of volunteering in addressing pressing social issues, and reaching disadvantaged populations. Rogers, R. (2009). Community collaboration: practices of effective collaboration as reported by three urban faith-based social service programs.

Social Work and Christianity, 36(3), 326-345. Retrieved May 13, 2012, from Protest Religion. Document ID: 1863252901). The author discusses proposes if collaboration becomes a key to success in fundraising and service delivery? If so, what are the keys to effective collaboration for community-based, religiously-affiliated nonprofits? The article addresses these question using qualitative data from the FASTEN (Faith and Service Technical Education Network) Research Project of religiously-affiliated social service programs that address urban poverty.

Data from 13 in-depth semi-structured interviews with three faith-based nonprofit organizations (Fobs) in a major urban area in the northeastern United States were analyzed using the grounded constant comparison method of qualitative analysis. These organizations, which had affiliations with evangelical Protestant, Catholic, and Jewish communities of faith, each engaged in an effective collaboration with the government entities at the county or federal level. The key findings were grouped in three categories of effective practices: communication, sharing resources, and common goals and values.

A primary lesson learned is that the cumulative effect of simple practices is a key to successful collaboration. Valuation approach to help nap’s reduce poverty and increase economic self- reliance. International Journal of Management and Innovation, 2(2), 44-53. Retrieved May 13, 2012, from ABA/INFORM Global. (Document ID: 2436090521). This paper helps to answer the question, “How do you measure a nonprofit organization’s success? ” The paper looks at the 3 key stakeholders that benefit from nonprofit performance measurements and what measurements principles benefit each group.

Then, three ideas of nonprofit evaluation systems that have been proposed by researchers are examined. How well each of the three systems fulfills the needs of each of the three entities is also examined. Finally, the paper builds on the ideas of these researchers to recommend a unified measurement system that will allow Nap’s to show how well they help to reduce poverty and increase self-reliance.

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