Race and Ethnicity of Juvenile Offenders Outline Assignment

Race and Ethnicity of Juvenile Offenders Outline Assignment Words: 252

Culture and Diversity Paper Outline Culture and Diversity Paper Outline * Topic Race and ethnicity of juvenile offenders * Outline I. Introduction II. Juvenile Offenders A. The Federal Bureau of Investigation B. Race and Ethnicity Overview C. Juvenile Justice Process 1. Arrest 2. Detention, 3. Prosecution, 4. Adjudication, 5. Transfer to adult court 1 III. Data A. Differential rates of arrest for crime are related to race. 1. Violent crimes 2. Robbery 3. Murder and negligent manslaughter 4. Arson B.

The United States juvenile population in juvenile facilities C. The National Council on Crime and Delinquency 1. Attitudinal traits 2. Personality traits IV. Conclusion References Armour, J. and Hammond, S. (2009). Minority Youth in the Juvenile Justice System. Disproportionate Minority Contact. Retrieved on December 12, 2010 from http://www. ncsl. org/print/cj/minoritiesinjj. pdf Bilchik, S. (1999). Minorities in the Juvenile Justice System. U. S. Department of Justice. Retrieved on December 12, 2010 from http://www. cjrs. gov/pdffiles1/ojjdp/179007. pdf Cothern, L. , Hawkins, D. , Laub, J. , and Lauritsen, J. (2000). Race, Ethnicity, and Serious and Violent Juvenile Offending. Juvenile Justice Bulletin. Retrieved on December 12, 2010 from http://www. ncjrs. gov/html/ojjdp/2000_6_1/contents. html Ethnicity and Race Overview (2006). Retrieved on December 12, 2010 from http://anthro. palomar. edu/ethnicity/ethnic_1. htm Hodgdon, H. (2008). Minority Involvement in the Juvenile Justice System.

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The Future of Children. Retrieved on December 12, 2010 from http://futureofchildren. org/futureofchildren/publications/highlights/18_02_Highlights_03. pdf Juvenile Offenders (2007). WiseTo Social Issues. Retrieved on December 12, 2010 from http://socialissues. wiseto. com/Topics/JuvenileOffenders/ Multicultural Issues. (n. a. ) Youth Violence Project. Retrieved on December 12, 2010 from http://youthviolence. edschool. virginia. edu/juvenile-violence/multicultural-issues. html

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