What was the most effective government? Assignment

What was the most effective government? Assignment Words: 644

Hilliard’s “hat form of government was most effective – democracy or absolutism – for the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. The most effective government is Democracy because of its system of government. Democracy’s system of government works because it is ran by the people and the federal government checks each other to make sure no branches became more powerful than the others.

John Locke said in the Two Treatises of Government, said, ” Men being by nature all free, equal, and independent, no one can be subjected to the political power of another without his own consent To protect natural rights governments are established Since men hope to preserve their property by establishing a government, they will not want that government to destroy their objectives.

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When legislators try to destroy or take away the property of the people, or try reduce them to slavery, they put themselves into a state of war with the people who can then refuse to obey the laws. ” Locke is trying to say people are born with certain rights and the reason why we have government is or them to protect those rights. If the government does not protect our rights or become an abusive government, the citizens could revolt and start a new government, until we feel comfortable with the new government.

Voltaire is another person that supports my thesis when he said,” I may disapprove of what you say, but will defend to the death your right to say It The best government seems to be that in which all ranks of men are equally protected by the laws. ” Voltaire explained, even though I don’t agree with what you say I will still listen and respect what you say. If go don’t do that you are violating their right of free speech. In the Bill of Rights It explains your rights.

In The Spirit of Laws, Nonentities said,” Although the forms of state – monarchy, aristocracy, and democracy – were united In English government, the powers of government were separated from one another. There can be no liberty “here the executive, legislative, and Judicial powers are united In one person or body of persons, because such concentration Is bound to result In arbitrary despotism. ” Nonentities Is trying to say that not one person could be In control of the executive, legislative, and Judicial branches all at once because the person In charge will eventually become an absolute monarchy.

Democracy prevents this because each branch checks the other ones to make sure they don’t get too powerful. The most effective government Is Democracy because of Its system of government. Democracy’s system of government works because It Is ran by the people and the federal government checks each other to make sure no branches became more powerful Han the others-What form of government was most effective – democracy or absolutism – for the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Y Nikkei-Hilliard’s Nat form of government was most effective – democracy or absolutism – for the will defend to the death your right to say it The best government seems to be that n which all ranks of men are equally protected by the laws. ” Voltaire explained, even {o don’t do that you are violating their right of free speech. In the Bill of Rights it state – monarchy, aristocracy, and democracy – were united in English government,

Inhere the executive, legislative, and Judicial powers are united in one person or body of persons, because such concentration is bound to result in arbitrary despotism. ” Nonentities is trying to say that not one person could be in control of the executive, legislative, and Judicial branches all at once because the person in charge will effective government is Democracy because of its system of government.

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What was the most effective government? Assignment. (2020, Dec 02). Retrieved October 22, 2024, from https://anyassignment.com/social-science/what-was-the-most-effective-government-assignment-52092/