Philippine Government Assignment

Philippine Government Assignment Words: 440

Public Law Organization of governments Limitation upon government authority Powers and duties of governmental offices and officers Obligation of one state to another These are the study of public law The doctrines relating to the origin, form, behavior, and purpose of the state. Public Administration Focus upon the methods and and technique used in the actual management of state affairs by Executive; Legislative; Judiciary branches of government Other branches of learning History “History is past politics and politics present history’ adopts a “historical approach” Economics

Political scientist frequently The study of the production, distribution, and conservation and consumption of wealth. This were coupled under the name of political economy. Geography Under Geopolitics Study of the influences of physical factors such as: population pressure, source of raw materials domestic and foreign politics Sociology and Anthropology Sociology study of society as a whole Anthropology who studies mankind in relation to physical, social and cultural development Psychology Studies of mental and emotional processes motivating the political behavior of individuals or groups. “Psychological approach” Philosophy Doctrines of Plato, Aristotle, and Locke and other thinkers. They are called as political scientist. These concepts are the underlying forces in the framing of constitutions and laws. Statistics and Logic Scientific methods in gathering and evaluating data and in drawing conclusions. For current political problems Jurisprudence A branch of public law Concerned with the analysis of existing legal systems and also with: ethical, historical, sociological, and psychological foundation of law.

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Functions and Importance of Political Science 1. To discover the principles that should adhered to in public affairs and to demonstrate what is good, to criticize what is bad or inefficient and to suggest improvements. 2. Its finding and conclusions may be used to constitutionalists, legislators, executives, and Judges who need models or norms that can be applied to immediate situations. 3.

Deals also with problems of social welfare, governmental economic problems, international cooperation and other matters concern to public officials and to private citizens. Goal in the study of Political Science Courses Education tort citizenship 1st objective: Ђ Preparation of students for career in politics, law, teaching, the civil service, and the foreign service Essential parts of liberal education Intelligent and responsible citizenship can save democracy negligence can lost it. Ђ indistinctive: obligations of democratic citizenship While ignorance and Knowledge and Understanding of Government The “good” citizen who behaves himself and votes regularly is no longer enough. He must also be the citizen who knows the answer. He must know how his government really operate. E. G. His policies, his rights and obligations, his elected representatives, what they stand for

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