Of Mice and Men- civil rights Assignment

Of Mice and Men- civil rights Assignment Words: 502

“Judgments prevent us from seeing the good that lies beyond appearances” (“Quaternion”). Prejudice is simply a prejudging of something without relative facts. Gender, age, race, and disabilities fuel people’s Judgments (“Understanding Prejudice”). Of Mice and Men is filled with good examples of discrimination in America during the sass’s. Leonie, Crooks, and Curlers wife are the major examples. Not many people have heard of babbles. It is the discrimination against people with disabilities (“disabled feminists”). Leonie Small suffers from this.

He has social rejoice for being disabled. Without George, Leonie has a hard time socially interacting with others. He often gets left behind at the bunk house and left out of the card games the other men play. His poor memory, his stutters, and his likes for soft things show his disability. He acts like an innocent child (“Shampoo”). People don’t always understand his disability. Especially in the sass’s when this story took place. “If he finds out what crazy bastard you are, we won’t get no Job,” (“Of Mice and Men”). People with disabilities did not get Jobs very offend back then.

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The only person who seemed to understand Leonie was George. Some people couldn’t accept their friendship (“Shampoo”). Racism is a more population form of discrimination. In Of Mice and Men, Crooks is a victim of racial bias. Crooks is left out of most of the activities the other men take part in. He doesn’t get invited to go out to town with the men and never is asked to join in their card games. Crooks isn’t even allowed in the white men’s bunkhouse. He lives in a shack by himself. As a result he became bitter and lonely. When Leonie entered Crooks bunk, Crooks was angered. Mint wanted in the bunk house, you Mint wanted in mine,” (“Of Mice and Men”). Crooks was not use to white men visiting him. Sexism is a discrimination, typically against women, regarding their gender (“Understanding Prejudice”). Curlers wife is a victim of sexism in this novel. In Of Mice and Men, Curlers wife has no name. This shows the low status of women in that time period. She is only referred to as a bitchy, a tramp, and a tart. “Vive never seen no piece of Jail bait worse then her. ” The men all make fun of her. They see her as trouble and never take the time to listen to her wants and needs.

When someone finally does listen, he ends up accidentally killing her. Since the sass’s, things have changed. Civil rights laws have been set up to protect the rights of the disabled, the elderly, African Americans, women, and other people who suffered from discrimination. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 outlawed those major forms of discrimination (“withy law”). Other laws such as the Equal Pay Act of 1963 and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 prohibited sex-based and age-based prejudice (“withy law’). Today, all American citizen’s have the same

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Of Mice and Men- civil rights Assignment. (2018, Aug 17). Retrieved March 31, 2025, from https://anyassignment.com/social-science/of-mice-and-men-civil-rights-essay-assignment-38801/