Impact of Media on Teenagers Assignment

Impact of Media on Teenagers Assignment Words: 3369

Paper Abstract: Discusses ways in which movies, television, radio, print and the Internet influence teenage attitudes, self-image and behaviors. Negative effects of media emphasis on thinness. Relationship between media & self-esteem. How film, TV & music affirm the validity of sexual activity for teens; alcohol use. Aggression & violence. Paper Introduction: The Effect of Media on Teenagers The media exerts an enormous, almost a normative influence, over the lives of men, women, adolescents and children.

It influences, particularly among teenagers, the ways in which individuals and groups dress, talk, behave, and think (Teen People, p. 28). The media, in the forms of movies, television, radio, and print as well as the new electronic communications medium of the Internet, helps to connect individuals to one another and to the world; invariably, this powerful influence shapes the ways in which viewers or participants perceive the world and their own place within that world.

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Given that teenagers are often highly impressionable and subject to such influences, this report will consider the effects of media on this particular age group. Specifically, the report will consider the ways Text of the Paper: The entire text of the paper is shown below. However, the text is somewhat scrambled. We want to give you as much information as we possibly can about our papers and essays, but we cannot give them away for free. In the text below you will find that while disordered, many of the phrases are essentially intact.

From this text you will be able to get a solid sense of the writing style, the concepts addressed, and the sources used in the research paper. groups dress talk behave and think Teen People p world invariably this powerful influence shapes the media on thisparticular age group Specifically the influence can be overwhelming for young people For young female teenagers inparticular the level of perceived physical attractiveness for women Kliewer and Kilmartin p Research conducted influences during the ntire period of the mass media and even to respond to the media can exert onyounger people Noting that the media adolescent females is overtly encouraged by mass mediadepictions girls The mostlikely mechanisms through frequency of exposure to media The constant bombardment of young females with These researchers also suggestthat such images influence adolescent males level of approval for adolescent sexuality and pre and extramarital sex including sexual interactionbetween adolescents Chapin p and enticing manner are more likely in the depiction of sexual experience sexual intercourse for the first time Chapin on adolescents The effect of suchimages is to give tacit impact on sexual activities and enormoussignificance in shaping the attitudes and behaviors and attitudes high school mostadolescents will have often contain unrealistic inaccurate andmisleading information that young people accept asBritney Spears suggest to young girls that increase in sexually transmitted diseases includingAIDS to these messages based onwishful thinking such Mediamessages in the form of advertising and begin experimenting with alcohol by eighth grade who use either substance will experience media personalities or fictional characters they will acquirethe more likely to participate in such television show a group of attractive high schoolstudents information but what we as viewers do withthat use of violence and excessively certaindegree of social approval to these kinds of responsible for increases in teenage children and adolescents areexposed to numerous acts of will reveal that any specific act ofadolescent violence such commonplace if not acceptable At work in mediaviolence that may be causally associated with an increase games television shows music and even Websites that likely to exert a negative influenceover pre-teens that parents must become more aware of kinds of behaviors are and are notacceptable In the mass media on youngpeople can Farrington p contends that television and other media This is something thatadvertisers have long recognized each year with uncounted thousands ofadvertisements in print and that these same young people are helping behaviors are routinely represented in the mass medialends them suggests that this impact is moreoften negative than positive exposure may be the only way to reduce theeffects of Topic Our News Team’s Views Teen People pp Botta Renee A Television Images and Adolescent Girls’ Body pp Field Alison E Camargo Carlos pp Gilbert James Washington Diarist Juvenilia The New

Republic June Relations to Sexual Harassment Body of men women adolescents and children It influences electronic communicationsmedium of the Internet helps to connect individuals are often highly impressionable and subject tosuch alcohol and or drug use to name teenagers’ body imageand thin ideal endorsement indicates that media personal dissatisfaction and lowered self-esteem Additionally the continued emphasis nervosa or bulimia is also image and sexualharassment tended to reveal that the onthe other hand appear to very real concern They tend tohighlight the sex Field Camargo Taylor Berkey Roberts and Colditz beauty and fashion magazines and higherlevels disorder symptoms are via encouraging girls in which most young females experience some level ofnegative date comparable females John R Chapin p believes that sexual violence or aggression directedagainst to music withsexual themes and attend concerts in p reported that media content is adolescents as well as a lowering at entertainers are commonly seen in scanty clothingwhile singing sexually explicit confront adolescents By affirming the validity of sexual activity than they do in school or with theirparents Thus the media such as television music computers and sexual messages are becoming more explicit in dialogue sexualobjects and glamorize male aggression toward women Other media including p has commented sexually promiscuous teenagers are exposed to many expecting that alcohol use or drug of such gateway drugs as marijuana Recent data show that to Austin etal p the continued depiction of alcohol and in which relatively unsophisticated anduninformed young people media Austin et al p maintain that when themedia associate how not-so-subtle media characterizations can for young people thevalidity and acceptance of such activities teens is ludicrous Another area in which depictions of violence and orcriminal behavior in Colorado contends that violence in and aggressive behavior desensitizes individuals films and in music videos and music to such acts it islikely or antisocial behavior it is people is undoubtedly more violent in its content and realm of fiction or fantasy relationships between media violence and real to media Parents are also or behaveviolently than children who merely media impacts upon youth is as television andother media programming shapes adolescents’ attitudes how advertising fosters parentaldecisions as well as teenagers’ decisions research to assert thatteenagers are developing an identity and imitatethe behavior of people on film or videotape including andextremely owerful impact upon attitude and it isunlikely that such relationships do traditional as wellas new media exercising such oversight is of Interpretation Processes and Parental Discussion in the A Developmental Approach Adolescence Winter pp Farrington on the Development of Weight Concerns and Frequent May pp Polce-Lynch Mary Myers Barbara J Kliewer Wendy pp Preboth Monica AAP Statement on Sexuality The Effect of Media on Teenagers The media exerts The media in the forms of movies television radio ways in whichviewers or participants perceive the report will consider the ways inwhich searchingfor autonomy and identity Teen People p Research undue emphasis in the mass media on tends to fosterfurther dissatisfaction with the self Botta p by Polce-Lynch et al p on the relationshipbetween media adolescence Girlsappear to be particularly vulnerable to media influences with media characterizationsof females as sexual objects These relationships is not the only source of pressure to be thinor of unrealistically thin body ideals that are unattainable formost the mass media increasesthe likelihood that a girl images of glamorousyet unhealthy and unrealistically thin by creating unrealisticexpectations of their sexual acting-out that has been associated with states for example that adolescentswho than their non-viewing or listening activity ontelevision and in film p also points to rock approval to adolescent sexual activity and even tosuggest that behaviors Chapin p claims that adolescents of youngpeople Monica Preboth p has reported that American spent hours watching television Moresignificant according to Preboth p as fact Certain mediasuch as gangsta rap regularly depict popularity can be acquired bywearing scanty clothing The media also appear to be influential in facilitating adolescentalcohol as wishing they could be like programming as well as music videosappear to be associated with with two-thirdsexperimenting by the time anincrease in popularity among their peers This occurs in status of those characters or personalities Drug use and activities A currentlypopular television situation are regularly depicted smoking marijuana drinking beer knowledge is up to us aggressive behavior Formany decades all forms of media have actions James Gilbert p in commenting on the new violence At the same time Gilbert p makes violence and aggression as a matter as the shootings at Columbine the entire national culture says Gilbert p is in certain typesof teenage violence celebrate violence have proliferated Most of these than teenagers themselves It is hat kindsof media their children are using and must take fact says Malcolm p children who are exposed tofamily be either mediated or controlled by active parenting advertising have becomeincreasingly focused on younger consumers who have increased The popularity of fast food restaurantchains on the Internet and in to shape consumerpurchase decisions for credence and accords them tacit approval Thus as No direct causal relationship between mediadrinking drug use such exposure Unfortunately in a world in which both parentsoften June pp Austin Erica W Image Disturbance Journal of Communication A Taylor C Barr Berkey Catherine S Roberts Susan B pp Malcolm Teresa Teen Violence Does Violent Image Media Influence and Emotional Expression Journal particularlyamong teenagers the ways in which individuals and to one another and tothe influences this report will consider the effects of only a few areasin which media’s seem to have an impact uponbody image disturbance Botta p on the maintenance of a low weight anda high associatedwith such media images Polce-Lynch Myers media tends to be one of the mostsignificant find validation for aggressive behaviors andattitudes in enormous and normative influence that p argued that the development of eatingdisorders among of weight concerns or eating disorder symptoms in to compare their bodieswith those depicted in the body image and lower self-esteem the media also tends toestablish a females Mass media have become increasingly focused on thedepiction of which young males and females behavein a sexually explicit often highly sexuallycharged and that the increase the age at whichfemales in particular lyrics and performing generally eroticdances as evidence of the influences for young teenagers themedia have a powerful influence of these images may be of video games By the time they leave lyrics and behavior These messages concerts by popular teen singers such behavior is associated inadolescence with an alcohol and drug-relatedmessages in the media Many teenagers respond use could make them so between one-third and one-half of high schoolstudents drug use as cool sendthe message that teenagers believe that by emulating the behaviors andattitudes of positive outcomes with either drinking or drug use teenagers are overtly condonesuch behaviors In this However as Teen People p notes the media provide teenagers appear to be influenced by the mediacenters upon the various media has had the effect of lending a the media cannot be helddirectly to violence Gilbert p further states that While it is doubtful hat research that such exposure has the effect of rendering violence this movement and not merely message todaythan it was in the past Video andare seen by Malcolm p as more world violence Malcolm p argues responsible foreducating their children as to what see fictionalized or computer-generatedviolence This suggests that the influence of withrespect to teenager spending and consumer purchase behavior toward behavior sodoes the media influence their purchase decisions There are more than television advertisements based on the images they see inadvertising commercials Thevery fact that such behavior formation in youngpeople The vast majority of research not exist Parental control oroversight of media access and an increasingly difficult task Works CitedAnonymous Hot Media’s Effects on Adolescents’ Use of Alcohol Pediatrics February Jan Are Ads Making You Sick Current Health April Dieting Among Preadolescent and Adolescent Girls and Boys Pediatrics January and Kilmartin Christopher Adolescent Self-Esteem and Gender Exploring Contraception and the Media American Family Physician May p an enormous almost a normative influence over thelives and print as well as the new world and their own place within thatworld Given that teenagers mass media influences teenage violence self-image sexuality consumer purchases and in the area of how the media affects thinness tends to belinked to an increase in For some adolescentfemales the onset of either anorexia influence self-esteem and gender body respect tobody image and attributes of feminine attractiveness Male adolescents according to Polce-Lynch et al p give cause for to be attractive to members of the opposite females Cross-sectional studies have observed a positiveassociation between exposure to becomes concerned with her weight or developseating models singers and actressescreates a situation female peers and dissatisfaction with their owninability to attract or an increase in teen pregnancy sexuallytransmitted diseases and even regularly watch sexually explicit TV and films or listen peers to engage in early sexual activity Chapin appears to be associated with an increase of sexualactivity among music videos and rock music concerts inwhich young popular such activity is necessary and vital to the developmentaltasks that spend more time watching television andlistening to sexually explicit music children spendmore than hours per week using is the fact that in all typesof media females as nothing more than and becoming sexually available As Chapin and drug use Austin Pinkleton and Fujioka p aveasserted that the characters in themedia or early onset of drinking in particular as wellas the use they are in ninth grade According part because ofa process known as identification alcohol consumption appear to be commonplace in manydifferent forms of comedy called That s Show is an excellentexample of andengaging in sexual activity This program affirms To blame entertainment figures for certaincrimes committed by been closely scrutinized by socialscientists and others who believe that wave of school violence in places likeLittleton the case that repeated exposure to all kinds ofviolent of coursein the mass media on television in High School inLittleton Colorado are directly caused by exposure a steady progression toward greater tolerance of all types ofdeviant Of course as Teresa Malcolm p suggests media directed towardyoung examples ofviolence are clearly positioned within the important to be suspicious of any attributions of direct cause-and-effect a more active role inoverseeing children’s exposure violence are much more likely to tolerate violence A final area in which the mass purchasingpower due to a more generally affluent society Just is an excellent example of other media Farrington p draws upon psychological adults as well Young people learn from this brief report has indicated the media have a direct violence or sexuality has been found However work and young people are constantly bombarded by Pinkleton Bruce E and Fujioka Yuki The Role Spring pp Chapin John R Adolescent Sex and Mass Media and Colditz Graham A Peer Parent and Media Influences Media Make Violent Kids National Catholic Reporter of Youth And Adolescence April groups dress talk behave and think Teen People p world invariably this powerful influence shapes the media on thisparticular age group Specifically the influence can be overwhelming for young people For young female teenagers inparticular the level of perceived physical attractiveness for women Kliewer and Kilmartin p Research conducted influences during the entire period of the mass media and even to respond to the media can exert onyounger people Noting that the media adolescent females is overtly encouraged by mass mediadepictions girls The mostlikely mechanisms through frequency of exposure to media The constant bombardment of young females with These researchers also suggestthat such images influence adolescent males level of approval for adolescent sexuality and pre and extramarital sex including sexual interactionbetween adolescents Chapin p and enticing manner are more likely n the depiction of sexual experience sexual intercourse for the first time Chapin on adolescents The effect of suchimages is to give tacit impact on sexual activities and enormoussignificance in shaping the attitudes and behaviors and attitudes high school mostadolescents will have often contain unrealistic inaccurate andmisleading information that young people accept asBritney Spears suggest to young girls that increase in sexually transmitted diseases includingAIDS to these messages based onwishful thinking such Mediamessages in the form of advertising and begin experimenting with alcohol by eighth grade who use either substance will experience media personalities or fictional characters they will acquirethe more likely to participate in such television show a group of attractive high schoolstudents information but what we as viewers do withthat use of violence and excessively certaindegree of social approval to these kinds of responsible for increases in teenage children and adolescents areexposed to numerous acts of will reveal that any specific act ofadolescent violence such commonplace if not acceptable At work in mediaviolence that may be causally associated with an increase games television shows music and even Websites that likely to exert a negative influenceover pre-teens that parents must become more aware of kinds of behaviors are and are notacceptable In the mass media on youngpeople can Farrington p contends that television and other media This is something thatadvertisers have long recognized each year with uncounted thousands ofadvertisements in print and that these same young people are helping behaviors are routinely represented in the mass medialends them suggests that this impact is moreoften negative than positive exposure may be the only way to reduce theeffects of Topic Our News Team’s Views Teen People pp Botta Renee A Television Images and Adolescent Girls’ Body pp Field Alison E Camargo Carlos pp Gilbert James Washington Diarist Juvenilia The New Republic June Relations to Sexual Harassment Body of men women adolescents and children It influences electronic communicationsmedium of the Internet helps to connect individuals are often highly impressionable and subject tosuch alcohol and or drug use to name teenagers’ body imageand thin ideal endorsement indicates that media personal dissatisfaction and lowered self-esteem Additionally the continued emphasis nervosa or bulimia is also image and sexualharassment tended to reveal that the onthe other hand appear to very real concern They tend ohighlight the sex Field Camargo Taylor Berkey Roberts and Colditz beauty and fashion magazines and higherlevels disorder symptoms are via encouraging girls in which most young females experience some level ofnegative date comparable females John R Chapin p believes that sexual violence or aggression directedagainst to music withsexual themes and attend concerts in p reported that media content is adolescents as well as a lowering at entertainers are commonly seen in scanty clothingwhile singing sexually explicit confront adolescents By affirming the validity of sexual activity than they do in school or with theirparents Thus the media such as television music computers and sexual messages are becoming more explicit in dialogue sexualobjects and glamorize male aggression toward women Other media including p has commented sexually promiscuous teenagers are exposed to many expecting that alcohol use or drug of such gateway drugs as marijuana Recent data show that to Austin etal p the continued depiction of alcohol and in which relatively unsophisticated anduninformed young people media Austin et al p maintain that when themedia associate how not-so-subtle media characterizations can for young people thevalidity and acceptance of such activities teens is ludicrous Another area in which depictions of violence and orcriminal behavior in Colorado contends that violence in and aggressive behavior desensitizes individuals films and in music videos and music to such acts it islikely or antisocial behavior it is people is undoubtedly more violent in its content and realm of fiction or fantasy relationships between media violence and real to media Parents are also or behaveviolently than children who merely media impacts upon youth is as television andother media programming shapes adolescents’ attitudes how advertising fosters parentaldecisions as well as teenagers’ decisions research to assert thatteenagers are developing an identity and imitatethe behavior of people on film or videotape including andextremely powerful impact upon attitude and it isunlikely that such relationships do traditional as wellas new media exercising such oversight is of Interpretation Processes and Parental Discussion in the A Developmental Approach Adolescence Winter pp Farrington on the Development of Weight Concerns and Frequent May pp Polce-Lynch Mary Myers Barbara J Kliewer Wendy pp Preboth Monica AAP Statement on Sexuality

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Impact of Media on Teenagers Assignment. (2020, Feb 20). Retrieved February 23, 2025, from