Ambedkar:Meaning of social and economic democracy Assignment

Ambedkar:Meaning of social and economic democracy Assignment Words: 449

Embarked viewed democracy as an instrument of bringing about change peacefully. Democracy does not merely mean rule by the majority or government by the representatives of the people. This is a formalistic and limited notion of democracy. We would understand the meaning of democracy in 8 better fashion if we view it as a way of realizing drastic changes in the social and economic spheres of society. Amber’s idea of democracy is much more than Just a scheme of government. He emphasis the need for bringing about an all-round democracy.

A scheme of overspent does not exist in vacuum; it operates within the society. Its usefulness depends upon its relationship with the other spheres of society. Elections, parties and parliaments are, after all, formal institutions of democracy. They cannot be effective in an undemocratic atmosphere. Political democracy means the principle of ‘one man one vote’ which indicates political equality. But if oppression and injustice exist, the spirit of political democracy would’ be missing. Democratic government, therefore, should be an extension of a democratic society.

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In the Indian society, for instance, so long as caste barriers and caste-based inequalities exist, real democracy cannot operate. In this sense, democracy means a spirit of fraternity and equality and not merely a political arrangement. Success be democracy in India can be ensured only by establishing a truly democratic society. Along with the social foundations of democracy, Embarked takes into consideration the economic aspects also. It is true that he was greatly influenced by liberal thought. Still, he appreciated the limitations of liberalism.

Parliamentary democracy, in which he had great faith, as also critically examined by him. He argued that parliamentary democracy was based on liberalism. It ignored economic inequalities and never concentrated upon the problems of the downtrodden. Besides, the general tendency of the western type of parliamentary democracies has been to ignore the issues of social and economic equality. In other words, parliamentary democracy emphasized only liberty whereas true democracy implies both liberty and equality. This analysis becomes very important in the Indian context.

Indian society was demanding freedom from the British. But Embarked was afraid that freedom of the nation woo??TLD not ensure earldom’s for AAA the people. Social and economic inequalities have euthanized the Indian society. Establishing democracy in such a society would be nothing short of a revolution. This would be a revolution in the social structure and attitudes of the people. In the place of hereditary inequality, the principles of brotherhood and equality must be established. Therefore, Embarked supported the idea of all-round democracy. Embarked:Meaning of social and economic democracy By Raman

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