Water Pollution Assignment

Water Pollution Assignment Words: 718

Although some kinds of water pollution can occur through natural processes, it is mostly a result of human activities. We use water daily in our homes and industries, about 150 gallons per day per person in the United States. The water we use is taken from lakes and rivers, and from underground (groundwater); and after we have used it-?? and contaminated it– most of it returns to these locations. The used water of a community is called wastewater, or sewage. If it is not treated before being discharged into tramways, serious pollution is the result.

Historically, it has taken humanity quite a bit of time to come to grips with this problem. Water pollution also occurs when rain water runoff from urban and industrial areas and from agricultural land and mining operations makes its way back to receiving waters (river, lake or ocean) and into the ground. SEAWATER Seawater is a point source that contributes to water pollution. Because impervious surfaces (parking lots, roads, buildings, compacted soil) do not low rain to infiltrate into the ground, more runoff is generated than in the undeveloped condition.

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This additional runoff can erode watercourses (streams and rivers) as well as cause flooding when the storm water collection system is overwhelmed by the additional flow. Because the water is flushed out of the watershed during the storm event, little infiltrates the soil, replenishes groundwater, or supplies stream baseball in dry weather. Pollutants entering surface waters during precipitation events is termed polluted runoff. Daily human activities result in deposition of pollutants on roads, lawns, roofs, farm fields, etc.

When it rains or there is irrigation, water runs off and ultimately makes its way to a river, lake, or the ocean. While there is some attenuation of these pollutants before entering the receiving waters, the quantity of human activity results in large enough quantities of pollutants to impair these receiving waters. Water Pollution Management and Sustained Plan My plan for water pollution management in the community is to develop an educational program of pollution control for the community.

Hold community meetings to explain the need for water pollution management. Contact some specialist to come and speak at the community meetings. Hold educational water pollution seminars for the public and community leaders. Develop a time line for assessment of existing storm drain systems to determine need for replacement to eliminate seepage. Study peak rainfalls to determine reasonable peak flow runoff storage needs. Protect the water supply by using the proper amount Of fertilizer for your lawn and garden.

Over watering Of your lawn can wash away fertilizer off your lawn and into storm drains, so be sure you are watering in short amounts throughout the day. Also make sure you are not overusing fertilizer. Rain can carry this fertilizer through town drainage systems and into a nearby lake. Also make sure that when you are doing other lawn work, such as mowing or raking leaves, that you properly dispose of the waste. Although washing a few leaves down the storm drain may seem harmless, these leaves as they decompose can add harmful chemicals to the water supply.

Bag organic waste and dispose of it properly, or consider beginnings modest compost pile to use the waste as free organic fertilizer. Resist pouring paint, oil, or other chemicals down the drain in your sink. Not only can some of these chemicals harm your pipes, but they can also harm the water supply. Instead, dispose of these items using the instructions on the label. CONCLUSION Clearly, the problems associated with water pollution have the capabilities to disrupt life on our planet to a great extent.

Congress has passed laws to try to mamba Water pollution thus acknowledging the fact that Water pollution is, indeed, a serious issue. But the government alone cannot solve the entire problem. It is ultimately up to us, to be informed, responsible and involved when it comes to the problems we face with our water. Challenges will consist of encouraging the government to enforce stronger laws against dumping. Encourage the community to become proactive about waste, and attending the community meeting. Encourage monitoring and conducting regular sites on a continuous basis.

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Water Pollution Assignment. (2021, Jun 04). Retrieved February 23, 2025, from https://anyassignment.com/science/water-pollution-assignment-56892/